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Any xbox 360 owners out there

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 2:45 am
by segaboy7
I was wondering how many of you own xbox 360's and what games you have. So far for mine, I have DOA 4, Call of Duty2, NHL2k6, Ghost Recon, Burnout revenge and Tomb raider legend

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 8:21 am
by Roas Atrades
The only thing that will make me get a 360 at this point is Knights of the Old Republic III. The current library is just too small and uninteresting to me at this point and the forseeable future.

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2006 1:32 pm
by Werefrog
Roas Atrades wrote:The only thing that will make me get a 360 at this point is Knights of the Old Republic III. The current library is just too small and uninteresting to me at this point and the forseeable future.

That's what a PC is for. :wink:

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 2:59 pm
by Aquaignis
Too bad you have to buy a new computer about every three-to-five years if you want to keep playing the newest games. (Expensive!)

Speaking of expensive, an X-Box 360 is way too much. Right now, the only reason that comes to mind for a reason to buy one is for bragging rights.
"Dude! Check it out man! It's my new X-Box 360!"
I never bought an X-Box to begin with. I am a Playstation 2 guy. All hail Ratchet & Clank and, and... aww hail...whetever else is good on the PS2...nevermind.

Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 5:42 pm
by Werefrog
NextGenerationLunarFan wrote:Too bad you have to buy a new computer about every three-to-five years if you want to keep playing the newest games. (Expensive!)

Or... you can just do upgrades.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 2:58 pm
by Aquaignis
That would be why I wrote 3-5 years and not just 2-3. It could be stretched out longer; I have never used upgrades. But this topic isn't about computers, it is about the X-360.
I would buy one if they were like $200 for the full system. I will probably buy one in a couple of years. However, I will buy a PS3 as long as it is not more expensive than an X-Box 360.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 5:09 pm
by GhaleonOne
My guess is the PS3 will probably release for the same as the Xbox 360 did, or maybe a little higher (though I'm sure all the stores will do their forced bundle deal BS for 600-700 bucks). I personally will not buy a PS3 no matter what comes out on it at launch, just based on problems I've had with the PS and PS2. Sony has a bad track-record with launch systems in terms of hardware failure a year or two down the line, so I'll give it at least a year before I pick one up unless some amazing games come out near launch. Even then, I'll wait 6 months or so to see what kinds of hardware issues are coming up.

I'd like a 360, just for Perfect Dark Zero, but it's not worth that kind of money. I'm with Roas that KotOR3 would be nice, but again, not worth the entire system. I'd also like FIFA World Cup 2006, but mainly just to play a souped up soccer game during the World Cup. Again, not worth the price of the system, but if they put a few more good games out soon, I'd consider it somewhere down the line.

I'll likely buy a Revolution pretty soon after launch though. Other than the NES cartridges, I've never had any problems with their hardware, and if they can manage to put out a few decent launch titles and keep the price down (which is looking likely) I might even get it at launch if I have the money. I'm interested to see what kinds of features the new Zelda was use on it. I know it's a GameCube title, but if the experience is much better on the Revolution, I wouldn't mind giving it a whirl.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 6:47 pm
by Werefrog
NextGenerationLunarFan wrote:That would be why I wrote 3-5 years and not just 2-3. It could be stretched out longer; I have never used upgrades. But this topic isn't about computers, it is about the X-360.

True but the computer thing ties in. Therefore, it is on topic. I honestly don't play computer games for this reason (except for adventure games). But this generation, I'm guessing it will cost just as much to buy a PC as purchase all 3 of the consoles.

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 7:35 pm
by GhaleonOne
Eh, not even. Maybe to soup up a PC real nice, but considering the price points that the Xbox 360 launched at and the PS3 is supposedly going to launch at, you could buy a decent PC for less than the price of just those two systems. Throw in the Rev and really, a good PC would likely cost less.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 3:07 pm
by Aquaignis
I agree with G1 in that I wont buy a whole system just for a few games. Also, if the 360 is less expensive, I will buy it next year.
I guess I am lucky, because I have never had a problem with a PS or PS2. :)

I would.

Posted: Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:23 am
by CreatedThinker
*cough I know this is an old topic but it was intresting...*

I bought an Xbox 360 just for Elderscrolls 4: Oblivion, elderscrolls games are great so i continued. Wasn't allowed to get a pc upgrade.