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What's Good About the Lunar 2 Remake

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 5:40 am
by Shiva Indis
Weird thing happened to me recently. I was testing out a Saturn emulator and it started running Lunar 2. (Took me entirely too long to realize this occurred because I left the game disk in my computer's DVD drive. :lol: ) So I started playing. And kept playing for hours, reflecting on what this game's strong points are...since I tend to criticize it a lot. :wink:

First and foremost is improved characterization, especially regarding Hiro and Ronfar. The remake turns Hiro into perhaps the most chatty protagonist in the main series. Of course, Hiro talked occasionally in the Sega CD version only because WD wrote in lines for him, so pretty much anything is a step up.

With Ronfar, I remember playing the remake in English and being amazed by how much I had come to like him, when I had been pretty much ambivalent towards the guy in every version of the game I had played before. It was awesome. <3

Another thing - the battles are crazy fast. Fastest in the series, I think, excluding WS. In comparison to the other games it's a little jarring how fast it is. And it's kind of hilarious how the player characters 100 yard dash around the battlefield. If only the Harmony staff had taken a few lessons from this game in regard to battle animations... (I suspect that the same JAM staffer who tried to drive me crazy with slow, superfluous monster animations in Lunar DS was at it again in SSH. Blech.)

Re: What's Good About the Lunar 2 Remake

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:27 am
by Kizyr
...which emulator and how? I've still been having problems running any emulator--to the point where I think if I record any vids, I'll probably need to record to a DVR first, then transfer from that to my PC. KF

Re: What's Good About the Lunar 2 Remake

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:52 am
by Shiva Indis
SSF. I'm surprised at how far Saturn emulation has come; these results would have been considered impossible once. My computer was built recently on the cheap, and it ran Lunar 2 perfectly. From an optical drive, too. I was quite pleased.