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Post by Jyd3n »

Alex, he's the strongest. Hiro's a close second but not as strong as Alex.

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Post by Sonic# »

I'm going for Dyne. It isn't that the others don't have ability, but Dyne seems to be the wisest fighter. More balanced between his magical abilities and swordsmanship. Admittedly, Hiro has magic too, but he also seems like an impulsive fighter... a little bit of the Parn syndrome. Alex is a more conservative fighter, but would gradually wear down.

As for Jian... kinda like Hiro, minus the magic.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Post by phyco126 »

Well, I almost voted for Dyne, he is strong. But now he's old :P Maybe in his prime, around when he was able to fight Hell Mel for three days straight (though I have to wonder how they did poddy breaks... maybe they used cathitors -SP? )

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

I vote Hiro.


Because I like his swooshy yellow cape. :D

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Post by Sonic# »

Just a rebuttal to your skilled argument, ilovemyguitar




See, Laike rocks!

Well, I almost voted for Dyne, he is strong. But now he's old Maybe in his prime, around when he was able to fight Hell Mel for three days straight (though I have to wonder how they did poddy breaks... maybe they used cathitors -SP? )

You go right before and you hold it thereafter! Either that or it's just an exaggeration of legend, and they had breaks for meals and potty. But no sleep!

But, by your argument, Hiro would win, because by that time both Dyne and Alex are long gone. No longer in their prime, indeed. ;) I would be assuming that all three characters are in their prime. Of course, with Dyne, it's hard to say. He's just my favorite of the three anyhow.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Post by PrettyGirlJean »

Alunissage wrote:Danni, we did have that discussion here a few months ago, but maybe you weren't around at the time. I personally strongly disagree; Dyne and Althena share an ideal (in SSSC) and have a strong bond, but it's not romantic. Why should everything be romantic? There are other relationships which are valid. I believe the flashbacks in that last scene are to underline the sacrifice of personal power and make this rather dumb philosophical choice. (I always agreed with Ghaleon on that one.) Besides, if there were a relationship like that, why would Althena turn into a baby and get left with Alex's family rather than a human of an age to continue a relationship with Dyne?

No, I don't think I was around, I think however I'll take a look for the thread when I get the chance. I also apologize for my post, I wasn't trying to say that there was (or should be) something between Dyne and Althena, I was simply curious. I remember the question being brought up in the past, yet I hadn't seen a thorough thread on it. Also, I can see what you mean about why Althena would have herself reborn if she loved Dyne... but maybe ...

[spoiler] was one of those deals like with Jian and Lucia...why didn't Althena stay human then? :P ... *kick* ... I don't know what came over me, I've kicked my own ass for making such a horrible comparison haha. So yes, I'm just kidding :) [/spoiler]

Seriously though, thanks :)

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Post by That Other Person »

I voted Dyne.

He has always been my favourite one. :)
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Post by phyco126 »

Alex is in the lead! But wait, here comes Hiro with another vote, tying with Alex as Dyne closes the gap with 3 votes. Yes ladies and gentlemen, this is the race of the century, yes indeed who over picked who ever is going to come out on top as a king... *read that with the horse race announcer guy person thingy-ma-bopper*

Hmmm, taking breaks and stuff during the fight with Mel huh? I suppose it could have gone like this....

Dyne: Your evil stops here Hell Mel! *swings at mel*
Mel: *dodges attack* HAH! You have no chance against me foolish human! *swings axe at Dyne*
Dyne: Argh! My arm! You... *heals self* Ah ha! Good as new!
Mel: Impressive! But you have yet to beat me, and we both know you can't do that!
Dyne: Guess again Mel, for I have magic too! *casts a spell on Mel*
Mel: *dodges flame ball* Darn you Dyne, you burnt my fur! You'll pay for that!
Dyne: Come on then, come and get me you selfish son of a bi-*DING* Shoot, it's 6 o'clock. Same time tomorrow?
Mel: Yup, see ya later yo.
Dyne: Word.

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Post by Angelalex242 »

About as I expected.

Jian gets pwned.

Dyne hasn't quite got enough fanbase.

And the other two are tied.
Don't blame me, Lucia promised me lots of snuggles and cuddles if I would be her PR guy.


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Post by dragonmaster_jonathan »

I voted for alex but i would probably say Jian.... i dont know about hiro or dyne, but to my knowledge Jian is the only one who had to fight ALL the dragons
I'm baaaack....

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Post by localflick »

1 small thing to consider: Unless I missed it, no one seems to have pointed out that because of the crests Hiro can only use 2 of the Dragon's magic at once, where as Dragonmaster Alex has all of them.

And on a side note, it'd be interesting to see the results if Ghaleon would be on the roster too.

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Post by Blue_Sycro »

I wanna say something like "ALEX!!! DA DRAGONMASTER PWNS ALL!!" but I'm honestly torn between him and Hiro.

True, Hiro didn't even need to become the Dragonmaster to save the world and everything, but he still needed the help of the four dragons. Although his Triple Sword generally kicks all ass everywhere...

I think TSS Ghaleon was stronger. He had harnessed the power of Althena, and I don't think it gets much stronger than that. In EB, he didn't have omnipotent goddess power anymore. Plus, yeah I think he sorta let Hiro and pals win...So Alex defeated the stronger Ghaleon (in my opinion).

Zophar was stronger than Ghaleon. However, I think Alex and company could have taken on Zophar. They sort of point to that in the game. Hiro fought for love (Lucia) and to save the world. Alex fought for basically the same exact reasons. Love (Luna) and to save the world. It's sort of history repeating itself. Let's not forget the baby dragon sidekicks that they both had.

I think they're evenly matched, really. I don't think one was supposed to be stronger than the other.

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

localflick wrote:1 small thing to consider: Unless I missed it, no one seems to have pointed out that because of the crests Hiro can only use 2 of the Dragon's magic at once, where as Dragonmaster Alex has all of them.

I never really found the Dragon magic all that useful, though, except for White Dragon Protect. EB's Blue Dragon Vigor was slightly useful, but they cut that out of EBC. But there were more cost-effective ways to do damage than with Red Dragon Anger, and why use all the MP to cast Black Dragon Grief if you're not going to get any XP or silver for it? So really, Hiro only having two Dragon spells on hand isn't a disadvantage.

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Post by Dragonmaster Lou »

ilovemyguitar wrote:I never really found the Dragon magic all that useful, though, except for White Dragon Protect. EB's Blue Dragon Vigor was slightly useful, but they cut that out of EBC. But there were more cost-effective ways to do damage than with Red Dragon Anger, and why use all the MP to cast Black Dragon Grief if you're not going to get any XP or silver for it? So really, Hiro only having two Dragon spells on hand isn't a disadvantage.

Blue Dragon Vigor was quite useful against Borgan and Zophar, but yeah, it was a shame they cut it out of EBC...

The only good use I could find for Black Dragon Grief was for an emergency "oh crap, these monsters are owning me!" spell against beasties that Dark Sword won't kill.
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