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Remember me?

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:21 pm
by drumlord
I pretty much left three years ago for GAF. But due to circumstances which shall remain lost in the realm of antiquity, I am not actually back. I'm just dropping by to say hello to anybody who remembers me. Don't forget to drop by GAF every once in a while and it's newest anime/manga offshoot AniDis. If I don't link to them, it isn't really spam, is it? :P

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:47 pm
by phyco126
Holy cow! Drumlord, long time to see! Wow, it is kind of different without all of you originals around, but it seems that we have adapted quite nicely. Just out of curiosity, what made you suddenlly drop in to say hi after 3 years? How is Soul4ger (SP?) How is GAF coming along? I haven't been to the boards in probably a year. Oh well. Anyway, glad to hear from you! I'm sure several others will be quite happy as well =D

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:55 pm
by drumlord
Until just recently I was the last remaining original at GAF. But now Moridin is back with us, who you may recall from Lunar-NET of days past. Soul is doing well, AFAIK, and working at an EB (which shall soon be a GameStop).

The reason I am "back" is a secret, aside from G1 linking me to these boards to check them out, which he does for any new thing he does as if he needs my approval for it to be good ;)

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2005 11:23 pm
by Alunissage
Don't worry too much about spam in the form of plugging your site -- just use the Arts forum for that. =)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 3:48 am
by MiaOne
Ahhh! I remember you! :) Welcome back...well,, hi, rather, I guess. Why don't you stay for a little while? :P

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:33 am
by phyco126
Yeah, I remember Moridan. Good 'ol days those where. *sighs*

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 2:44 pm
by drumlord
I'm staying for sorta a while. I'll stay probably at least through the launch of Lunar: Genesis. After that, you'll have plenty of new members so you won't need me ;)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 4:24 pm
by Alunissage
Why, how gracious of you to unselfishly give of your time to temporarily swell the ranks of this poor, forgotten site which nonetheless is the only real source of Genesis info. :roll:

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:00 pm
by Sonic#
Welcome back! I remember you. Haven't talked to you in forever though, at least since I joined GAF's forum, so long ago, and promptly forgot about it. The forum, I mean. I still check the site on occasion.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 7:13 pm
by MiaOne
Alunissage wrote:Why, how gracious of you to unselfishly give of your time to temporarily swell the ranks of this poor, forgotten site which nonetheless is the only real source of Genesis info. :roll:

I'm sorry...I had to comment.

Thank you Aluin for making me laugh. I really needed that right now. :D

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 10:11 pm
by drumlord
Alunissage wrote:Why, how gracious of you to unselfishly give of your time to temporarily swell the ranks of this poor, forgotten site which nonetheless is the only real source of Genesis info. :roll:

GAF was the first one to report on G1's confirmation, so you can see the exact same info elsewhere too ;)

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 10:14 pm
by phyco126
Well, I suppose Alunissage will just be Alunissage. I'm surprised that G1 hasn't made a comment about it yet. *shrugs* Still, even after the launch of the new game you might as well as stay. :P

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 3:28 am
by Jenner
drumlord wrote:I'm staying for sorta a while. I'll stay probably at least through the launch of Lunar: Genesis. After that, you'll have plenty of new members so you won't need me ;)

We'll always need you Rich.
Just not in that way.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 3:31 am
by GhaleonOne
I'm surprised that G1 hasn't made a comment about it yet.

What am I supposed to say? I talk to him on AIM pretty much daily. :P

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 5:14 am
by Jenner
GhaleonOne wrote:What am I supposed to say? I talk to him on AIM pretty much daily. :P

That's not true, G1 is a calous and conceited bastard who only cares about himself. That's all. :D

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 5:16 am
by GhaleonOne
You're having way too much fun tonight Jenn. :P

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 5:19 am
by Jenner
GhaleonOne wrote:You're having way too much fun tonight Jenn. :P

:D I've missed you guys.

I remember when Rich, you, Meg, and I used to goof off all the time.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:31 am
by phyco126
I just miss all the old stuff, and I haven't even been here that long!

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 5:40 am
by Coley Lou
OMG It's Rich! :P

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 7:25 pm
by wisequark
...I suddenly feel very, VERY old...