continent or continet?

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The better continet

Poll ended at Fri Nov 07, 2008 6:30 pm

North America
South America
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continent or continet?

Post by Deathblood »

Which one is better? N.A. S.A. or Europe?

alright, I added the others.
Last edited by Deathblood on Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:17 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: continent or continet?

Post by phyco126 »

NASA is the best of them all! They send people into space after all. =P

Where is Asia, Africa, and Australia? No love for the AAA? :(

I miss Europe. I love North America, though I haven't been to any other country here other than the US. Never been to Africa, South America, Asia, or Australia. So no comments there.

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Re: continent or continet?

Post by Sonic# »

It's continent, not continet or country. ^_^

I'm not quite sure though. Between the original choices, I'd go for South America. I don't have a terribly good reason for it.

Out of the full selection, I'm leaning towards Asia for a few reasons: the Babylonians, the Hittites, the Persians, the Sassanids, The Huns, the Mongols, the Turks, the Ottomans, the early Islamic military conquests from India to the Atlantic, and in more modern times China, India, Pakistan, Russia, and Japan. These were (or are) some powerful (and in some cases long-lived) states. And their military victories against Europeans were, until about 200 years ago, all but assured. There were some enterprising European expansionists like Alexander and the Roman Empire, but these people had the technology, the leadership, and the sheer gumption to take over Europe, Africa, and each other.

The short answer is that they also have a rich culture that I try to appreciate, if I don't fully understand it. ;)

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Re: continent or continet?

Post by Deathblood »

Oops. I meant to change that country thing. I'll fix it in an instant.
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Re: continent or continet?

Post by Dark_Fairy »

Even though I have never left the US, I would have to say Europe. All the nifty ruins from ancient times are there like Stonehenge, the Collisium, and other things! Plus, they have castles and older buildings that would be cool to see. Geez...I sound sooooo dorky. >_<;

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Re: continent or continet?

Post by phyco126 »

Dark_Fairy wrote: Plus, they have castles and older buildings that would be cool to see. Geez...I sound sooooo dorky. >_<;
Nah, that doesn't make one dorky. I miss Europe because of the ruins. The old villages, the old crumbling castles that one could visit. *sigh*

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Re: continent or continet?

Post by captaindax »

I don't mean to rain on the parade but isn't it Antarctica instead of Antartica?

Either way that's what I voted for. Outpost #31 ftw!
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Re: continent or continet?

Post by Sonix »

Well I've "tasted" life in 3 continents. NA (US), Asia (Japan) and Europe (Slovenia). I've also been to Africa, but from what I've seen, no thx.
I have to say overall I prefer Europe. But part of my heart that is dedicated to other stuff wants to live elsewhere, Japan for food, US or Japan for video games >.<
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