Is there...ANYONE who likes this game?

For discussion of Lunar: Dragon Song (Lunar: Genesis), the only Lunar game on the DS
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Is there...ANYONE who likes this game?

Post by Ardekh »

Even a little? Just a tiny bit? At all?

'cause I really can't bring myself to even look at the box.

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Post by dragonmaster_jonathan »

yeah i want to know that too before i buy it. :?

I'm baaaack....

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Post by GhaleonOne »

It's not that it was a horrible game. It still has some redeeming qualities, but it was just disappointing as a Lunar title.

In fact, here's my review of it if it would be of any help: ... viewid=502

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Post by Kizyr »

I thought it was okay. I mean, it really wasn't good compared to what we'd expect in a Lunar game, not even Lunar: Legend. But, I still found it fun my first play-through.

My review is of the Japanese version, up on LunarNET:

In retrospect, I might rate it 70% instead of 75%. KF
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Post by Sonic# »

I thought it was alright. I mean, a couple of things were dragging for me. In particular, losing armor and the like is... painful. But I think the artwork is beautiful, I didn't mind the story (or what I got of it before I got busy and then it fell to the wayside), and ... really, I'm not emotionally scarred or anything, like some people seem to be. It's no SSSC or EBC, though.

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Post by Ardekh » I'm convinced that I should either play it when my friend finishes, or just ask him to recite the story and ending to me. I've been pretty lazy with video games lately, so if this one's ridiculous to get through, I'd never make it.

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Post by PrettyGirlJean »

My full review is in the thread started about everyone's thoughts; but to answer your question, I loved Kubooka's art and while Iwadare wasn't involved with the music I still enjoyed it. I think the game had a lot of potential. If the story had gone deeper into certain aspects of the game I thin it could've been great.

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Post by Agawa »

PrettyGirlJean wrote:My full review is in the thread started about everyone's thoughts; but to answer your question, I loved Kubooka's art and while Iwadare wasn't involved with the music I still enjoyed it. I think the game had a lot of potential. If the story had gone deeper into certain aspects of the game I thin it could've been great.
Yes, I would agree. I quite enjoyed most of the sprites and music, but I guess....All the time I was playing it, I kept expecting to get some story, or character developement, or any sort of reason for me to care about the characters and their situation. I never did, to the point where I was surprised that it had actually ended.

For that, I found it to be a huge disappointment...

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Post by Master Lunn »

well . . . seeing as how i'm still playing through it, it doesnt seem that bad to me. the sprites are awesome at times and the music for Sungrid Bridge is awesome . . . but i havent played SSSC , EB , or Legend so i really dont have anything to compare it to . . .

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Post by Kizyr »


If you think Lunar DS is "not that bad", you'll probably adore the original games.

I gotta recommend getting your hands on any of the previous games if at all possible. Lunar: SSS and Lunar: EBC for the Playstation, or if you can find them, even Lunar: TSS and Lunar: EB for the Sega CD. KF
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Post by Master Lunn »

well i havent seen a Sega CD for ages and unless i order them from the internet, i dont think i will be seeing SSS or EB for a long time. I just found Legend at a store and will probably end up playing/renting it sometime in the near future . . .

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Post by Alunissage »

Heh. At this rate you'll be working up from worst to best. You'll get the basic story of Lunar 1 in Legend, and some really cute sprites, but the battle system is watered down from the other games and translation is not as good.

The SegaCD games can be played on emulators, so you only need to buy the game discs themselves. That's still a big task, though.

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Post by keyblade_master »

I loved the old lunars so much. :cry: Lunar DS made us all down(or is it just me? :roll: ) lets hope that the new lunar will rock the world.Because after all lunar is lunar :wink: .

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Post by Silver Phoenix »

The game is definitely an excercise in patience, because it's as though you're battling the forces of evil trying to get you to destroy your DS out of sheer frustration with the LONG ASS battles at times. One attack per character while battling 7 or 8 monsters becomes quite annoying over time. I am playing through Sandra Desert and there is nothing fun about walking through sand like a constipated turtle. Luckily I'm just about out of it.

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Post by NallOne »

Honestly, it isn't that bad of a game. I'd probably like it a lot more if I wasn't such a large Lunar fan. The only real problem I could see if I wasn't such a fan would be the inability to make any kind of actual decisions in who you are going to attack. And that is the one thing keeping me from replaying the game. It is completely puts me off. Whose idea was it to take out almost all of the actual interaction a game? :roll:

I still think my biggest problem with it is how similar the story is to TSS/SSSC. It also lessens TSS/SSSC's message as well if you take it as canon (which I guess you have to). I just...bleh. :twisted:
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Post by Silver Phoenix »

I'm going to smack you for using the word canon! I think the story writers went with what worked and changed it horribly to fit in a new design. Yes, there are similarities to TSS but the impact is so weak that it's hardly worth a comparison to such a stellar story. Dragon Song is mostly Lunar in name, but not Lunar in substance and form.

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Post by Atticus »

If It wasnt a Lunar game I would give it a ok but being lunar I wanted lunar things in it XD

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Post by Mattroid »

My biggest dissappointment more than anything (even more than not getting to select which enemy to attack) was the price tag. While most DS games can be had for about $30 and the "bigger" titles being $35, Lunar DS was one of the very few i ever saw priced at $40 at most places.

In the last month or so I've seen to go down to $30, which is nice, and I'm glad I was able to find it for $30 way back when I picked it up (can't remember where).

If i'd paid $40 for it, I probably would have spewed out obscenities far worse than the ones I did once I found out how NOT Lunar this game was.

Even if it wasn't a Lunar title, I still wouldn't recommend it to anyone, sorry. Golden Sun on GBA offers a far more enjoyable experience and could probably be found cheaper somewhere.

Granted, I have't finished Lunar DS yet, but from what I've ranks dead last out of all my DS games (although, Naruto 4 is fighting for last right now as well), and I have about 20 DS games.

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Post by Kizyr »

Fun fact: the MSRP was $30 for Lunar: DS. Best Buy and just a handful of other places (major places, though) were the ones charging $40 for it. KF
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Post by Mattroid »

That doens't surprise me one bit. However, I'm not sure why they'd do that? Was there a reason? Perhaps because it was the only RPG out at the time? That still doesn't make sense.

And yeah, it was all the big places...Best Buy, Fry's, I think Target as well (or maybe it was Target where I picked it up at $30)...even Amazon still has the "list price" at $39.99, but they sell it for $29.99.

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