Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

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Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by LuNaRtIc »

So I played "P.T." back in September of last year, scared myself dragon-diamondless, had my mind blown at  the Norman Reedus cameo, and was dazzled by the graphics. It was the first time I felt confident about a Silent Hill installment in years! I love the idea of Guillermo del Toro lending his horror expertise to the project, but I was most excited about Hideo Kojima headlining as director. Surely a Silent Hill game left in his capable hands would put the franchise back on a fast track to its former glory! And with the technology of the Fox Engine, a Kojima directed Silent Hill game could have the potential to be a horrifying, yet beautiful masterpiece!

In the past few months, I've been in complete survival horror bliss! I felt eager and confident about Silent Hills, checking in on it every now and again to hear the latest news.
But my dreams were shattered this past weekend. ;_;
I attended an expo to meet Akira Yamaoka, and go to his Silent Hill concert. Before the show, I met up with some friends for drinks. They had told me of the falling out between Kojima and Konami, and my geeky heart was completely crushed. Kojima has left Silent Hills, and now the fate of the game hangs in the balance! ;A; Konami assures that game production will still continue, but I fear it will take a completely different, less-than-stellar direction without Kojima.

Is anyone else as heartbroken as I am? lol Can anyone shed more light as to what's going on? What happened between Kojima and Konami?? @_@ (Where have I been the past month while all this has been going down?! lol!)
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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Ardent Fox »

Part of me wants to think Kojima is still going to be involved in the production, but it's also Hideo Freaking Kojima and he does what he wants. I want Silent Hills to be a better return to the series and its form. I still have faith in the project that maybe just maybe, it'll be another Silent Hill 2.

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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by LuNaRtIc »

I really hope that Kojima is going to be involved to some degree! The slightly delusional side of my fangirl brain is hoping that this is all some kind of horrible joke that Konami is pulling. Maybe they're going to announce that the original Team Silent developers will be coming back? Wouldn't that be great?! Ha ha ha!! @_@ (Wishful thinking!!)

I completely agree with you, I had high expectations for this installment. The fact that it was being developed in Japan with Kojima leading the project alone was enough to make me giddy. (The franchise hasn't been quite the same since being developed by Western companies, and I sincerely hope they don't send the project overseas since Kojima left.) I would love it if Silent Hills could even come close to the greatness of Silent Hill 2. But having been through so many awful Silent Hill games, and with this latest mess with Kojima, I'm trying to not get my hopes up now. :(
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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Ardent Fox »

There's a bright side. No game coming out can be as bad as Silent Hill 5.

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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Arlia »

What about the Xenoblade series? The "father" of that game skipped around companies all the time, but the games still got made. They just had to be "spiritual sequels." If Kojima came out with a game called "Meadow Academy", about a man looking for his daughter in an abandoned school building, everyone would know EXACTLY what was going on.

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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Kizyr »

Y'know considering that Kojima made Policenauts as a "spiritual sequel" to Snatcher, and I loved both games, I don't think I'll really mind any other spiritual sequels or otherwise coming from him. .......I'd just rather it be Snatcher or Policenauts, rather than another Metal Gear Solid.

...I'm not up on Silent Hill though, so I can't comment much on what I'd expect there. I did hear about the falling out and how Kojima felt Konami used and abused his staff, so I'm not too broken up about him leaving them -- I figure he has good reasons for it. KF
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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Arlia »

Hahahaha!! Like anyone could take Daryl from Walking Dead seriously in anything else, anyway! Does he use a crossbow? Is there only zombies in the game, this time? Is he a redneck? Heh.

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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Dark_Fairy »

Yeah, it pretty much looks like the new Silent Hills game is canceled based on that Tweet and the fact that the demo is getting removed from the Playstation Store. :(

Normally my posts are pretty short...but Konami has personally been a sore spot with me lately, so prepare on-coming rant. :P

I'm normally not that negative about anything, but I will just say this. I personally feel like Konami has completely shot themselves in the foot. A lot of people were getting exciting for that new Silent Hills game, and a lot of people are disappointed about it probably being canceled. It also doesn't help that everyone is still completely upset that Kojima is no longer with Konami. I had been a long time Konami supporter. While I may not personally play Silent Hills or Metal Gear Solid games, I have respect for those games. Metal Gear Solid especially given how successful and popular it is.

Oh, but let's go back a bit. All of this horrible news lately with the SH and MGS games happening is horrible, but Konami has been in a mess even before this. Let's talk about why I HAD been a long time Konami support. Since I haven't really played the SH games, and MGS really isn't my thing, I'm going to talk about my end of the Konami stick. Of course, I enjoyed Konami's more casual series, Dance Dance Revolution and own tons of the home versions of said series, but that's not what I came to this thread to rant about.

Let's talk about the third franchise alongside SH and MGS that has gotten screwed over by Konami. Castlevania. Castlevania holds a very dear place in my heart, up along side the Lunar series. Kojima wasn't the only big name to have parted ways with Konami. Koji Igarashi, AKA IGA also pretty recently left Konami as well. He was a HUGE part of the Castlevania games. To those not familiar with Castlevania, he was basically the Kojima of Castlevania. This completely broke my heart when he was no longer part of Konami, and I knew that Castlevania was basically dead.

Now, IGA was not a part of the Lords of Shadows games. Instead, MercurySteam and Kojima worked on the Lords of Shadows games together. Now, I know that there are some people who enjoyed the Lords of Shadow games. That's totally fine. However, there are TONS of Castlevania fans that hate it, like myself. I personally did give the Lords of Shadows games a chance. The first game wasn't terrible. It had enjoyable aspects. However, Lords of Shadow 2 was worse. However, you guys don't need to hear me rant about Lords of Shadow. The important thing to note is that MercurySteam and Kojima made this series. MercurySteam was completely done with Castlevania after Lords of Shadow 2, and Kojima helped with the project. So even if fans DID enjoy the Lords of Shadow Castlevania series, that is now dead. So not only did they try to reboot Castlevania and completely change it to something pretty "meh" (in my opinion), but the team is gone that even worked on the flipping thing!!! Not to mention that IGA is gone now as well, meaning Castlevania can't even go back to the IGA games Castlevania is pretty much dead. The IGA Castlevania games have been going on since Symphony of the Night, so that's a really long time.

So long story short, Konami killed Castlevania, Silent Hills, and basically Metal Gear Solid. Sure, at least Metal Gear Solid 5 is still getting released, but who knows what is going to happen to the series after that since Kojima is gone. Kojima is the heart of Metal Gear Solid. Why did Konami think it was a great idea to kill off their games?! I personally may not be a fan of Silent Hills or Metal Gear Solid, but oh do I completely understand their pain, being a Castlevania fan. It honestly ticks me off that Konami is ruining so many of their franchises and disappointing SO MANY FANS across all of their franchises. :(

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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Arlia »

However, there are TONS of Castlevania fans that hate it
*raises hand* Yeah, LOS was ...not Castlevania. One thing I didn't like about IGA was that he seemed to give himself too much credit (he was not solely responsible for SOTN, but it was that that inspired the gameplay of the rest of them) and he took Sonia and Legends out of the timeline.

It's like, one person leaves, and the rest of them forget how to do anything.
It honestly ticks me off that Konami is ruining so many of their franchises and disappointing SO MANY FANS across all of their franchises.
Exactly! What on Earth are they thinking? The buyers give them the money! Period! How hard is it to figure out?

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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Dark_Fairy »

Arlia wrote:
*raises hand* Yeah, LOS was ...not Castlevania. One thing I didn't like about IGA was that he seemed to give himself too much credit (he was not solely responsible for SOTN, but it was that that inspired the gameplay of the rest of them) and he took Sonia and Legends out of the timeline.
Yeah, IGA did give himself a bit too much credit, but I enjoyed his games a lot. IGA basically removed Sonia because it didn't fit in his timeline, which I personally don't think was right, but it did make the timeline make a bit more sense.

Also...Silent Hills is officially dead as of Monday morning and Konami pulled their stocks for the New York Stock exchange. Konami is spiraling even more downhill. ... -cancelled ... -of-konami

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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Sonic# »

^ I saw that news. I'm not a big fan of the Silent Hill series (out of inexperience not animosity!), but I'm sorry to see that Konami may be in trouble. They're a mainstay - and for far more games than Snatcher. Without them, we wouldn't have DDR, the Suikoden series, and Metal Gear Solid.

I wonder whether it'd be feasible to port some of their games to PC or mobile. Metal Gear Solid or the Suikoden series would be great candidates, as they both have quite a bit of buzz around them. I see that MGS V has a Steam page. Maybe that'd be an opening for others?

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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Ardent Fox »

Konami was great, once. But let's face it, they haven't exactly been churning out the hits. About the best thing to come out recently was Metal Gear Rising: Revengence that won not only silliest title ever but best way to kill an afternoon and slice it into tiny pieces while an amazing sound track pulses through your body. But Metal Gear for the longest time, was their best selling series as far as I can tell.

I remember the Konami of the Nintendo era and one of my favorite SNES games is a Konami game, but the sad truth is they don't have much going for them. Their two biggest titles that don't involved flailing around and looking like an idiot in front of a herd of people involved Metal Gear Solid which Kojima mainlined and Silent Hill in which you flail around looking like an idiot but by yourself in a dark room beneath the protection of a blankie. Both of these titles have done nothing anyone would call spectacular besides P.T.

It's sad to think that such a publishing house is looking less like the golden Adonis of our time and more of a doddering old elderly man shouting obscenities at youngsters. More and more it feels like the publishers we grew up with are starting to crack.

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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Sonic# »

Their two biggest titles that don't involved flailing around and looking like an idiot in front of a herd of people
That's not a very nice thing to say about Lethal Enforcers. ;)

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Ardent Fox »

Sonic# wrote:
Their two biggest titles that don't involved flailing around and looking like an idiot in front of a herd of people
That's not a very nice thing to say about Lethal Enforcers. ;)
At least with Lethal Enforcers you get a gun and can pretend you're Clint Eastwood. With DDR, however, at best you look like someone who shoved a lot of hot coals in their trousers.

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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Sonic# »

^ I pretend I'm Clint Eastwood with a lot of hot coals in my trousers.

I know I was big into DDR once upon a time. I think Kizyr was too?

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Ardent Fox »

In all fairness I still get down on some DDR if I can find a machine and I know I wont take out a family with my fat as I "bust a groove". It's not a bad game, but for the home console market, it's not their top seller.

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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Shiva Indis »

So... Konami is winding down home game development? Letting its big names walk out? To focus on pachinko parlor fare?

Suddenly, the Suikoden pachislot makes more sense...but it's really sad to see another great Japanese publisher fade away like this.

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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Leo »

Sonic# wrote:^ I pretend I'm Clint Eastwood with a lot of hot coals in my trousers.

I know I was big into DDR once upon a time. I think Kizyr was too?
That's the funniest mental image I've had in ages. :lol:

I won't play DDR. I have ADHD and do a lot of walking but I'm not going to play a dance game. I did have fun with Stepmania since I can just use the arrow keys to play it.

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Re: Silent Hills & The Great Konami/Kojima Debacle of 2015!

Post by Taiyaki »

Have you seen over the last 24h or so those PS4's with P.T. installed selling for over 1000 dollars on ebay (I saw one sold for almost 2k)? Has the world gone mad?

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