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Post by lioyd »

Actually I made this topic for any guy who doesnt have a girlfriend ,
actually I dont have one(I wish I had :cry: ) but is it because I'm not handsome?!! I mean I wish if all the girls would just go into my heart so they would know if I am a mad person or what. :evil:

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Post by Erroneous »

Here's what you do, getting a girl 101.

Step #1, create a bomb that will kill all the males on earth

Step #2, go find all the chicks that said they wouldn't date you unless you were the last man on earth

Step #3, coolsville 8)
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Post by Werefrog »

Wait, Insydius, wasn't that the story of a really bad Sci-Fi Channel Original Movie?

Seriously, I think it was except for coolsville part.

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Post by PrettyGirlJean »

It might be easier to help you if we knew your age since females obviously act quite differently depending on their age range.

What I can tell you is to just be yourself even if you feel like you shouldn't (meaning don't let anyone or anything pressure you into being someone you're not) because when you do finally find your girl she's going to eventually know whether you're really whom she met and liked or not.

I would think that trust is one of the first things a girl looks for in a guy deep down whether they want to admit it or not. Also, just be patient, you will find your special gal. :)

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Post by lioyd »

ok , but I wanted to know if I'm not handsome does that mean that I will never have a girlfriend?

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Post by Kizyr »

Gee. I wonder why you're having a problem with that.
'Cause last I heard, "no girls allowd" topics were considered cute. KF
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Post by MiaOne »

lioyd wrote:ok , but I wanted to know if I'm not handsome does that mean that I will never have a girlfriend?

How would any of us know that?

Plus, you sound a little young to be really worrying about this. Go live your life and be happy. I'm 21 and I've only had one serious boyfriend. Don't value yourself as a better person or "more handsome" by the fact if you can get a girl or not.

Oh, and if you don't want girls looking at this topic maybe you shouldn't post a topic titled "no girls allowed" We tend to gravitate towards that kind of talk.

And other thing...shouldn't you be wanting GIRLS advice on a subject like this? I mean you're trying to date girls right...not boys? You think any of these guys have a better idea than you? Maybe one or two (refering to the post beneath mine) GIRLS KNOW BETTER ABOUT GIRLS come on...get with it.
Maybe that's your problem. Do you often treat girls like they don't know what they're talking about? Even if it's about themselves?
Last edited by MiaOne on Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:23 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Wolfman_Samurai »

It's like this... unless girls want to date you. Your not gonna get a date. I mean what is your personality like? Are you a loudmouth showoff? a brooding emo kid? a violente thug? How do you see life? If you think life is nothing but a dark haze over your dark world covering your dark life with darkness. Girls are gonna pickup on that. Sure some grils dig on that but do you really want to spend time with someone just to see whose life is worse? Stop worring about this. You can't enjoy life if you don't see the forest and the trees. There are many other things to be worried about. Grades, your health, keeping a positive relationship with your parents; these are all things you can focus on.

Love is one of those things that has many truths. For me that truth is this:

"Love is truely life's greatest reward. If you spend your life only concerend with your wants and needs you will never find love. But if you do your best to lead a good life, then love will find you." -my mom

And thats exactly how it happened for me I spent years trying to find a girl with no luck. It was only when I stopped looking that I met someone.
This January will be 4 years.

So stop worrying and start living.

as far as the handsome thing goes....

Just look at my avi.

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Post by lioyd »

Plus, you sound a little young to be really worrying about this.

actually I'm 22.
so you mean that love will find me?

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Post by Sonic# »


That's what I have to say with topics like this. It provokes a lot of mental gymnastics.

On the one hand, there is a push to find someone... someone... anyone... to be with. The imagery's there... if you don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend and some AXE, then you're not very much. And you probably don't smell good either. Or, so it says.

I don't have a girlfriend right now, either. I'm happy where I am, though, because I recognize that I'm not living my life solely for that. With so many other reasons to live out there... so many other ways to have fun. Friends, family, games, books, movies, work, school, hobbies... all this stuff and more! I think any relationships you have are supposed to only make those more awesome... but they're awesome alone too!

As for love just finding you... don't think you don't have to do anything if you should find a person who you feel for, who feels for you. But don't sell yourself short. If you don't feel quite good enough, improve yourself for yourself. Exercise a bit more. Get a different haircut. Decide to read the newspaper every day. Get a new hobby to enjoy, like fencing or cosplaying. People, guys and girls, respond to that. Do what makes you feel good about yourself, and yes, sometime, somewhere, love will find you.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Post by phyco126 »

Well, not having a girlfriend myself, since 5th grade, I wouldn't have very good advice. The only thing I have noticed, is that most of the girls I have known tend to get scared off if you end up an emotional person (my case, being depressed, bi-polar, tourettes syndrom, and ADHD) One thing most girls tell me, or imply while talking to you, is that they want a man who is macho and all that jazz (which is really why all the girls go for the jocks when in school or college, or later with a man with money :P. Money has nothing to do with macho, but does have to do with their wallets :P)

Anyway, if your the sad brooding type who wants a girlfriend for whatever reason, girls will sense this and stay very well clear of you.

Now, if I can take that advice and apply it to myself :D

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Post by Angelalex242 »

Life can be...tragic, when it must be loved.

Especially if that happens for extended periods of time. Sometimes, that period can last for YEARS. Some people go years without a single hug.

Still. You must first become comfortable with yourself, what you are, and who you are, before anyone else can become comfortable with you.

Deal with your own life before sharing it.
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Post by GhaleonOne »

Hmmm... you could always go this route:


It was in the newspaper today. A 48 year old lady is selling her house for a very high price. The reason? She comes with it as a bride. ;P Only in Denver...

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Post by SilverOcean »

Oh. Come on you’re only twenty-two. You’ve got your whole life ahead of you. Just slow down and live life a little. Don’t be so worried about getting a girlfriend just to look ‘cool’. And here's some advice coming from a girl: Girls like guys who are confident not arrogant. Don’t treat us as if we’re inferior. Treat her well but don’t smother her or you’ll come across as too needy or even ‘stalkerish.’
Last edited by SilverOcean on Sat Nov 05, 2005 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by lioyd »

so what all of you are tryin to say that I shouldnt care too much about my love life?

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Post by LuNaRtIc »

I think what we're trying to say is not to base too much emphasis on it right now. Yes, you're only 22, I think one of the best things for you to do is make sure the rest of your life is in order and going in the direction you want it. Then you can start thinking about other things, like relationships.

In order to get a girlfriend, you have to make an effort as well, girls aren't just going to flock to you. As said before, girls like guys confident in themselves, and I always love a guy with a sense of humor. Make an effort to meet girls as well, get together with some friends and go to the club or some other social event on the weekend and start flirting. :P
Anyway, there's no real procedure to getting a relationship, stuff like this always takes time, and you may not get what you're looking for right away. But trust that sometime in the journey of your life you will meet that special someone, and things will go from there. :wink:
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Post by lioyd »

well thanks guys.:wink:

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Post by Kizyr »

LuNaRtIc wrote:In order to get a girlfriend, you have to make an effort as well, girls aren't just going to flock to you.

What do you mean? Girls flock to me. I gotta fend them off constantly. But then again, that's 'cause I'm pretty.

EDIT: Ok, in retrospect, maybe the sarcasm isn't helping. KF
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Post by Greensky »

I've never had a single gal in my entire life, so yeah, I'm a little worried myself, but you know... I've kind of accepted the fact that something will happen when it's supposed to happen. Until then, I have to worry about getting into my industry and making a name for myself.

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Post by phyco126 »

At least your family doesn't think your gay because of it :P

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