How many times have you moved?

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How many times have you moved?

Post by RPGMan »

Well as the title says, like how many times and places have you moved? Mine is 19 to date :) though all in wisconson :roll: I lived in Racine Wisoconson for awhile, next to Milwaukee and norht of Chicago. (Wait I think I moved 20, yeah 20 =p) I then moved more to the north of Wisconsons around Mondovi, then osse Then Eau Claire where I am now. And a ton of houses and stuff in between =p I lived in California when I was 1 for a year, if that counts as a move xp

On a side note i am goign to Chicago again this summer to see my Aunt, it's gonna be fun :D

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Post by BattleMedic »

Wow man, witness protection program?
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Post by phyco126 »

Lets see, West Berlin, then North Carolina, then Pfungstadt, then Winterlake/lakeland area (Florida), then Grandmothers in Fountain (Colorado), Apartment in Fountain (Colorado), Apartment in Colorado Springs (Colorado), Dad's house in Norcross(Georgia), then back to apartment in Colorado Springs (Colorado), Then another Apartment, then another apartment, then a mobile home (all Colorado Springs.) Add in about 5 other times I couldn't count because I was too young, and there you have it :)

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Post by Dark_Fairy »

Yeah...I've never moved. XD

I've always lived in the same house and town. It's really boring in this town too. :?

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Post by Ozone »

Aside from college, I've been in the same spot for my lifetime.... which is going to change in the next year or so.
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Post by Alunissage »

It's hard to decide when to start counting housing during college as where I lived, rather than my parents' house. I think I wouldn't count the dorms and the place I lived for my third year, since I was only in each for the school year. But the next year I moved into a house I lived in for 8 years, so I'd count that as my own residence and first move. Then I moved away to take a job in another city, got laid off and moved in temporarily with my bf, then got my previous job back and moved back into that house I'd lived in for 8 years, for one more year. Then we got the place I live in now. So... five moves, I guess. My parents have only moved once as a couple, when I was three months old, and my grandmother has been living in her house for about 50 years now. I guess we tend to put down roots.

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Post by Imperial Knight »

Not counting the various times I moved back and forth between dorms and my parents house during college, I've moved twice. My first move was with my family from a house in Bloomington, Indiana to another house in Bloomington when I was 10. The second move was to Madison, Wisconsin last summer. I'll be moving to another place in Madison in a couple of months.

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Post by Dragonmaster Lou »

Let's see... there was the move from the third-floor apartment in the triple-decker my grandparents owned to my family's first suburban home when I was 3. Then I moved (with them again) to the new home just before graduating college. Next came my move to my first apartment on my own, followed by a move to another apartment when they were jacking the rent up too much for my taste. After that, I bought a duplex where I moved into one apartment, and most recently I moved into a single-family suburban home. So, umm, that makes it 6 times.
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Post by Guild_Premier_Ghaleon »

Hmm, well, I was a millitary baby so I was taken around the world. Hawaii, Florida, Panama, Sicily Italy, West Virginia, Arkansas, Minnesota, California, and so on and so forth.. It was nice experiencing so much, but I dont think I really connected with it at such an early age which is a shame.
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Post by RPGMan »

Ahh nice guys, I am glad to see the thread going =p No, my moves weren't anything serious, by like those standards anyway. Moreover family reasons.. I plan on living, well I'm not sure. I wantn to either go to Brown college or some college where I can double major in psychology and game design. then.. I dunno I just want to live in a big area, with like a forest around me, and have a big house. Not huge, I only want it four rooms or so. Well that is pretty big :P and have like a library in it. This might soound kinda chilidsh but I want to have like 3-4 secret rooms in the house and have like trap doors and stuff. Like a weird secret house :D I have a pretty good layout drawn, it looks nice. I will probably stick with my friend when I move, so whever he goes.

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Post by Dragonmaster Lou »

RPGMan wrote:Ahh nice guys, I am glad to see the thread going =p No, my moves weren't anything serious, by like those standards anyway. Moreover family reasons.. I plan on living, well I'm not sure. I wantn to either go to Brown college or some college where I can double major in psychology and game design. then.. I dunno I just want to live in a big area, with like a forest around me, and have a big house. Not huge, I only want it four rooms or so. Well that is pretty big :P and have like a library in it. This might soound kinda chilidsh but I want to have like 3-4 secret rooms in the house and have like trap doors and stuff. Like a weird secret house :D I have a pretty good layout drawn, it looks nice. I will probably stick with my friend when I move, so whever he goes.
Assuming that by "Brown college" you mean Brown University in Providence, RI, I fully endorse you going there. :) Of course, I'm slightly biased since that was my alma mater, hehe. Still, they do have a top-ranked computer graphics department within their computer science department, and while they don't have a "game design" specific major, many people (including myself) have done independent studies for course credit on game design over the years. I can't vouch for the quality of their psychology department though -- all I know is that it exists.
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Post by RPGMan »

Cool. I think my cousin David went there, he is going for game design. Hopefully I can see him this summer :D And yeah I think were thinking of the same college :P Well, if i can't major in psychology I certainly want to take some classes in it. it is really interesting to study.

What is sweet is my school just opened up a class (it starts next year) for :shock: GAME DESIGN :shock: Neeedless to say I was like a little girl in a candy shop and signed up for it. :D And I use a program for the comp called rpg maker xp It is really fun.

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Post by phyco126 »

RPGMan wrote:This might sound kinda chilidsh but I want to have like 3-4 secret rooms in the house and have like trap doors and stuff. Like a weird secret house :D
Meh, that's okay. I would love to live in a new age castle built up on one of the nearby mesas that we have, then find a way to increase the amount of water in the area to grow small forest to surround it (which is more unlikely than actually haveing a castle there since water is more scarce on the I-25 corridor between Colorado Springs and Denver.) And of course, in this castle will be secret rooms and passages. And lots of bug spray. *shiver* Spiders....

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Post by RPGMan »

YAY I'm not alone :D Yeah, castles are awesome, it would be really fun to live in one.

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Post by phyco126 »

When I lived in Europe, me and my family went around to little more than half a dozen countries to visit all the castles and tour them. We called it Castle Hopping, because that was what we did, we hopped from castle to castle. Hell, even where we lived you could see Frankenstien's Castle clear as day, and clear as day at night too since they lit it up really well.

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Post by Brian »

I dont know if you can really call this moving, but I spent a little over a month living in an apartment near Radio1 Broadcast School in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Other than that, I've been in Minnesota all my life.

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Post by Nall.TWK »

Let's see. I was born in Bellingham Washington. lived there for a year, or less. Have no memory of it. Moved to a trailer house in the middle of nowhere, outside of an indian res called Poplar, in Northeastern Montana. Then a few years later, we moved inside Poplar into a bigger house. Lived there until I was 13. Moved to Lolo Montana for a few months, turned 14, moved to another trailer house in Missoula Montana. lived there for about 5 or 6 years. Parents went to Thailand, I came to Denver Colorado, lived in a smaller apartment for 1.5 years. Then moved to a bigger apartment on the same block. I'd say I moved about 6 times.

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Post by LuNaRtIc »

Once, when I was two or three years old, we moved from one town to the next neighboring town. I'm still in the town today, and that there is my entire moving history. xD lol
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Post by Sonic# »

LuNaRtIc wrote:Once, when I was two or three years old, we moved from one town to the next neighboring town. I'm still in the town today, and that there is my entire moving history. xD lol
Wow, that pretty much summed up mine. Outside of moving back and forth between college every year, I was born in one place, moved when I was three months old to a nearby place, and then when I was three years old moved to a VERY nearby place. Where I've been ever since. ^_^

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Post by RPGMan »

Nice phyco, that sounds really fun, If I ever visit Europe I will probably do it :P Well, I first lived in southern Wisconson, stayed in one house there. Then my grandmother died and it was in her will that we had to sell the house so we moved like 400-500 miles north. I stayed in one house for like 1-2 years, then moved to another town a few countys away. There were around 3 other moves in between these for family reasons and what not. Then I moved around in that town for awhile, I lived there for like 6ish years. Then I moved up north a little again, then back down there, then back up here. And when I turn 17, (or however old the age is to get emancupated or what not) I am moving to my friends house again. Those were the modt significant moves, but between those areas there is where the rest of the moves manifested.

Sometime when i am like 30 or so I am going to grab Brad (best friend) and like study the Nazca lines and crop circles and like stonhenge and what not for like 3 years. Just like move around between areas and study all of the mystery. I watched this show called weird travels and it was really cool. The enigmatic things in the world really intrigue me. I dunno if he will stay the whole few years or so :P but I am making him come at least for a couple of months :D

(Way off topic, but any of you know how to get pics from a phone to the computer?)
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