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Re: Website is up and its contents.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:13 am
by Silver Phoenix
Think about Nall in Eternal Blue, and how his voice is. This fits better when you think about character voice structure and how it will change. If you can't deal with the change from ovaries to balls then I don't know what to tell you.

Re: Website is up and its contents.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:07 am
by fates
Though if there is no Eternal Blue to follow up, that may be a moot point.

Re: Website is up and its contents.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 2:24 am
by Silver Phoenix
It's not a moot point if you consider story and character continuity. Nall is a boy, they made him sound like a boy. I'm sorry if people can't live without the transgendered flying cat voice of the past.

Now if a guy was voicing Ruby, then you can bi+ch and moan all you want.

Re: Website is up and its contents.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 3:01 am
by Silver Phoenix
XSEED just sent out their email advertisement for Lunar:SSH. It's funny how they still don't give a concrete release date, and just say early 2010.

Here is a paragraph that details what keeping your save data from the demo will do.

New and old fans alike are invited to download the demo or visit the game's official website to view the enhanced graphics and sample the newly recorded voice-overs and songs. Offering an even more in-depth look and chance to explore this fantasy RPG, the free demo is available now from the PlayStation®Store. By having the demo clear data on their Memory Stick Duo, players will have bonus starting equipment when playing the full version of the game when it is released shortly.

See, just like I said before. It's the same deal that happened with the Japanese demo save when the full game was released. I assume it will be the same weapon(s), but you never know.

Re: Website is up and its contents.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 3:57 am
by joker_mausland
I'm fine with everyone's voices except Kyle's, he sounds dumber than he really is. I loved his old voice in SSSC so much better! I'm going to have a hard time getting used to Nall's new voice though. When I first played SSSC years ago I expected Nall to sound the way he does in the clip shown on the site but now I've gotten so use to his high pitch voice!

Re: Website is up and its contents.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:37 am
by cj iwakura
Most of the VA is terrible.

Ghaleon's and Mia's are good. That's about it.

Jessica's is acceptable.

Re: Website is up and its contents.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:39 am
by ilovemyguitar
joker_mausland wrote:I'm fine with everyone's voices except Kyle's, he sounds dumber than he really is.
In all fairness, that clip of his voice on the website is from his drunk scene.

Re: Website is up and its contents.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:22 pm
by Monde Luna
It was so nice to see the website this morning, it looks amazing. I liked the use of the ocarina in the website, it was a nice touch.

As for the VA's it's hard to let go of the OG's since we have been used to their voices for so long but honestly I think they did a good job casting most of the VA's. Luna sounds kind of snobby to me but I'm hoping that will change once I hear more of her lines. And Alex sounds like he mumbles... But overall it's very promising.

I’m looking forward to playing the demo, time to go borrow my step-dad's psp. =o)

Re: Website is up and its contents.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 5:03 pm
by LuNaRtIc
I'm on overload just listening to Wings here. @_@ They could've at least left that alone, right? I know that they changed the lyrics to try and fit the actual translation, and they did a good job, I can appreciate that. But it's a huge nostalgia thing with me. Lunar has such a special place in my heart, and it just doesn't feel the same without the original lyrics. I suppose this game is going to be a bittersweet experience for me. I'm afraid to go check out the voice actors. Will give my input on that in a moment.

Okay, I won't lie. I died a bit on the inside. :cry:
I'm happy with half the cast, but I'm really upset with the other half. So it kind of cancels out my excitement and I'm stuck in between. It's going to take a lot of getting used to, no doubt.

Alex: Sounds too old for my liking. Perhaps it's just the line, but he sounds too much like a bland generic hero to me. (Though there are some that might argue Alex IS a bland generic hero.) Sounds boring, not endearing enough. Though I'll hang in there and wait to hear more. He has potential.

Luna: Seems to me like they're trying to make Luna cute by being more spirited. But honestly she comes off as plain abrasive. She sounds too harsh and overbearing. Luna can have a bit of a temper with Alex or Nall from time to time, but at the heart of everything she's very sweet, modest and a bit shy. The voice actress doesn't seem to capture any of this. I'm totally put off by her voice and deliverance. Seems like she would be more fitting for Royce.

Nall: I'm the most disappointed by this one. Spike Spencer is Nall. He's a great actor to be sure, but not one I'd pick for Nall. I'm going to be hearing Shinji Ikari the whole time. X_x I'm really excited about Nall NOT being pitch shifted, but Spike doesn't seem to capture Nall's snarky attitude. He sounds like a whiney push over. (Again, this could just be line they chose.) I'm really bummed with this one. :cry:

Ramus: Ramus sounds too... cool? Tough? For Ramus, lol. Perhaps he's too old sounding as well. I'm not sure what it is, but something seems off. He'll be okay though, it'll just take some getting used to.

Nash: Ugh... the arrogance is good. But he sounds too... girly? I don't know, seems like he'd jump and scream at the sight of a spider. I realize Nash is supposed to be a spineless character to some extent. But he does have attitude, and I guess that's what this voice actor is lacking, Nash's attitude. Also, he sounds dimwitted. Nash is shallow, but he isn't exactly stupid. He's a manipulative character, and this voice actor doesn't make him seem clever enough.

Mia: Thank GOODNESS! A voice actress that captures her personality. She has Mia's reserved, sweet, nature down perfectly. And she sounds like Jackie Powers too! Awesome! <3

Jessica: She seems to have a good grip on Jessica's personality and attitude. I'd like to hear her in an argument with Kyle. I hope her outbursts are just as good. Again, I think she sounds a bit too old for Jess, but I think it will be okay. I'm rather happy with her.

Kyle: Given that Kyle is drunk in the audio clip they chose, it's a little hard to determine how I feel about the voice actor. I'd like to hear him sober. He seems okay, but again, it's hard to tell. I'd like to hear more before making a solid decision.

Mel: He'll be okay, captures Mel's spirit just fine and I'm glad they decided to stick with the accent. But I'll be missing the original, as always.

Lemia: Sounds too young. Doesn't sound like she'd be a figure of authority. That sense of regalness I associate with Lemia doesn't come across either. However, she is Mia's mother. And her soft tone shows that she is related to Mia. In that aspect, it's kind of neat. But still, I'd like to hear a stronger tone with Lemia.

Ghaleon: What is there to say? No one can measure up to John Truitt. So we knew it would be uncomfortable from the start. However, I think they did a good job. It could've been much worse. Ghaleon sounds clever, reserved, in control and alluring. Personally I'm looking forward to hearing more, I'm interested. Somehow the voice actor sounds familiar to me, but I can't figure out who it is.

Anyway, I realize these are all one liners from the game. (With the exception of Luna, I watched the Burg Springs clip on IGN and decided I didn't like her then and there.) My opinions could change after playing the game. I'm willing to give it a chance. I do give XSeed my respect though. The site is beautiful and I think they're putting a lot of hard work and care into localizing Lunar. Sure, I'm unhappy about a lot of the voice acting, but I'm hard to please in that department lol. At the end of the day, I'm glad we're getting SSH at all.

Re: Website is up and its contents.

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2010 9:38 pm
by Monde Luna
KnightofAncient wrote:
liquidpolicenaut wrote:I agree with the new dubbed opening sounding a bit odd at first but nicely done (except for one beat I think they squeezed into too quickly...I believe the word was "magic"). The voices don't seem too bad to me from those quick snippets. I kinda like Alex and Luna so far. Nall seems a little iffy so far. Nash is ok. Mia sounds just right as does Jessica. Kyle..meh. A more piratey Mel made me laugh. Lemia sounds good and Ghaleon is ok so far. I'm really interested to hear Ghaleon later on (*wink wink*) as well as Quark...
Yup, the word magic near the ending of the song. I dont know at first I thought that the singer went out of tune and made a mispitched note. But its definitely a beat. To much time between the word before magic and magic.

As for VA's Nash needs some getting used to. Kyle, I dont know, I think it was the line Xseed chose for the site. Im excited to hear Ghaleon in the prologue and in the game. Jessica was good.
I think the problem with magic is that is that it is a two syllable word (that and she drops the phrase a little). In the OG doesn't Luna say kind?

Re: Website is up and its contents.

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2010 2:15 am
by Silver Phoenix
Wait until the game is played in it's entirety, and the voices won't be so hard to bear. Do you go to watch a play for one piece of dialogue, and then leave because you saw it before with a different cast? I've been here since the birth of Lunar, but I can still keep an open mind. To be honest I didn't want to hear the same actors again because it would feel like more of the same. After 17 years I'm sorry to say that a change was necessary.

I'm going to be 30 on January 22nd, Jesus phucking christmas and Lunar is still recycling itself.

Re: Website is up and its contents.

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 3:10 pm
by sux2bme
i kinda like how they redone the song's lyrics... also it seems like they got the same singer for the wings of nocturne(anyone knows who she is?) cause she done a great job, my only irk about her singing was that where she oversang "MEMORIES lies upon the door" part... although it was still great... it was so amazing, beyond beyond my expectations actually...

oh and i like the new VA cast... my problem goes with nash and lemia though, probably because it's kinda different i guess, maybe i'll soften anyway when i play the game...

and the ghaleon, he sound familiar, it was nice for them to get someone that is kinda similar to the jap's voice of ghaleon...

oh and i downloaded all the psp wallpapers of lunar... hehe

hope they make themes...

Re: Website is up and its contents.

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:19 pm
by Silver Phoenix
The singer is Jenny Stigile, same as before. I agree they could have had a better singer, but then people would be complaining about that too. Jenny has limited ranged, and that's her problem. Some of the lyrics should have been changed to accomodate that so she couldn't trip on certain words and disrupt the song.