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What's your favorite color...

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:29 pm
by Spirit Icana
...from the American Flag?

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:27 am
by Sonic#
Blue. It's my favorite color already, so... yeah, it works. :D

Though, admittedly, the thought of running a campaign with all white colors would be kind of ingenius. Though the other side would then be able to tease them for wearing the colors of surrender. Hmmm...

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 4:47 am
by phyco126
What if I'm not American? What if I hate American infedels and have burned the flag in the past?




Hehe, thankfully I'm neither, but still :P

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:05 am
by SSSFan
Actually black is my fav color, but since that's not in the list I voted blue 'cause that's the most similar to black.

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 5:37 pm
by Zhirl
red is closer to crimson...
but then there's white,
Screw it Red

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 12:57 am
by Monde Luna
My favorite color is purple but it isn't on the list, so I voted blue. Technically I thought white wasn't a color. Isn't white considered to be a contrast? :oops:

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 3:15 am
by Zhirl
Monde Luna wrote:My favorite color is purple but it isn't on the list, so I voted blue. Technically I thought white wasn't a color. Isn't white considered to be a contrast? :oops:

I thought white and black weren't colors either, but forgot what the term was years back.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 3:37 am
by Sonic#
Depends on what you think of color as. In one sense, white is the combination of all the different colors. In another, yes, it is a contrast, from lighter tints to darker shades of colors. But a contrast can also be a color, since... (now I'm going way on a limb, and feel free to shake me down) one can think of secondary colors as contrasts of varying degrees of primary colors, and such. And there's a contrast between white and black themselves.

And plus, there're crayons. Color is defined by the viewer. And the colorer. ;)

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 4:08 am
by Monde Luna
Sonic# wrote:Depends on what you think of color as. In one sense, white is the combination of all the different colors. In another, yes, it is a contrast, from lighter tints to darker shades of colors. But a contrast can also be a color, since... (now I'm going way on a limb, and feel free to shake me down) one can think of secondary colors as contrasts of varying degrees of primary colors, and such. And there's a contrast between white and black themselves.

And plus, there're crayons. Color is defined by the viewer. And the colorer. ;)

No I'm not going to shake you down. I'm going to agree with you. :P For some reason this was very interesting to me so I had to find the answer. Black and White are considered to be netural colors (they are part of the netural gray series) according to various websites dealing w/ color wheels.

White was defined by as "The achromatic color of maximum lightness; the color of objects that reflect nearly all light of all visible wavelengths; the complement or antagonist of black, the other extreme of the neutral gray series. Although typically a response to maximum stimulation of the retina, the perception of white appears always to depend on contrast."

And black was defined as "The achromatic color value of minimum lightness or maximum darkness; the color of objects that absorb nearly all light of all visible wavelengths; one extreme of the neutral gray series, the opposite being white. Although strictly a response to zero stimulation of the retina, the perception of black appears to depend on contrast with surrounding color stimuli."

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 2:37 am
by rubixspoly
my favorite color is white yhea white it a cool looking color in my opion i like white the most cause it is a dual color

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 3:04 am
by Angelalex242
Blue. It's the color of Lucia's hair. <3

...Actually it's black, but SHHHHHHHHHHHH! :wink:

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 3:22 am
by love a riddle
I love white, but I often associate myself with black and blue.

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 3:28 am
by Alunissage
Angelalex242 wrote:Blue. It's the color of Lucia's hair. <3

...Actually it's black, but SHHHHHHHHHHHH! :wink:

Which 'it'? Lucia's hair, or your favorite color? Because if the former, well, she was originally conceived as blonde, and only made blue-haired to connect to Luna/Althena.

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 3:35 am
by Angelalex242
Black is my favorite color, I was being silly for no apparent reason.

And I think she looks best bluehaired anyway, comparing the two of them.

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 3:47 am
by GhaleonOne
I'd say that too, but then, it's probably because we're used to it.

Blue is my favorite color as well, and always has been except for a brief stint of red when I had a crush on a girl in 4th grade and her favorite color was red. But yeah, blue is my fav. :P

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 5:40 am
by Dragonlord911
I voted for Blue.
But i also like Red.
(i talk of colors and Dragons)

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 3:37 pm
by osirus
blue is my favorite color