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Post by Dark_Fairy »

Ok, since the conservation started in another thread about this wonderful series, it was decided a separate topic should be made. :mrgreen:

For those of you who haven't played Blazblue and like fighting games, give it a shot. There are two games in the series so far, Blazblue Calamity Trigger being the first game, and Blazblue Continuum Shift being the second game. It actually has a really good story (which is surprising since it's a fighting game) and it really fun to play. It's basically like Guilty Gear (made by the same people too), but a million times better in my opinion.

As I will carry over from the other topic, I main Noel, if that wasn't obvious enough with my avatar and signature, lol. I also sub Ragna. As for the characters I like, they would be Ragna, Jin, Noel, Taokaka, and Hazama. :3

If I actually have access to the internet (cause I don't really) and anyone's a Xbox 360 owner, I'd like a match sometime. My name gamertag is Kaori3. If I owned a PS3, I would play it there...but I don't. =_=;
chiiruchan wrote: :3 I main Jin and Sub Tsubaki. I also like Ragna, Taokaka, and Litchi a lot. :3 And I think Bang is hilarious!!
I used to sub Jin back in Calamity Trigger. Now with Continuum Shift out, I really don't care for how Jin plays anymore. Bang is HILARIOUS! I love how his storyline is pretty much a joke, lol. My nephew mains Bang, lol. So I get to see a lot of him since I fight my nephew quite a bit.

I honestly can't wait for them to release Valkenhayn as a DLC. Speaking of DLC, I really didn't like how Matoko played. Yeah, I can't battle online, but I love battling my friends locally. :3

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Re: Blazblue

Post by Vyse of Arcadia »

BlazBlue is pretty awesome! I thoroughly enjoy Calamity Trigger. I main Litchi, but I also enjoy playing around as Taokaka. I have to say, I like it more than Guilty Gear just because I suck less. It's a bit slower, and everyone doesn't seem to have an incredibly head start on me knowledge-wise.

Unfortunately, I don't have Continuum Shift. Maybe after I claw my way out of the debt I'm in.

Either which way, I don't have a 360, so I probably couldn't play it with at least half of you.

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Re: Blazblue

Post by Dark_Fairy »

I'm actually pretty terrible with Litchi, lol. One of my worst characters. ^^;

And I have to agree. I'm worse at Guilty Gear too. I only started playing Guilty Gear a little before Calamity Trigger came out, so I'm not too knowledgeable on it. I found an Xbox version of Guilty Gear for $8 at a game store and it looks interesting is the only reason I ended up trying it in the first place.

I would say definitely pick up Continuum Shift when you get the money.

I'm sure most of you guys are playing on PS3, actually. The 360 is terrible to play Blazblue with. I prefer the PS3 controllers. ^^;

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Re: Blazblue

Post by Ardent Fox »

Played it, had fun getting beaten every round, realized I sucked at fighting games, played something else.

Really, even on easy I was fighting like a handicapped child.

Nothing against the game itself though, I enjoyed it. Just...can't invest the time into learning moves to complete everyone's story like I'd like to.

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Re: Blazblue

Post by chiiruchan »

:3 Finally got to the thread. I was away going to a jillion doctor's offices. O_O

I am still determined to main Jin on the second game though he changed. o-o I also agree it's better than Guilty Gear. Story is better. I mean... a ninja becoming president of the United States was just plain odd! (In reference to Guilty Gear.) I like the characters a bunch in BlazBlue too. They can be hilarious or serious it seems!!

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Re: Blazblue

Post by whitedragon_nall »

I love Blazblue. I used to main Noel and sub Ragna in CT, but now I main Bang and sub Noel in CS. Honestly though, I'm really not good at the game at all. I wish they would come up with a character that plays sorta like Chipp Zanuff from GG.

CS has the awesome tutorial and missions that help you learn how to successfully play the character of your choice, so I am getting better at it.

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Re: Blazblue

Post by Dark_Fairy »

chiiruchan wrote:I mean... a ninja becoming president of the United States was just plain odd! (In reference to Guilty Gear.)
O____o...Yeah. That's kind of weird. I honestly don't know the story of GG, I just played a few matches of it here and there. Well, Blazblue is definitely tons better then in terms of story lines. Of course, even then, Blazblue does have a really confusing story. Good, but definitely confusing. Many things were cleared up in CS, but CS opened up tons of new questions. =_=;
whitedragon_nall wrote:CS has the awesome tutorial and missions that help you learn how to successfully play the character of your choice, so I am getting better at it.
I love that CS has that! It helped me get a lot better with many of the characters I was horrible with. Granted, I'm STILL bad with them (Litchi, Hakumen, Hazama), but that's okay. ^^;

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Re: Blazblue

Post by chiiruchan »

I am going to get BB:CS for Christmas. :( I can't afford it at the moment. But my friend brings it over so I still get to play it!!

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Re: Blazblue

Post by Ardent Fox »

I should give CS a whirl to see if the tutorials and missions and such would help me get better. I was pretty good at GG, but with BB coming around I seem to have lost my mojo when it came to fighting games.

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