
For discussion of Lunar: Eternal Blue, the original game for the Sega CD
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Post by StrawberryFlower »

Hello! I haven't been here in a while, but I thought I'd stop by with a simple question. :3

Basically, I want to know if there's any good videos out there that shows someone playing this game? I recently watched someone play Lunar: The Silver Star, so now it's time for Lunar: Eternal Blue. I am subscribed to someone playing it, but they're VERY slow. ^_^

Thanks in advance!
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Re: Videos

Post by Kitdra »

If I were able to record myself playing I'd problly do a rush throu.... LOL... do a search in YouTube... You should be able to find something...

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Re: Videos

Post by Silver Phoenix »

Your ears may bleed a little, or a lot.... but here is a quick jumping off point for you. I believe someone else may have also made a 'Let's Play Lunar Eternal Blue.' Just do a search on YouTube and something will come up.

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Re: Videos

Post by Kizyr »

I happen to like LuccaRPG's videos. KF
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Re: Videos

Post by Sonic# »

Kizyr wrote:I happen to like LuccaRPG's videos. KF
I agree. She's pretty goofy, and has a clear and distinctive voice. :D

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Re: Videos

Post by StrawberryFlower »

Har har har! :D

She's the one I've been watching, but she's been a bit slow lately, so that's why I was asking. XD
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