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Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 12:40 pm
by Kizyr
LunarRaptor wrote:Um, why? SS only has one more remake than EB and that's only because Lunar Legend was not well received.
SS has two more remakes than EB, not one more. Also, as Alun pointed out, SS was released on 4 more platforms than EB.

That's also not even counting other non-game media, such as drama CDs, novels, manga, etc. More are based on the Silver Star world than the Eternal Blue one. For some reason, there's always been a return to Alex's time, and Hiro's story gets relegated to second place (even though I think Lunar 2 had the better story). KF

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:00 pm
by Imperial Knight
I don't have the sales figures in front of me right now, but I remember that SS sold better than EB in both its SegaCD and SAT/PS incarnations. My guess is that Game Arts has just figured it's more profitable to remake SS than to do so for EB.

It should be obvious, but I'll mention that I hope the cynic in me is wrong. What I'd prefer to see is a true Lunar 3 (with Shigema and the others in charge, of course).

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 6:32 pm
by Shiva Indis
Kizyr wrote:For some reason, there's always been a return to Alex's time, and Hiro's story gets relegated to second place (even though I think Lunar 2 had the better story). KF
I recall the claim's been made that Lunar 2's timing keeps denting it's sales. It's easy to buy on M/SegaCD since the system was basically already dead when it was released. The remake is not so clean-cut.

Of course, the current handhelds seem to winding down much as the PlayStation was when we were waiting for Lunar 2 over here. :P
Imperial Knight wrote:The cynic in me says more Silver Star remakes.
In that case, perhaps I'll be seeing you on PSP 2. :D

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 4:33 am
by Silver Phoenix
It's interesting that the Japanese seem to favor "The Silver Star" incarnations over Eternal Blue, or maybe the more lighthearted aspects of the game appeal to them. The Sega CD version was darker than it's remakes, but I guess that didn't matter because it was the first incarnation.

Eternal Blue has a more mature theme all around, and basically from the outset the game is about stopping the impending doom of Lunar. In the first game there was a lead up to the crisis.

Regardless of what the Japanese cater to, I want my damn Lunar 3 in a proper console form. If they're afraid to stray from tradition then they should use Ninokuni as their muse.

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 12:04 pm
by Final Night
FYI I did send XSeed an e-mail like the Siliconera article said GameArts wanted fans to and here was the response I got back...
Hi Matt,

Thank you for supporting our PSP releases - we love the PSP and the games we've released on it, and it's thanks to support from fans like you that we get to continue doing what we love to do.

Still no official word from Game Arts [in response to my question about Eternal Blue remake], but have to think it's pretty promising considering how much positive feedback we've forwarded to them already. We've got our fingers crossed same as you...

Ken @ XSEED Games
Hopefully it's just a matter of the waiting game.

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 1:27 am
by Silver Phoenix
Honestly XSEED can only do so much, and GameArts knows there is fan demand as well as new prospective buyers for the series. Had SSH not garnered any interest they wouldn't be releasing it in Europe.

Shigema himself is onboard for an EB revision or continuation of the series so it's GameArts call as always.

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:05 am
by LunarRaptor
It sounds like we really don't have anything to worry about on this to me.

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 4:03 pm
by Monde Luna
LOL half of the readers comments (on the siliconera article) were about Grandia... it was a Lunar post. :(

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 4:21 am
by Silver Phoenix
Well Grandia is basically the spiritual successor of what could have possibly been Lunar 3, but completely reworked into it's own series. The first game could benefit from an amazing remake (VA and all for a localized release).

I'm not sure why Grandia became the comment focus for a Lunar game, but apparently it's something people want obviously.

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:28 pm
by Zophar
I would like to say: I want the next game to be Lunar 3 rather than a remake. But I would not be surprised if the next Lunar announcement is: "We're remaking Lunar 2 on the PSP. Then maybe we'll start thinking about Lunar 3... with an emphasis on maybe." Sure seeing a redone version of Lunar 2 would be interesting, but I'd still prefer Lunar 3 over another remake.

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:16 pm
by Final Night
XSeed was busy on Twitter today so I decided to ask them a question about GA and an EB PSP remake. Here's the responses I got.
@Final_Night No news on that yet, but every bit of positive feedback and fan request we pass on to them. GA is definitely hearing the calls!

@Final_Night I hear ya. We're crossing our fingers right along with you guys. It's just such an awesome series!
3 hours ago
So no news, but they're still passing on feedback.

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2010 6:24 am
by Aaron
Allow me to translate...
We have no plans in the near future to localize any new version of Lunar or a new Lunar game. Nor, has GameArts contacted us about future Lunar titles.

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 1:41 am
by Final Night
I'd say the last half of your translation is accurate. They can't have plans to localize what doesn't exist.

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:00 am
by ghaleon12
Silver Phoenix wrote:No, just no. We never need to see Lunar again on a Nintendo handheld.
There's a difference between the quality of games on the DS and 3DS. You have some really good 3rd party games like MGS. Honestly the system isn't that important as long as the devs are good. Software sales are going to be nuts for the 3DS, at least towards the beginning since 3D is a novelty. Good sales = able to put more into a game. Development would be cheaper as well on the 3DS.

Some nifty things with 3D could be the boast it needs, it'd definitely get more attention in the mainstream.

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 7:54 pm
by jay_are
I know this is going to be a little unrelated but...
Did anyone play Mega Man Legends on ps1?
Almost like with Lunar, there were only 2 games and they are for ps1. Everyone who played them wanted part 3! And for almost 10 years it seemed impossible, the creators gave many excuses not to make it, including things like "MM Legends 1 and 2 didn't have a fan base big enough" or "there is just not enough money to make it"... etc.
Yet, Mega Man Legends 3 is being made for 3DS and they claim its gonna be the very best!
I don't want to read a lot about it, but I have read they are doing their best effort in making it:)

I know we're talking about different games and creators, but this CAN happen with Lunar 3.
If anything, talented true Lunar fans will join forces and make it happen :lol: the future of Lunar is in our hands.

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:45 am
by Silver Phoenix
Nintendo is it's own worst enemy. With 3rd party games they rarely sell as well as Nintendo's first party games. I wouldn't want any future Lunar game on the 3DS or the Wii because it will be drowned out by shovelware en masse.

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:51 pm
by Solidor
An enhanced Eternal Blue remake on the PS3. Make it like Vesperia and they're good to go.

Re: Lunar's future?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:28 pm
by Monde Luna
Solidor wrote:An enhanced Eternal Blue remake on the PS3. Make it like Vesperia and they're good to go.
I like the sound of that. :)