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phpBB forum help

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 7:09 pm
by CoePSX
I've been trying to set up a phpBB forum for my college class, and it was working pretty fine, but for some reason the email never works. If i try the option of the php mail() it says the email was sent but it never really goes. If i use the SMTP it gives me an error that the he couldn't contact the smtp host.
I tried many smtp servers, and it keeps saying that, above a DEBUG MODE smtp.php line 112 error. :cry:

Can someone help me? someone who knows how to ix this in phpBB? Please, i'm really lost, cause noone can register at there because an email confirmation is needed.

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2006 7:27 pm
by GhaleonOne
I was never able to figure it out myself. I think Insydius figured it out for this board, but he's been MIA for a bit.