Should Ghaleon rise again?

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Should Ghaleon rise again?

Post by Bloodrose »

I know he's the coolest character in the history of animated ambiguity, but do you think he could be re-introduced for a 3rd time without too much of a stretch?

They kinda really sealed his role with the end of the EB, but I just can't bare to lose him! And I gotta say the voice actor really made him the dreamiest guy ever. (sorry, I'm a gal and it's so hard not to act like it at times when it comes to matters concerning Ghaleon *sigh*)

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Re: Should Ghaleon rise again?

Post by Sonic# »

I think Ghaleon's safely lived out the arc of his life. At the most, he would appear like Obi Wan Kenobi at certain points. But it seems like his disappearance bathed in light was the last time Lunar would see him.

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Re: Should Ghaleon rise again?

Post by Werefrog »

If there's another Lunar game, he, Alex, and Hayden Christensen should appear together in ghost form.

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Re: Should Ghaleon rise again?

Post by slyph »

haha were thats perfect :) i lol'd irl :D

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Re: Should Ghaleon rise again?

Post by liquidpolicenaut »

Yeah, I kinda think Ghaleon should not return. Bringing a character back too many times gets not only repetitive but boring and stale. If they leave it to just hints, little quotes, references to old characters or even revisiting old locations then that's cool..........
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Re: Should Ghaleon rise again?

Post by Kizyr »

Right, him rising up yet again would move him from "legendary" to "cliche". If Game Arts were to get together and make another proper Lunar game (no handhelds, a full and decent Lunar game on a console), then I'd hope they would know how not to overdo things.

If you consider, the only character tie-ins between EB and SSS were Nall and Ghaleon, and the only location tie-ins were Meribia, Vane, and Taben's Peak (everything else was an aspect of the world, like Althena, magic, Dragonmasters, old legends, etc.). It's good to limit your tie-ins so that they have meaning, and don't eclipse the main story. With Ghaleon, there's no way to bring him in that wouldn't end up losing its significance. KF
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Re: Should Ghaleon rise again?

Post by Bloodrose »

What if they re-introduced Ghaleon through memory flashbacks? After all, they really never brought Dyne back and I'm pretty sure they could do something with him in between Lunar 1 and Lunar 2.

There would also be the possibility of Althena's newest reincarnation ressurrecting Ghaleon as her "real" White Knight.

Yea.. nvm lol now that I think about it that second idea is pretty far-fetched especially since Ghaleon's ambiguity really is his most appealing personality trait and with a heart free of anger and regret, I guess there really wouldn't be any reason for him to return.

Grr.. I just don't want to let him go. I'm in denial lol.

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Re: Should Ghaleon rise again?

Post by Angelalex242 »

There is actually one good way to bring him back that I can think of.

4 Heroes story. Dyne, Mel, Ghaleon, Lemia.
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Re: Should Ghaleon rise again?

Post by Werefrog »

Would that be the game where Ghaleon discovers Dyne as a young Pod-Racer and decides to take him on as his apprentice?

Wow... did I really just make two Star Wars jokes in the same thread?

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Re: Should Ghaleon rise again?

Post by Alunissage »

There's always the stories in the Vheen manga. Where Ghaleon, yes, does meet Dyne when the latter is around 10.

I thought it was silly to have him in EB at all, so other than as a prequel (and I'm more curious about the other three heroes) I don't really have any particular interest in seeing more of him.

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Re: Should Ghaleon rise again?

Post by Bravo 29 »

Yes, there's no need for him to return yet again. He definitely redeemed himself for his evil deeds in TSS. And in the end, he was finally able to smile again, something he couldn't do after Dyne's death. That was enough to bring him full circle. Of course, someone may else try to follow in the Magic Emperor's dark footsteps, for evil never truly disappears from people's hearts. When the lessons of history are forgotten, that's when evil rises again, much like Zophar did in EB.

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Re: Should Ghaleon rise again?

Post by GhaleonOne »

Alunissage wrote:I thought it was silly to have him in EB at all
I still disagree with you on that. They came up with a good reason to bring him back, and he got his redemption, which is the whole reason I took a liking to his character as much as I did. He fits into the plot extremely well and takes nothing away from it. I certainly agree that bringing him back again would be cheap and just plain silly, but he came full circle in EB, and was certainly worth bringing back.

I remember this being a really good discussion on the original Lunar Threads that were on actually. In fact, I remember a few folks actually feeling like he could be brought back a third time. Even Vic made comments about Ghaleon on the early days of the WDMB. I thought the quote was on the Lunar 3 page, but maybe not. But I remember someone asking if he would be in Lunar 3, and said something to the effect of Ghaleon not being human, Vile Tribe or elvish, but something altogether different. I thought I remember him using the word intergalactic. Wish I had the quote. It was pretty interesting.

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Re: Should Ghaleon rise again?

Post by Alunissage »

Okay, I'll bite, argumentatively... what good reason? The only setup I can think of that would make sense for Zophar to bring back into existence a person he presumably never interacted with is if Ghaleon had some special ability that made him uniquely able to kill or imprison the dragons. But that's not said. The closest it comes is Lucia saying that the seal in the Mystic Ruins being one that only she, Althena, or Ghaleon could break. Otherwise, Ghaleon is the last person Zophar should use as a front man! His claim to historical fame is that he killed the dragons and controlled Althena; his presence at Althena's side should be a huge hint to the world that the Cult/Chosen aren't on the up and up. Especially with no dragons around.

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Re: Should Ghaleon rise again?

Post by ilovemyguitar »

Alunissage wrote:Okay, I'll bite, argumentatively... what good reason? The only setup I can think of that would make sense for Zophar to bring back into existence a person he presumably never interacted with is if Ghaleon had some special ability that made him uniquely able to kill or imprison the dragons. But that's not said. The closest it comes is Lucia saying that the seal in the Mystic Ruins being one that only she, Althena, or Ghaleon could break. Otherwise, Ghaleon is the last person Zophar should use as a front man! His claim to historical fame is that he killed the dragons and controlled Althena; his presence at Althena's side should be a huge hint to the world that the Cult/Chosen aren't on the up and up. Especially with no dragons around.
That isn't his only claim to fame, though. Before it was revealed that he was the Magic Emperor, he was revered as a hero across the face of Lunar and considered by many to be the strongest among his colleagues. And even after that, it's not entirely impossible that the Vile Tribe saw him as a hero, and they ended up getting seeded into the regular human/beastmen population, right?

The thing about Ghaleon that always gets the gears in my head cranking is the fact that his storyline in the sequel is so different in the two versions of EB, even though his actions are the same in both, simply by nature of his different motivations in TSS and SSSC. In SSSC's continuity, it reads like he's learned the error of his ways and now agrees with Althena's decision that Lunar is better off without Althena.

In TSS's continuity, however, his journey is a very different one. He attempted to dethrone Althena in the first place because he disagreed with a world where she was in control. Her stepping down from her post as a Goddess is, in a strange way, an admission that Ghaleon was right. His later actions subverting Zophar are his way of safeguarding a world without inhuman deities. It's not even definitively stated that he wouldn't have made another play at controlling Lunar again if he had a chance; he could have simply seen Zophar and Althena as one and the same, and wanted Zophar overthrown just as badly as he wanted Althena overthrown.

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