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Final Fantasy 8 and 10 - Funny reviews!

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:26 pm
by jay_are
First of all. sorry if this has been posted before. (I searched and didnt find it so...)

Has any of you played Final Fantasy 8? and/or Final Fantasy 10?
Many people loved them, others hated them.
I know, obviously these aren't as fun as earlier Final Fantasy games (Nintendo and Super Nintendo ones)
But I still played 8 and 10 and they were good, just crazy, but not that bad.

Anyways a friend showed me these video reviews from the SpoonyExperiment,
which are just hilarious!! The guy has grown to hate these Final Fantasy games with a passion, and he points out a LOT of interesting points in these games.

Anyone has seen them?
(Scared to post links cause of some of the language used in the videos. But I promise! They are fun to watch even for FF fans.)

Edit: Ahh thanks Kizyr. Well mostly he makes funny adult oriented jokes about the characters.

FF8 : ... ew-part-1/
(First of like 11 videos he made!)

FFX : ... /#comments

Re: Final Fantasy 8 and 10 - Funny reviews!

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:46 pm
by ilovemyguitar
I can't see the videos right now (using my iphone at the moment, waiting for a show to start), but I can attest to the wretchedness that was Final Fantasy 8. The draw system is boring as hell to use, and the story is god-awful even for a Final Fantasy game. The plot twist involving the orphanage made me roll my eyes so hard they almost fell out of my head.

Re: Final Fantasy 8 and 10 - Funny reviews!

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:55 pm
by jay_are
ilovemyguitar wrote:The plot twist involving the orphanage made me roll my eyes so hard they almost fell out of my head.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
HAHAHA I agree. Honestly, it took me 2 or 3 years to get over my embarrassment over FF8's incredibly silly storyline. I looked away from the screen and yelled at myself.
But after those 2 or 3 years without playing I just magically found a way to ignore that and it was quite fun making your characters powerful by spending days drawing magic. And the music was good. FF10 was very silly too.

Re: Final Fantasy 8 and 10 - Funny reviews!

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 12:05 am
by Kizyr
Is it just foul language or something? It's off-site so feel free to post the links, just note a warning that strong language may be used. KF

Re: Final Fantasy 8 and 10 - Funny reviews!

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 3:00 pm
by brightshield
lol, 8's story was incredibly bad. It literally went like this.

Disc 1

Squall: Leave me alone you stupid *****!

Rinoa: Squall you are teh cooooooolest! I want you inside me right now!!!!!!!!!!

The VERY end of Disc 2

Squall: I hate you. Fall to your death while I focus on saving the others.

Rinoa: You are soooooo AWESOME!!

The VERY beginning of Disc 3

*Rinoa falls into a coma*

Squall: Noooooo! I can't live without her! I'll give up my life right now to save hers!!!!!!!!

Me: WTF?

That's only one aspect of the story that sucks as well. The game relies heavily on DEMs, and ridiculous points(we can reach Ultimecia's time via love and peace!)

The junction system was fun, but it was too easy to break. I was doing 62,000 damage per turn after an hour of card modding...

10's love story is better, but still has a few embarassing moments. 10 has a great leveling up system and much better gameplay overall though.

Still, I'd agree that some of the older games are better. 6 and 7 are easily the pinnacle of the series.

Re: Final Fantasy 8 and 10 - Funny reviews!

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:08 pm
by brightshield
Spoony has a video up where he kind of reviews FF13 if you guys are interested. He does a little rant about how crappy wrestling has become(which I agree with), and then does a long ass rant about FF13(which I also mostly agree with). He also praises Persona 4, which is cool since I love that game.

Re: Final Fantasy 8 and 10 - Funny reviews!

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:21 pm
by jay_are
Thanks for the video, brightshield!
I had not watched it until now. Wow... and i thought I was done with FF since FFIX... that was boring. :lol:

Re: Final Fantasy 8 and 10 - Funny reviews!

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:05 am
by LunarRaptor
I have to disagree with most of the thins Spoony has said about those games.