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Re: DS Recommendations

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 9:54 pm
by whitedragon_nall
No problem. Never realized it, but I guess I do reply to you a lot. :lol:

Re: DS Recommendations

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:58 am
by DezoPenguin
Here's one: Radiant Historia. A classic old-school RPG in which our hero progresses through two separate timelines, a Standard History and an Alternate History (the point of divergence is a decision the hero makes), deals with political plotting in multiple kingdoms that, of course, ends up being a quest to save the world from destruction which also ends up being extremely personal. There's a large cast, plenty of dialogue and story scenes the combat and gameplay and music are all excellent. Sidequests (and indeed the main quest) often involve leaping back and forth in time (and between timelines) to accomplish goals. My wife bought it pretty much on the strength of Neal Chandran's RPGFan review (we knew him back from the old Phantasy Star Pages days...) and immediately spent 85+ hours on it; I picked it up a couple of weeks ago and found it utterly addictive as well. It lacks the innocence of Lunar, but reminds me a lot of it, actually, in that it doesn't worry about trying to revolutionize the industry and instead focuses solidly on story, character, and above all, fun.

Re: DS Recommendations

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 2:32 am
by Nobiyuki77
999. I even wrote an entire thread praising it. Got nothin' though, so I guess no visual novel fans here. :-P