What do you think the last Lunar should be about?

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Post by localflick »

Wow. I posted, I went out, I slept, and I came back to find a lot more than I expected.

I strongly recommend that you email the person who runs that site, Artemio Urbina, and ask him.

Alun, the only reason I haven't is because they said there isn't a complete version available including their cool html version of the game. But thanks anyway.

Also just based on what I see in this MB, knowing that you're is an editor makes a lot of sense. You're probably very good at it. Incorrect grammar and spelling are probably really annoying to you. Like Phyco I consider this sort of informal. Any mistakes of my own that pass I either didn't catch, or was too apathetic to correct. If it were body copy on something I was working on professionally I'd scour it for mistakes. But I think of this MB on the same level of an e-mail to one of my friends. I want to spell everything correctly, but if I make a mistake it's no big deal. I don't feel I'm being judged or want to be self concious about my grammar or spelling. And if someone judges my intelligence based on a typo so be it.

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Post by Angelalex242 »


Lucia's clothing:Actually, I think wrapping her in his cape is more of a symbolic/romantic thing. And it shows Hiro as less of a pervert. Like 'wrapping her in his love' or 'wrapping her in humanity' or whatever other romantic analogy they were trying to make.

The trick on the revival part, though...do I want to go scientific...calling Althena's blast basically the start of a nuclear winter, which led into an ice age, and Lucia's job is magical global warming on a massive scale.

...I don't. It sorta ruins the whole magic part of the game.

As for time passing...

Well, how much time passes between Lucia leaving and the beginning of the epilogue? I believe we had similar 'time passes' scenery. There's no reason to assume it's greater or less then.

Also, the only other game I've played recently to do 'time passes' is FFIV. That game had 'time passes' then scenes .then 'more time passes' and final scenes, the total of which couldn't have taken more then 4 years.

So I don't think the scope of time passing is necessarily centuries or milennia, but is actually something much shorter. It fits in better with the whole romantic imagery post epilogue...not to mention the song. 'Sight to my eyes, and warmth to my heart' etc.

...Maybe I'm reading too much into the song, but perhaps the warmth of Lucia's heart is actually the catalyst of revival. So Hiro, therefore, is responsible after all...indirectly. By loving the goddess, she becomes warmer herself. ...maybe that's why she was weaker then Althena to begin with, too. She didn't have Love within her aspects before.

Lastly...it's all very romantic and all that Hiro followed Lucia to the Blue Star, and all. But...

What the heck is Hiro going to EAT? Where's he gonna sleep? Lucia, you can write the lack of all that stuff off to being divine. But what the heck is taking care of Hiro's basic human needs? ...maybe Lucia can create food and water from scratch? Creating food isn't that powerful a spell in AD&D, after all. Making a bed for him...I suppose that could also magically done. Hiro doesn't seem like the sleep in a crystal type. Among other things...it's a crystal. How would oxygen get in?
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Post by Alunissage »

Well, how does Lucia get out? The crystal ripples, doesn't it? Looks like it can be permeable. Also, by your own logic, we can't be seeing the only room in the tower, as she would be transmitted to Lunar from a different one. Where do people eat and sleep in all these temples that have no beds?

Don't have time to post on this further today. I do think you're reading the song too literally. Would have to see what the Japanese lyrics say; I know there are fewer words in them, or at least in their translation.

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Post by Angelalex242 »

It's interesting, though, isn't it?

When I was alone as one, my heart was as ice, so cold..
sky brilliant with blue elegance I couldn't behold.

(Ice...like a Blizzard? Like the pregame movie? And you certainly can't behold the blue elegance of the sky in blizzard conditions...)

This theory suggests a much more intimate connection between Lucia and the Blue Star...and the changes in her heart actually do the terraforming.
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Post by phyco126 »

Yeah, you know what? I don't ever recall seeing a tolite in the whole game! My newest theory is that everyone has evolved to a point where they no longer need to go potty. *is envious*

The only exception is the dragons, but they at least crap out expensive diamonds. Boy, I bet Alex was a rich kid with all those tiny diamonds Nall must have kicked out.

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Post by Kizyr »

Angelalex242 wrote:When I was alone as one, my heart was as ice, so cold..
sky brilliant with blue elegance I couldn't behold.

(Ice...like a Blizzard? Like the pregame movie? And you certainly can't behold the blue elegance of the sky in blizzard conditions...)

This theory suggests a much more intimate connection between Lucia and the Blue Star...and the changes in her heart actually do the terraforming.

The English lyrics were written independently of the Japanese ones to fit the melody and theme, not necessarily the meaning. That said, both sets of lyrics are quite in tune with the mood and feeling in the Lunar universe. Although, with Lucia's Song, I find the English version much better.

Nevertheless, you're taking the metaphorical expression of finding love way too literally. The song's about Lucia finding love, not about bringing life back to the Blue Star. There's a really thin connection there.

And that said, I really don't mind wild theories out of left field. It makes it interesting to consider the range of possibilities there from some things left open-ended. Though, the same theories usually have to do a lot of adaptation based on other information (other games, the novels, the manga, etc.) KF
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Post by Angelalex242 »

The trouble is, though, we have very, VERY little evidence for anything that happens with Lucia and Hiro on the Blue Star. What little evidence we have isn't, honestly, enough to draw any sort of airtight conclusion from.

So I just sorta do what I can by drawing on anything I can find. And being cursed literal minded helps when one is digging for answers when there may simply not be any.
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Post by Silver Phoenix »

You do understand the term "open-ended" right? Basically the end of Eternal Blue is to allow you to draw your own conclusions, on the basis of the Blue Star's rebirth. In essence, Althena knew Lucia would need the power of human emotion to help in the resurrection of the Blue Star. It's not until Zophar is defeated, and Hiro unexpectedly arrives on the Blue Star which makes the cycle complete for Lucia.

The greatest thing we can hope for, is the evolution of the story to continue after Eternal Blue. This can give us more detail into the past of the story, as well as the future. Everything began on the Blue Star, so I think it's only fitting that we see a return to the mystery of the Blue Star.

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Post by Angelalex242 »

Yeah, but when I try to make up a theory, people keep shooting it down. It's a little annoying, if open ended it's supposed to be.

So, it can't be THAT open ended.
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Post by Alunissage »

Um, that isn't quite it. The thing is, you keep trying to make up an ending for something that isn't supposed to have one. And that's your right...but this isn't the place for it. You don't search for truth by deciding what you want it to be and then comparing everything you find with it. You have to start with a clean slate...and that includes, say, the possibility that Lucia proved just as incompetent on the Blue Star as she was on Lunar and blows everything up and the greening of it is random chance, or that she decides to step down as well and die and later people repopulate it on their own, or Hiro breaks his neck exploring and she sleeps for another ten thousand years in misery. I can't speak for other people on this regard, but I myself don't care to have someone else's unofficial version forced on me, and I think that's what you're doing. You're not saying "What if...?", you're saying "This is what happened. Prove me wrong if you can." Among other things, it's a very closed-off discussion. Rather than people sharing ideas and discussing thoughts, it's you dictating one thing, having it refuted, then you dictating another thing. This is not open-ended. You don't seem to be allowing for the idea that other people might have a totally different viewpoint unless it's proven that yours won't work. Lucia didn't keep Althena's power? No, you're all wrong, she did, she did, she DID! The existence of the remakes already proves that there's more than one version of a story (even if one may be preferred over another), and for you to try to find THE ending, to the point where other speculations are ignored as baseless, suggests not really grasping that "open-ended" part. I mean, I've come up with my own framework for parts of Lunar's past, but I'm not going to say that they're the only way it could have been until proven otherwise because that part too is left intentionally blank, for the developers to fill as they see fit.

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Post by Angelalex242 »

I think you're complaining more about my style, and less about what I actually say.

And my theory is something I had worked out years previously, and had been using ever since as definitive fact on people who really don't know better. Mostly on online applications. I simply wanted to find out if my way could be validated...whatever leaps of logic I had to take to get to the desired outcome really didn't matter much to me. As long as it worked as a self contained entity, I was content with it.

In the unfortunate event it could not be validated, (And hence my original proof level...no evidence against it, plausible...) I wanted something that was validated within my standards, and then I'd just take that and run with it.

I have my own motivations for what I do, and I am trying to complete my original purpose in this debate. The process...well, come what may. I'm a fairly strongwilled guy, and I have every confidence the truth I'm seeking for is something I'll find. Which is, bluntly, a more airtight version of what I started with. I was looking for a debugging, more then anything else. It's the programmer in me.
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Post by ilovemyguitar »

For the record, I think a thread entitled "What do you think the last Lunar should be about?" is exactly the place for someone to share their theories about what happened after EB, however they feel they want to share it.

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Post by NallOne »

Angelalex242 wrote:And my theory is something I had worked out years previously, and had been using ever since as definitive fact on people who really don't know better.


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Post by Kizyr »

Angelalex242 wrote:I think you're complaining more about my style, and less about what I actually say.

No, I'd say the problem is a bit of both. More precisely, it's an issue with your method of reasoning. It's not based on what occurred in the games so much as a huge range of possibilities (some of them which aren't even plausible, given more information that you might've overlooked in the games or other sources). It's really like you're making a random shot in the dark, and trying to ignore anything that'd prove it otherwise.

I'm not saying I particularly care; I just interject when I feel like it. But, having your method and theories criticized is kind of something you have to accept if you're going to air them publicly, and when they only have a loose connection to actual events in the series. KF
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Post by GhaleonOne »

Yeah, I second NallOne on the expression above. I don't really like the idea of presenting theory as fact.

As ilovemyguitar said above, this board is setup for any theory based discussion out there, but I do have some really big reservations if you're going around telling people your theory is fact when they don't know any better.

On a side note though, it's hard for any of us to state anything as fact, as there's lots of contradictions in the games, which is why anything past theorizing is kinda impossible. There's no way to come up with concrete fact regarding things like post-EB possibilities.

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Post by Angelalex242 »

Yeah, well...

Bad habits are hard to break. And I have to use SOMETHING as a 'background' when I submit character applications to Roleplay environments.

Hence why I still want debugging. I do what I can, but clearly there's a lot of material I just haven't seen.
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Post by GhaleonOne »

If you're using it as background for a RP, there's no problem, that can be totally based on theory. Maybe I misunderstood what you were using it for. The same goes for what you had mentioned in the PM a few days ago about creating a MUSH. Using your own story for it is totally fine. Quite honestly, it's your creation and if people have a problem with it, it's up to them to create their own. That's why it's a fanwork.

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Post by NallOne »

What G1 said. I didn't quite understand what you meant when you said you sold it as fact to people who didn't know any better. If it is some form of fanwork I really don't mind. Heck, I'm very fond of quite a few Lunar fanfics even though a lot of them come to conclusions about plot elements that I just think are really reaching.

As long as you don't try and convince fans (new or otherwise) to the series that your theories are ironclad facts I really don't care. :P
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Post by Angelalex242 »

Sorry about the confusion, then.

It's all about Roleplay environments.

...and occasionally, I do write fanfiction too. Speaking of which, can such things be submitted on the art board? Art isn't necessarily defined by a jpeg...

I've never been able to draw, but...I can write.
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Post by Alunissage »

Yes, people have posted fanfic on the art board before.

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