Frontpage poll...

For any and all webpolls.

How long have you visited LunarNET?

Since the beginning!
7-9 years.
4-6 years.
1-3 years.
Less than a year...
Total votes: 56

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Frontpage poll...

Post by GhaleonOne »

There is a new feature here at LunarNET. On the frontpage, I will be displaying one poll from these boards. I'll change it up every once in a while. This poll is the first one, but in the future, if you guys create good polls, I'll use them on the frontpage. You'll see how this works once the new site goes live tonight.

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by Alunissage »

It's weird for me to realize that I fall into the 7-9 category, but since I became part of the LoL in 2000 (with you as my mentor, hehe) that would be when I first came to LNet. Though come to think of it, I'm not quite certain of my arithmetic now. D'oh. :P

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by WD RPG WD »

I was here the first 2 years and then gone the next 4 and then back again for the last 4. What was LoL? I heard of it before but was on my Church mission at the time. Can't believe I've been home for 6 years now...

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by ilovemyguitar »

I've only been here a couple years. I'm not really an old-timer, but I feel like I'm at least somewhat established here.

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by lost_f0n_drive »

I've known about this place for at least 3 years.

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by Alunissage »

LoL = Lords of Lunar, a subset of the WDMB hand-selected by Vic and given a few extra privileges, such as the ability to edit one's profile (which the rest of the board membership didn't have at the time).

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by Nobiyuki77 »

Heh, I remember the LoL board. I think I was one of the last Lords inducted. Ah, the good ol' days... ^^

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by phyco126 »

6 years for me. *sigh*

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by WD RPG WD »

Darn, I wish I was around at the time for that. I never posted at the WD boards. I didn't like the format... Plus Vic didn't like me at the time with that whole intern problem in which he rejected my plea to work for him... Being 17 at the time and completely oblivious to needing a degree.... or talent for that matter I sent him many annoying emails. :x

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by phyco126 »

Erm... I hate to say this, but... I can vote again. And again. And again. As a matter of fact, the 4 should be a 3 under the option that has 6 years. =/

I was around WD boards, never posted much though.

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by HuBBsDoctor »

off and on the past 3 or 4 years. mostly lurking.

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by GhaleonOne »

Actually, phyco, you can't double vote. But you can change your vote.

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by LuNaRtIc »

Wow, when did I first begin visting L-Net? Probably in 2003 around the time I got EBC. I remember getting EBC back in the eighth grade as a birthday present. (January of '03) It really helped strengthen my Lunar fandom even more. Also around that time, I started coming online more and more, so on average, I suppose about four years ago I stumbled upon this site. I didn't join the threads for a long time, because I was shy and still wasn't quite sure how forums worked. :lol:

But here I am! I'm so glad to be a part of this community for so long! :D
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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by DezoPenguin »

Do my years of silent lurking count? I'd like to think that they ought to...

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by Dark_Fairy »

Well, I actually started lurking around 2002. I didn't join until 2004 because I wasn't 13 yet. I joined a day after I turned 13, its actually humorous how eager I was to join. I've been on L-Net for almost 4 years now. Six years if you count my lurking.

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by BattleMedic »

I thought it would be fitting to join up on April Fools Day of 2007, but I've been lurking around for, I think, about a year before that though. I'm glad I came.
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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by GhaleonOne »

BTW, if you guys make new polls on this board, and they're pretty good, I will consider using them for the frontpage poll.

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by Imperial Knight »

I answered 1-3 years based on how long I've been a member of the boards. If I went to how long I've visited the page (and occasionally lurked around the boards) then it would be more like 4-6.

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by JediLeroy »

It's been a long time. I put since the beginning. I still remember the old school lunar threads with G1, slerbik, mana, the phoenixes, etc. I'm a lurker here, but I go way back. I remember when RPGFan started, with Rudo (Eric Farand) taking the helm.

I worked for RPGFan for a few months, during which I wrote a review and went to E3 back when the Dreamcast and PS2 first came out. I also redesigned their midi page (I spent weeks editing HTML and listening to midi files trying to identify the song and game).

I also participated on the old WD message board and also was chosen for the LoL group. It was pretty cool. The other online communities that I belonged to that people might recognize were Rune Lai's Shrine to Ghaleon and the discussion board (PSDB--I used the handle "Laconut" and had a picture of Chaz from PSIV with Mr. Peanut's head).

I went on a church mission and basically fell out of touch with all the groups. I still lurk, though. It's good to see old names.

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Re: Frontpage poll...

Post by lutomboy »

i just got here so less then a year

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