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This seems like a nice place

Post by BattleMedic »

I've been lurking around as a guest for a while now (just before the character tournament), and I figured it's about time that I register. I would do a proper introduction, with pie and all, but with my lack of pie reserves, all I can do is pass out pie crusts. With that said, Hello everyone!

(And yes, during the character tournament, I was the one voting for the unpopular characters, without them, the lunar games just wouldn't be the same, they needed some love too)
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Post by Dragonmaster Dyne »

Hello one who lurks in the shadows. Say, that almost sounds like a stalker, wait, are you a stalker?
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Post by BattleMedic »

I try not to be, I wanted to make sure that it's a nice community here. That and I got lazy.
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Post by LuNaRtIc »

As long as you voted for Nall, then we're on good terms. :lol: *Nibbles pie crust* Anyway, welcome to the boards! It usually is pretty nice here, so long as we keep shunning Phyco.

Speaking of which, don't talk to Phyco. And never under any circumstances should you accept anything from him, say for example friendship rings.
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Post by phyco126 »

*shoves the Diva out of the way* Hello there, I'm Phyco126, your resident Dragonmaster, Jedi Master, Bunnymaster, and all around psycotic person. I decided not to buy anymore friendship rings, so I only have a few left, therefore you don't get none. Nyeh. However, you can have you petty life, for I have more important things, like save Lnet from Kizyr, his underling G1, and from the other imperials around here.

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Post by LuNaRtIc »

*Hits Phyco on the head with the metal rolling pin from Kazie the white bunny*
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Post by DragonmasterAndy »

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Play nice, children, or you'll scare our newcomer away! :lol:

I'm DragonmasterAndy, but you can just call me Andy. I'm the returned metalhead and I major in sarcasm. :lol:

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Post by BattleMedic »

DragonmasterAndy wrote:Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Play nice, children, or you'll scare our newcomer away! :lol:
I don't think I will be scared away unless everyone suddenly became jerks and typed in leet.
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Post by DragonmasterAndy »

Typed in "leet". :lol:

How ridiculous it is when people do that. I can't stand it, and it makes me want to kill kittens.

.....okay, not really, but you get the point.

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Post by phyco126 »

Meh, leet is annoying but I use it now and then as a joke. I'm more adapt at being able to read it than typing it though (I'm very profecent in reading it too)

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Post by DragonmasterAndy »

As a joke, it's different. People that seriously type that way piss me off. It's like they think that they're SUPPOSED to be retarded on the internet.

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Post by Dragonmaster Dyne »

i hate slang, cause have the time you don't understand what there saying. It really pisses me off. Which comes back to my goal in life, to take all the really stupid(not the handicapped) and kill them. For example, when a 27 year old college student asks me what are glaciers and then didn't realize that actually exist, i just wana kill someone.
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Post by Indignation22 »

Uhm, hello people.... I actually have a similar situation. I visited the boards several times, but just registered. I figured It would be better to intoduce myself here than to make a new thread... but whatever. Anyway... Hello
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Post by LuNaRtIc »

Well then! Welcome to you too! :D I've already given my disclaimer about Phyco, so you know he's nothing but trouble, and not to go anywhere within a 50 mile radius of him.
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Post by DragonmasterAndy »

Welcome. I'm sure you'll have a great time here with all of the craziness that has erupted!

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Post by phyco126 »

*sticks tongue out at the Diva*


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Post by Sonic# »

Hey, you're in the same location as I am!


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