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Anime Punch

Post by iJoel »

So I met a girl at Anime Punch; we were talking and somewhere in the conversation, Lunar came up. Now, I had never met anyone whose heard of, much less, played Lunar. So this got me excited, which brought me back to wanting to play each of them again for countless hours. Cause Lunar just so happens to be one of the most amazing games that has ever graced the entire universe! Okay, okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but the point is, she told me there were more people who loved the game as well and that I should join this board and confess my undying love to Persona 4...I mean, Lunar. So that's what I'm doing.

I guess, what I'm trying to say here is, hello fellow fans.
So I want to play either a new Lunar or replay an old one. I've only played Lunar 1, 2 for PSX. Played a little of the GBA remake and was not a fan. I heard the DS one was not that good so I'm nervous to try hah. But what does anyone suggest? Play the original one or one of the remakes (the PSX version will always be special to me), maybe Walking School, maybe Dragon Song. What do you guys think? ^_^

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Re: Anime Punch

Post by LuNaRtIc »

Finally a whole month later! :lol:
Welcome to the boards! :3
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Re: Anime Punch

Post by Kizyr »


When we get busy, the backlog of registers gets so bad that we have to comb through 10-20 pages of spambots to find the humans... We're trying to get better about that; my bad.

But still, welcome. A couple of thoughts in response:

- Don't bother with Dragon Song unless you just have a bunch of free time on your hands, and you happen to find it for, like, $10 or less in a bargain bin.
- Magical School Lunar is a lot of fun, but I'd recommend trying to get the original Sega CD versions first--those are even better, and have a lot that's not in the remakes.
- Silver Star Harmony for the PSP is pretty good, although (besides graphics) about 90% of it overlaps with the PSX version, so feel free to hold off on that one.
- The GBA Lunar left some to be desired. I didn't much care for it either. KF
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Re: Anime Punch

Post by AlexofBurg »

iJoel wrote:So I met a girl at Anime Punch; we were talking and somewhere in the conversation, Lunar came up. Now, I had never met anyone whose heard of, much less, played Lunar. So this got me excited, which brought me back to wanting to play each of them again for countless hours. Cause Lunar just so happens to be one of the most amazing games that has ever graced the entire universe! Okay, okay, maybe I'm exaggerating, but the point is, she told me there were more people who loved the game as well and that I should join this board and confess my undying love to Persona 4...I mean, Lunar. So that's what I'm doing.

I guess, what I'm trying to say here is, hello fellow fans.
So I want to play either a new Lunar or replay an old one. I've only played Lunar 1, 2 for PSX. Played a little of the GBA remake and was not a fan. I heard the DS one was not that good so I'm nervous to try hah. But what does anyone suggest? Play the original one or one of the remakes (the PSX version will always be special to me), maybe Walking School, maybe Dragon Song. What do you guys think? ^_^
Welcome to the boards!

Well the PSX versions are the best imo, but I'd definitely say check out the two Sega CD versions because they are fun for a comparison.

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Re: Anime Punch

Post by Dark_Fairy »

Welcome to the forums! :mrgreen:

I will say the same as Kizyr and AlexofBurg, try the play the Sega CD versions if you can. They are definitely worth playing just for the differences. The PSX remakes didn't carry quite a few things over from both of the original Lunars.

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Re: Anime Punch

Post by Sonic# »

Welcome to the board!

What other games do you like to play, besides Lunar?

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Re: Anime Punch

Post by iJoel »

Thanks everyone for the welcoming, I wasn't expecting such a great response. You guys are pretty great, if I may say so :D.
LuNaRtIc wrote:Finally a whole month later! :lol:
Welcome to the boards! :3
Yeah yeah, I did my best under the circumstances. But at least I'm finally here. Right? ;)
Kizyr wrote:I'M SORRY!

When we get busy, the backlog of registers gets so bad that we have to comb through 10-20 pages of spambots to find the humans... We're trying to get better about that; my bad.
- The GBA Lunar left some to be desired. I didn't much care for it either. KF
Oh, no, don't worry. It's completely understandable. I just didn't know how to precede on getting approved. I thought about making a new account, but kinda figured the same thing would happen. I'm just glad I'm on now hah. So based on that:

-No on Dragon Song (seemed like that would be the case based on reviews).
-Magical School is a definite play for me; it's something I've always wanted to play but had never gotten around to it (or heard of anyone whose played it for that matter). Now once someone in the know recommends it, I have to.
-I want to try the PSP version, I just gotta hold off til I buy a new PSP (mine kicked the bucket long ago.
AlexofBurg wrote:Well the PSX versions are the best imo, but I'd definitely say check out the two Sega CD versions because they are fun for a comparison
That's what I really want to do. I wasn't sure how much would be different, but I'm hoping to find out.
Dark_Fairy wrote:The PSX remakes didn't carry quite a few things over from both of the original Lunars.

That's exactly what I was hoping for. More Lunar ^_^.[
Sonic# wrote:What other games do you like to play, besides Lunar?
Phew, that's a long list.
I like the typical mainstream games like Final Fantasy (6 being my favorite), Kingdom Hearts, Tales of series, the Chrono series (Trigger being my number one favorite game), Zelda(s), Mario(s), Warioware(s). But I think a more obscure list could be fun.


Phantasy Star IV
Lagrange Point (even if I can't understand much of the Japanese)
Persona 4 (game I'm currently playing)
Secret of Evermore
Legend of Dragoon
Suikoden I II
Fatal Frame II
Breath of Fire 1-3
Super Smash Bros Brawl
Dragon Warrior VIII
Threads of Fate
Saga Frontier
Megaman 1-6, X
Megaman Legends
Granstream Saga
Legend of Legaia

I think that's a good sample :).
Last edited by iJoel on Fri May 27, 2011 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Anime Punch

Post by Dark_Fairy »

I'm also a big fan of the Tales of series. Which game is your favorite? I happen to like Tales of Rebirth the best, probably with Tales of Legendia being second favorite. :mrgreen:

Legend of Dragoon, Suikoden I, Persona 4, and Legend of Legaia are all games I still need to complete, lol. I've played a bit of each of them and loved them though. I haven't beaten Legend of Dragoon because my disc refuses to load one of the I have to get a new copy. Otherwise, it would be beaten. Suikoden 1 I stopped playing because I found Disgaea 3 (one copy alone in a bargin bin) and I'm currently addicted to that.

Also gotta play Alundra again. I use to have it for the PSX, then I sold it (and never beat it). Before PSN went down, I grabbed it for my PS3 I'll eventually get around to Alundra too. ^^;

I mainly haven't played that much of Persona 4 because I'm still working on Persona 3. Plus, I let a friend borrow Persona 4...and she refuses to give it back until I beat some of my backlog of games. :roll:

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Re: Anime Punch

Post by AlexofBurg »

I personally always had a soft spot for Tales of Symphonia.

iJoel, have you ever played Earthbound, because if not, you need to get that one pronto! 8-)

I can tell you probably grew up around the same time I did because your list consists of a lotttt of PSX games that I would rent from my local video store as I was growing up.

I'd like to recommend Brave Fencer Musashi for a fun action RPG and Xenogears for a really awesome story driven RPG both on PSX.

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Re: Anime Punch

Post by iJoel »

Dark_Fairy wrote:I'm also a big fan of the Tales of series. Which game is your favorite? I happen to like Tales of Rebirth the best, probably with Tales of Legendia being second favorite. :mrgreen

My first Tales of was Destiny, followed by Phantasia, and then my favorite, Tales of Symphonia. I really got into that game, tried replaying it a few times, though I wish the voice acting had a bit more quality :P. I just got Legendia and haven't played past the intro yet. And I've never heard of rebirth.
Dark_Fairy wrote:Legend of Dragoon, Suikoden I, Persona 4, and Legend of Legaia are all games I still need to complete, lol. I've played a bit of each of them and loved them though. I haven't beaten Legend of Dragoon because my disc refuses to load one of the I have to get a new copy. Otherwise, it would be beaten. Suikoden 1 I stopped playing because I found Disgaea 3 (one copy alone in a bargin bin) and I'm currently addicted to that.
Dragoon is one of the best. In my top 10 at least. So that's horrible. I'll have to find my copy somehwere and send you the disk through the airwaves so you can play it again. Legend of Legaia is the first PSX RPG I ever played so it holds a very soft spot in my heart, so I think it goes on number 6 on my list. I've never played any Disgaeas, are they very good?
Dark_Fairy wrote:PSN went down
Oh, Sony, they have been failing immensely. I haven't turned my PS3 on in, feels like, months. But Alundra's great, though I love the 2nd one much better.

And get that Persona 4 back, it's awesome. I'm 55 hours in and not even halfway through it yet. :P I have Persona 3 as well, but I haven't played it yet since I started for first, have to beat it.
AlexofBurg wrote:I personally always had a soft spot for Tales of Symphonia.

iJoel, have you ever played Earthbound, because if not, you need to get that one pronto! 8-)

I can tell you probably grew up around the same time I did because your list consists of a lotttt of PSX games that I would rent from my local video store as I was growing up.

I'd like to recommend Brave Fencer Musashi for a fun action RPG and Xenogears for a really awesome story driven RPG both on PSX.
Same here, Symphonia is my favorite, not so much the sequel though. x_X

I haven't played Earthbound in a long time, but I remember beating the SNES version, and playing the NES one. Are there more than that? And I've never played Xenogears; I've heard of it. But, never picked it up. It's really good then? Brave Fencer Mushashi was awesome, although the second one for PS2 sucked.

And yeah, PSX RPGs are the best. I tried to play as many as possible, but I'm still working my way up to getting them all :P. Though, I have a very strong attachment to SNES RPGs, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Breath of Fire, Link to the Past, etc.

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Re: Anime Punch

Post by AlexofBurg »

iJoel wrote:Same here, Symphonia is my favorite, not so much the sequel though. x_X

I haven't played Earthbound in a long time, but I remember beating the SNES version, and playing the NES one. Are there more than that? And I've never played Xenogears; I've heard of it. But, never picked it up. It's really good then? Brave Fencer Mushashi was awesome, although the second one for PS2 sucked.

And yeah, PSX RPGs are the best. I tried to play as many as possible, but I'm still working my way up to getting them all :P. Though, I have a very strong attachment to SNES RPGs, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Breath of Fire, Link to the Past, etc.
There's a sequel to Earthbound on GBA but it only has a fan translation, never got released anywhere but Japan; I haven't played it so I can't comment on it, but I hear very good things.

And definitely pick up Xenogears. It's on the PSN I believe, I was gonna buy it whenever the store comes back up. It's ridiculously long, I remember putting about 70 hours into it, just getting through the main story. There's lots of dialogue and it does have sort of a wonky Playstation-era translation, but the story behind it is incredibly in depth and well-made; very philosophical and whatnot. Good stuff 8-)

Yeah it's hard to beat PSX and SNES RPGs. I grew up watching my cousins play Final Fantasy IV and VI and I got into them soon after. If you've never played the Lufia games for SNES, I'd play those too.

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Re: Anime Punch

Post by Dark_Fairy »

iJoel wrote: My first Tales of was Destiny, followed by Phantasia, and then my favorite, Tales of Symphonia. I really got into that game, tried replaying it a few times, though I wish the voice acting had a bit more quality :P. I just got Legendia and haven't played past the intro yet. And I've never heard of rebirth.
Rebirth is a Japanese only Tales game, lol. So I'm not surprised you haven't heard of it. I don't know Japanese, but a kind person on Youtube translated the whole game: ... DE1A30A0C5 and so I used that to play the game. ^^;
iJoel wrote: Dragoon is one of the best. In my top 10 at least. So that's horrible. I'll have to find my copy somehwere and send you the disk through the airwaves so you can play it again. Legend of Legaia is the first PSX RPG I ever played so it holds a very soft spot in my heart, so I think it goes on number 6 on my list. I've never played any Disgaeas, are they very good?
Yeah, I loved Dragoon from what I played of it before it died on me. That's why eventually I plan on rebuying it. Legend of Legaia was also one of the first RPGs I played on the PSX, as I had rented the game. I didn't pick it up until years later though, and by that point I had deleted my save it will eventually get played again.

As for the Disgaea series, I didn't really care for the first one very much. I haven't played the second one at all. Disgaea 3 improves on everything that the first game did and made it tons better though, so I ended up getting hooked to Disgaea 3. Good thing about Disgaea 3 is that I haven't needed to know anything from the first or second game eithe, so I can play it without worries.
iJoel wrote: And get that Persona 4 back, it's awesome. I'm 55 hours in and not even halfway through it yet. :P I have Persona 3 as well, but I haven't played it yet since I started for first, have to beat it.
Yeah, I have like 90 something hours clocked in on Persona 3. The last time I played I was trying to get certain Personas and level my characters. I've watched my friend play a little bit of Persona 4, because she decided to start it over. I liked what I saw of it and can't wait to play it in the future. XD

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Re: Anime Punch

Post by iJoel »

AlexofBurg wrote: There's a sequel to Earthbound on GBA but it only has a fan translation, never got released anywhere but Japan; I haven't played it so I can't comment on it, but I hear very good things.

And definitely pick up Xenogears. It's on the PSN I believe, I was gonna buy it whenever the store comes back up. It's ridiculously long, I remember putting about 70 hours into it, just getting through the main story. There's lots of dialogue and it does have sort of a wonky Playstation-era translation, but the story behind it is incredibly in depth and well-made; very philosophical and whatnot. Good stuff 8-)

Yeah it's hard to beat PSX and SNES RPGs. I grew up watching my cousins play Final Fantasy IV and VI and I got into them soon after. If you've never played the Lufia games for SNES, I'd play those too.
A fan translation is perfect. That makes it very easy ^_^. I'll be sure to pick that up. As well as Xenogears. Haha, there are so many games I have to play now, I'm not sure which one I'll play first.

I've actually recently started replaying Lufia II, they are just a bunch of crazies trying to save the world from sentinals. I love it, but I haven't played it since I was really young, and I remember there being a puzzle I couldn't figure out so I gave up on it. Now, I'm back, with upgraded college level education, and I will defeat whatever dungeon that is! There was also a Lufia on GBA I played, but it was horrible :P.
Dark_Fairy wrote:Rebirth is a Japanese only Tales game, lol. So I'm not surprised you haven't heard of it. I don't know Japanese, but a kind person on Youtube translated the whole game: ... DE1A30A0C5 and so I used that to play the game. ^^;
Oh, that's so upsetting. I would have to wait until a real translation hits. I looked it up and it seems like there is a group working on it, and at least it's fully translated so maybe, one day ^_^. I feel as if it would be really hard to play the game and then youtube the translation. Was it?
Dark_Fairy wrote:Yeah, I have like 90 something hours clocked in on Persona 3. The last time I played I was trying to get certain Personas and level my characters. I've watched my friend play a little bit of Persona 4, because she decided to start it over. I liked what I saw of it and can't wait to play it in the future. XD
It's great ^_^. I can't wait to start playing 3. Or finding the other 2. I'm guessing they are on other systems.

And by the way everyone, I just realized there is a forum sub-section dedicated to introductions. I wholly failed there :P. DOH!

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Re: Anime Punch

Post by Dark_Fairy »

iJoel wrote:Oh, that's so upsetting. I would have to wait until a real translation hits. I looked it up and it seems like there is a group working on it, and at least it's fully translated so maybe, one day ^_^. I feel as if it would be really hard to play the game and then youtube the translation. Was it?
An official translation will probably never happen, due to it being on the PS2 and PSPIt wasn't really that hard for me, but I had watched about 25% of the game before I actually started playing it, mainly because I wanted to make sure it was worth importing first. I watched all the menu/battle tutorials, so I was pretty good after I watched the tutorials.
iJoel wrote: It's great ^_^. I can't wait to start playing 3. Or finding the other 2. I'm guessing they are on other systems.
Persona 3 is great! I've just got to get un-lazy and start level grinding/persona building again, lol.

Persona 1 and Persona 2 (there are two parts to Persona 2) were originally on the PSX. One part of Persona 2, called Persona 2 Innocent Sin didn't make it to America. A little while ago, Persona 1 was released for the PSP. Persona 2 Innocent Sin was officially announced for the PSP in North America a few weeks ago though, so we're finally get that. I need to still play both Persona 1 and the two Persona 2's myself.

I'd like to play some more Shin Megami Tensei games too outside of the Persona games. I've only completed Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne, but I have Digital Devil Saga I and II, and Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey.

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Re: Anime Punch

Post by iJoel »

Dark_Fairy wrote:An official translation will probably never happen, due to it being on the PS2 and PSPIt wasn't really that hard for me, but I had watched about 25% of the game before I actually started playing it, mainly because I wanted to make sure it was worth importing first. I watched all the menu/battle tutorials, so I was pretty good after I watched the tutorials.
I meant an unofficial translation by one of the game hacking teams. I hear there are tools already out for that game. Though, honestly, I would much rather just slowly learn Japanese through playing video games. I think that would be much more beneficial :P.
Dark_Fairy wrote:Persona 3 is great! I've just got to get un-lazy and start level grinding/persona building again, lol.

Persona 1 and Persona 2 (there are two parts to Persona 2) were originally on the PSX. One part of Persona 2, called Persona 2 Innocent Sin didn't make it to America. A little while ago, Persona 1 was released for the PSP. Persona 2 Innocent Sin was officially announced for the PSP in North America a few weeks ago though, so we're finally get that. I need to still play both Persona 1 and the two Persona 2's myself.

I'd like to play some more Shin Megami Tensei games too outside of the Persona games. I've only completed Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne, but I have Digital Devil Saga I and II, and Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey.

I've played a few Shin games before, but too quickly to get into them, so Persona 4 is essentially my first, and because of it; I'm so ready to play more and more Shin Megami Tensei games. Just gotta grab those old dusty Japanese books and start learning :P.

All of you guys seem like great people to have an RPG Game Party with ^_^.

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Re: Anime Punch

Post by Jenner »

...this is not the introductions forum. I WON'T ACKNOWLEDGE YOU HERE. :evil:
The Infamous Jenner!
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Re: Anime Punch

Post by iJoel »

Jenner wrote:...this is not the introductions forum. I WON'T ACKNOWLEDGE YOU HERE. :evil:
Introduction, Almost Anything Goes. Tomato, Tamoto.

Admittedly, I never saw the Introduction forums until it was too late. I have...failed. In doing so, I have lost your acknowledgement. Dang, can I rectify the mistake somehow? X_x

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Re: Anime Punch

Post by Kizyr »

iJoel wrote:
Jenner wrote:...this is not the introductions forum. I WON'T ACKNOWLEDGE YOU HERE. :evil:
Introduction, Almost Anything Goes. Tomato, Tamoto.

Admittedly, I never saw the Introduction forums until it was too late. I have...failed. In doing so, I have lost your acknowledgement. Dang, can I rectify the mistake somehow? X_x
This is a blessing in disguise. Consider yourself fortunate! KF
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Re: Anime Punch

Post by iJoel »

Kizyr wrote:This is a blessing in disguise. Consider yourself fortunate! KF
Ominous ;).

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Re: Anime Punch

Post by Dark_Fairy »

iJoel wrote:I meant an unofficial translation by one of the game hacking teams. I hear there are tools already out for that game. Though, honestly, I would much rather just slowly learn Japanese through playing video games. I think that would be much more beneficial :P.
I know what you meant. It was just me ranting about how Namco stinks for not bring over Rebirth or a ton other Tales of games, lol. I wish Namco WOULD bring over more of the Tales games. Luckily, here in 2012, at least we're getting Tales of Graces, which I'm excited for.

I want to learn Japanese myself, as then I wouldn't have to worry about if something gets translated or not. It just requires time and patience I don't have. I do have some Japanese books though, so technically I could probably learn somewhat. It would be hard without a teacher though. :(

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