Lunar:Dragon Song Has Ghaleon In It !!!!!!!!???

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Lunar:Dragon Song Has Ghaleon In It !!!!!!!!???

Post by Guest »

Didn't anyone notice that Lunar:Dragon Song has Ghaleon in it ?

Sorry Dark_Fairy had to take your scan or well technically it's not your scan it's scan.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

Huh? If you're speaking of the silver haired fella, his name is Ignatius. Not Ghaleon. For that matter, I don't think it's's scan either. It showed up all over the place.

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Post by Kizyr »

Yeah, you got 'em. Not only is Ghaleon in it, but so is Zophar. And the girl on the left is Jean. There are a lot of repeat characters in this game. KF
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Post by Dark_Fairy »

Whoa...the silver haired dude has a name?! Where was I? :shock: Seriously, I've haven't heard of this until now.

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Post by Lunar Eclipse »

I think GhaleonOne actually said it for the first time just now unless it's mentioned somewhere on the Japanese site. I knew that the huntress was Flora and that the beastman was Rufus, but Ignatius is new.
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Post by Katze »

Ah, so his name is Ignatius. The name Ignatius has something to do with fire, so...yeah. Fun fact of the day. XD

No, but seriously. I wonder if this Ignatius character is gonna have fire-centric powers or something. ...Or maybe the creators just gave him that name because it sounds cool.

Flora was a Roman goddess and spring, I believe.

Rufus means "red headed." ...Yet this character has more of a goldish haircolor, heh.

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Post by Greensky »

Way to let the cat slip out of the bag GhaleonOne :lol:

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Post by Wolfman_Samurai »

Rufus means "red headed." ...Yet this character has more of a goldish haircolor, heh.
Ah yes but it is also used as "red" when clasifying animlas. for example: Canis Rufus is the scientific/latin name for a red wolf. And he seems to have redish-brown body fur.

Also... I had a brief spark of an idea. What was the name of Ghaleon's brother?

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Post by Lunar Eclipse »

Wolfman_Samurai wrote:Also... I had a brief spark of an idea. What was the name of Ghaleon's brother?
His name was Zain.
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Post by Wolfman_Samurai »

His name was Zain.
Ah..nevermind. I was thinking that if it was something close maybe it had been Americanized. but I guess not.

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Post by YoungDyne »

Yeah, Zain...and if I remember correctly the author of the story of inheritance made Zain's name close to Dain (Dyne in NA, though they're pronounced the to say it right you'd pronounce Zain like Zyne) on purpose. I forgot the exact reason, though I could take a guess.

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Post by Alunissage »

She doesn't give a reason, only says that it's significant.

And can't that picture be a link? It's huge.

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Post by Sonic# »

Changed to a link.
Way to let the cat slip out of the bag GhaleonOne
He took the bag with butter in it and shoved the cat in there, who ingeniously melted the butter so it was able to slip out. We forgot to remind him it was buttered.

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Post by ilovemyguitar »

Well, I doubt that a character's name really qualifies as letting any cats out of any bags. That's probably information that will be found in the game's manual.

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Post by Greensky »

Yes... when the game manual is released :P

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Post by YoungDyne »

Alunissage wrote:She doesn't give a reason, only says that it's significant.
Oh, I must have read someone's theory on it and got confused, heh ^^;;

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Post by Quark79 »

Sorry Dark_Fairy had to take your scan or well technically it's not your scan it's scan.
Well, technically, it's my scan. :roll: I was about to post it here when Dark Fairy linked it. What can I say, I'm slow. :(

This Ignatius guy definitely looks like Ghaleon, probably because they want you to believe that he's Ghaleon ancestor, or related in some way. I actually hope none of the previous Lunar characters are in this game. It would be too much like George Lucas putting Chewbacca in RotS. Just some cheap way to connect both games when it's not necessary. = P
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Post by NallOne »

Quark79 wrote: I actually hope none of the previous Lunar characters are in this game. It would be too much like George Lucas putting Chewbacca in RotS. Just some cheap way to connect both games when it's not necessary. = P
Obviously there will be recurring characters. In the least, Althena is a sure thing. Even if she isn't physically in the game, which is doubtful, she's sure to be mentioned more than a couple of times.

I also wouldn't be surprised to see Quark. Do we have any idea how old he is? He certain seemed 'elderly' compared to Nall. Nall didn't age much at all during the 1000 Years between the two previous games, at least physically. So it wouldn't be that much of a stretch for Quark to have been 1000 years old if not more in TSS/SSSC.

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Post by GhaleonOne »

I'd say Quark is pretty surefire to be the White Dragon at this point in history. I would think he's at least 4000 years old in TSS/SSS, likely much older.

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Post by NallOne »

Well I hope so. It would be nice to have someone familiar in the game besides Althena. I wonder if Quark will have a 'Human Form'? Any other Dragon for that matter. It has always bugged me that Nall was the only one capable of doing it, or at least the only one we saw do so.
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