LunarNET and updates...

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LunarNET and updates...

Post by GhaleonOne »

Expect updates a little more frequently in the future. One of the reasons why I've been so bloody slow about things is I've been using a 7 year old computer. I don't know why I never got something newer, but today I rectified that, and bought a new machine. I had thought about building one, but between the lack of time, and the fact that I've really only upgraded computers, and never have actually built one before, I decided to play it safe and just buy a new one. The main reason I never updated much is because it takes me forever just to run Photoshop 7 on this clunker. In fact, trying to run Photoshop and Dreamweaver 4 at the same time brings this thing to it's knees. I'm hoping to find an educational version of CS2, but even with 7, I can get things done so much quicker now, and actually not feel like it's a giant hassle to even change a text link on the site.

Oh, and LunarNET is 9 years old tonight. One more year and LunarNET will hit the decade marker. The only Lunar fansite that's still alive that's accomplished this feat is the Shrine to Ghaleon. I'll certainly be doing something huge for the site next year. Possibly even a full on redesign or something to that effect. Though I'm still not sure. I'm happy with the current design for the first time in the site's history. I will have some updates tonight though, and hopefully even a bit of a design change to the top area.

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Re: LunarNET and updates...

Post by DevNall »

GhaleonOne wrote:I'm hoping to find an educational version of CS2, but even with 7, I can get things done so much quicker now
I use Photoshop on a near daily basis, and I still have Photoshop 7 on my machine. I haven't tried the CS3 beta yet, but honestly, the changes to the subsequent versions seem minor at best. Also, even with the educational discount, Photoshop is still a billion dollars.

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Re: LunarNET and updates...

Post by LuNaRtIc »

GhaleonOne wrote:Oh, and LunarNET is 9 years old tonight. One more year and LunarNET will hit the decade marker.

Happy Birthday, L-Net! ^___^ It's so exciting to think that this site has been around for so long, thank you for putting so much into it, G1. And I'm already looking forward to the big decade celebration! :D
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Post by Alunissage »

That's great news. Maybe you can inaugurate your new machine by redoing the art at the top of the main page, which doesn't really need to be so DS-heavy now characteriwise. ;) Magic School isn't represented at all.

It's kind of amazing that the current design has stuck around as long as it has. :D

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Post by GhaleonOne »

That's great news. Maybe you can inaugurate your new machine by redoing the art at the top of the main page, which doesn't really need to be so DS-heavy now characteriwise. Wink Magic School isn't represented at all.

It's kind of amazing that the current design has stuck around as long as it has. Very Happy
Well, I don't have Photoshop on the new machine, and until I buy an educational version, it'll probably be a bit. I'll be redoing the top on my old machine, which I'm starting work on now. I have lots of friends coming over tonight though, so things may get delayed. We'll see. I'll probably try and throw Elie in there to represent Magic School. I'm mainly thinking of having either Alex and Hiro or Luna and Lucia in the left slot, and then a few characters from all the games in the area where all the characters are now. I want to throw Ghaleon and Nall in for sure, considering their dominance in the series. Though I don't expect to do the random/rotating top for a bit. I didn't realize the way the design is as to how hard it'll be to do that. (the way the design is cut up) It'll take more time than one night to do it.

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Re: LunarNET and updates...

Post by Atticus »

LuNaRtIc wrote:
GhaleonOne wrote:Oh, and LunarNET is 9 years old tonight. One more year and LunarNET will hit the decade marker.

Happy Birthday, L-Net! ^___^ It's so exciting to think that this site has been around for so long, thank you for putting so much into it, G1. And I'm already looking forward to the big decade celebration! :D
Happy Birthday L-Net!

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Post by Sonic# »

GhaleonOne wrote: I have lots of friends coming over tonight though, so things may get delayed. We'll see.
It's Christmas Eve! I hope it does get delayed. ^_~

Happy birthday Lunar-Net!

I was using a 7 year old computer a lot until recently. Still had Windows 98. I'm amazed you could do that much with it... but mine probably wasn't holding up too well.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

Tournament champ is up on the frontpage.

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Post by Agawa »

GhaleonOne wrote:Tournament champ is up on the frontpage.
Oh, sweet. Frikken sweet. YES.

Er, and by the way, Happy Birthday to LunarNET, and thanks for the dedication to the fandom all these years. As for the layout? Well, it looks great to me, and I'd go with the saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!", but I would agree with Alunissage - L:MS characters wouldn't be amiss on the front page.

Besides that, congrats on winning the tourniment, and a Merry Christmas.

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Post by phyco126 »

Happy birthday Lunar-net!

G1, I actually love the current layout. Just my personal opinion though ^^;.

So, what computer did'ja get?

I still occasionally use my second computer for web surfind if my primary computer is being used to play a game. It's 5 or 6 years old, 96 MB of RAM and only 400 MHZ. It has Window's 98 Second Edition, and is slooooow compared to the one I'm using now. However, it is still surprisingly useful to have. Some day I'm going to upgrade it to it's max RAM compacity and add a new 1.2 GHz processor.

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Post by Maiku »

Glad I could be here to celebrate some new beginnings here at Lunar-net.

Can't wait for the new year ^^!

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Post by Angelalex242 »

Bronze in the main tournament with the Battle Royale Trophy to boot.

I believe my Goddess and I can rest well tonight.

Oh, and happy birthday to the boards.

But now, it is time for this battleworn and weary campaign manager to rest in the love of his chosen deity ;)
Don't blame me, Lucia promised me lots of snuggles and cuddles if I would be her PR guy.


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Post by exigence »

cool im looking foreward to the updates

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