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Magical School Lunar subtitled video!

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 4:51 am
by GhaleonOne
Avast! Many of ye moon-lubbers already know of th' Lunar Magic School anime (an' if'n ye don't, sail on over to our <a href="">Lunar Anime</a> section fer that).
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<br />Well, we brings ye better news than a barrel o' Tamurian ale: LunarNET now has the fully-subtitled video in our hold! This video be carryin' a wider load (20MB, WMV format), and it be in lower-resolution, but it's all we got room fer. If'n ye lubbers are greedy, then sail on over to <a href=""></a> and search fer a high-res clip of the Lunar Anime.
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<br />But fer those o' ye who'll settle fer a lower-res version of the Lunar Anime, check our hold in the <a href="">Lunar Anime</a> section. KF
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<br />(Landlubber Translation: We now have a subtitled clip of the Lunar Magic School anime in our <a href="">Lunar Anime</a> section, which is in WMV format at 20MB large. For a higher-res version, search at <a href=""></a>.)