How many Spells/Special Attacks does each character get?

For discussion of Lunar: Dragon Song (Lunar: Genesis), the only Lunar game on the DS
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How many Spells/Special Attacks does each character get?

Post by dhowerter »

How many Spells/Special Attacks does each character get throughout the course of the whole game?

I am just wondering how many spells/special attacks each playable character gets in battle over the course of the game.

Also, can you pick from all of them directly during battle (once you get all of them of course) like in prevous Lunars?

I ask these 2 questions because Gamespot's review made it sound like each character had VERY FEW special attks/spells and even later in the game they seemed to indicate that the only main way you can use spells (and like only ONE SPELL at a time) is to equip a spell ring...

Oh and Kizyr, I know you've beaten the game, so please chime in if you can :-) (you would know how many spells/special attacks each character has at the end of the game I'd greatly like to know that..)

Aryway, anybody know the answers to my questions? :(

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Post by Alunissage »

Your name is familiar, but I don't remember what from. But there are other people besides Kizyr who have finished... me. And the answer is possibly a spoiler, so...
[spoiler]Jian's only specials/spells come from equipping rings, so yes, only one at a time is castable. Gab and Rufus have one special each, which they join the party with. Lucia gets 10 spells, and Flora gets 8.[/spoiler]
Last edited by Alunissage on Fri Sep 30, 2005 4:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Kizyr »

...Deja vu... I thought I already made a post here.

Anyway, the beastmen have one "magic" attack each, that affect all enemies on screen. Flora and Lucia get about 7 or 8 healing and support spells. Jian can use black magic, but only by means of equipping certain items only he can use (per the instruction booklet).

This is still in a time when magic was really limited, so it's unsurprising that there's less of it. KF
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Post by Alunissage »

Don't all spells except curing conditions and one healing spell affect everyone on the screen? I mean, all magic attacks affect all enemies, and all other support spells affect all party members.

And is there a reason my answer isn't considered good enough? :? This isn't the first time you've posted a reply saying the same thing I did. Not everything is language-dependent.

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Post by Kizyr »

Alunissage wrote:And is there a reason my answer isn't considered good enough? :? This isn't the first time you've posted a reply saying the same thing I did. Not everything is language-dependent.

1) "Jian can use black magic, but only by means of equipping certain items only he can use (per the instruction booklet). "

2) "This is still in a time when magic was really limited, so it's unsurprising that there's less of it." KF
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Post by Alunissage »

Well, yes, but those are peripheral to the actual question he asked (and I said the relevant part of the first). It just feels a bit like you're deciding that I don't have the authority to reply, when I can count as well as a multilingual and simply provided exactly what was asked.

Lann Fisherman
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Post by dhowerter »

Alunnisage / ALL -

WOW Er isnt that REALLY limiting as far as battle strategy goes? (amount of spells/skills in Lunar DS - if you want to know go read Alunnisage's first post in this thread in the Spoiler section)

I mean it sounds like at any given time the spells you'll have available in battle will be (after you get them all) like 90% healing/support magic - barely any attack magic ..:(

Somebody PLEASE correct me if I am wrong there -_-

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Post by Kizyr »

Alun, cut it out. You're reading too much into what I'm saying, when all I did was post an answer. I'm not gonna discuss that any further, since it's your issue, not mine.

WOW Er isnt that REALLY limiting as far as battle strategy goes

Not entirely... I subbed Healing Gum / Drops instead of the spells, and most of the time you use only your strongest attack magic anyhow. Because you're limited with how much magic you can use (i.e., you can't attack with it every turn, without some restoration items), there's still strategy, only a different kind.

At the very least, it's much better than what's usually on handhelds. There's not the same kind of planning needed in, say, EB however. KF
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Post by Alunissage »

The third person in the party is usually much weaker, so I found that 90% of the time Jian and Gab would attack and the third person heal or cure if necessary. Again, though, using the cards may considerably improve the amount of strategy. One thing to consider is that you can only find MP restoratives, you can't buy them. With a strong tendency to hoard these in case I need them later, I ended up using only three or four Mental Gums throughout the game and no Mental Drops. I think I'll be a little easier on myself in the US one now that I know I can make it through without them.

Kiz, I'll drop it here, but I don't think you realize how much your belief that one can't get anything out of a game in a language one doesn't read is influencing your posts. Maybe it's just a habit from posting at Gamefaqs. Would you rather I just got quietly madder (or more hurt; I go between the two) and didn't say anything rather than bringing it to your attention?

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Post by Silver Phoenix »

No one is any less important than anyone else around here, so we should be aware that any informative posts are of value to all of us. Alun sweetie, you shouldn't feel personally attacked, because I'm sure he had no intention of demeaning what you had to say. Let's get back to the subject, at hand...

What is the deal with the lame Healing Gum/Mental Gum, and the various drops as well? I didn't like it in Lunar Legend, and much prefer our classic Herbs, Nuts, Silver Lights, and Star Lights. It just didn't feel Lunar specific when I played Lunar Legend, and to see that it continues in Dragon Song irks me.

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Post by Angelalex242 »

Here here. I miss my herbs.

Mmmmmmmmmmm. Herb. ;)

Next thing I know, someone'll tell me there's not a bromide to be found.
Don't blame me, Lucia promised me lots of snuggles and cuddles if I would be her PR guy.


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Post by GhaleonOne »

Speaking of that, Kiz, what's the import? The icon for the heal gum looks like sticks of gum. Did WD change those things in the US versions, and UbiSoft is just using the original icons and names, or was it changed at the time of Legend? I know you mentioned it before, but I can't remember.

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Post by Kizyr »

It was changed in Legend. Ubi did a straight translation of the names. As I recall, the games WD translated used Herbs and whatnot, but it's been a while since I played, and it's mostly storyline details I retained, not the technical things like item names. KF
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Post by Alunissage »

I did a quick glance through my Japanese guides, and I'm reasonably sure that WD used fairly literal translations for the herbs -- likely anyway, given what they looked like. Not sure that starlight and silver light were exactly that, but I think the latter has the character for "white" in the name. Haven't actually checked, though. Why it was changed to gum I cannot imagine.

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Post by dhowerter »

Hmm OK..

BTW, if Jian can only use magic by way of magic rings and he can only equip ONE at a time , can you change rings (re-equip) DURING battle at all?

Again, though, using the cards may considerably improve the amount of strategy.

Speaking of cards, I'm a bit confused on how they work.

Firstly, can you buy them in shops at all? or only receive them as booty after fighting in "Combat" mode?

Secondly, are they like ONE use summons? multiple uses?

If the answer is YES to multiple uses, how do you know how many times you can use one?)

Thirdly, what effect do they have? A powerful attack? (like a summon spell) Grpup healing? Upping someones attack or defense skills? temporarily) All of the above and more?


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Post by Kizyr »

Jian can't re-equip rings during battle. It's easiest to equip him with a ring before boss battles if you expect to use it then, or equip him with one before you take out the last one or two enemies on a screen (before the HP/MP regeneration after clearing out all enemies in Virtue Mode).

With cards, you obtain them when fighting enemies in Normal Mode. Occasionally a monster will drop a card. Their effects are in the description, things like slowing down map enemies, slowly regenerating MP while on the map, raising ATK in battle, etc. They have a certain amount of points, each use takes away 100 points; once it hits 0 you have to obtain the card again to use it. KF
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Post by knuckles90 »

Yeah im gettin kind of bummed about the card usage. Im about to lose my hornet card because im usin it to help fight with the bosses. But i recently noticed that lucia can use the strengthen yeah...[spoiler]But now Lucia has been taken and i dont have any of the powerin up spells anymore and i was wonderin when Flora will get those spells [/spoiler][/code][/quote][/list]

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Post by Lunar Eclipse »

[spoiler]Flora gets both Grand Weapon and Grand Shell, so you don't have to worry about those. However, she lacks Miracle Tears and one other spell I can't recall, unfortunately.[/spoiler]
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