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Why I dont Like G4

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:18 pm
by Plantella
Or rather, one of the many reasons I dont like G4.

I can see why someone wouldnt like Rhapsody (although I do) but saying Lunar has horrible music is just ridiculous.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:23 pm
by Benevolent_Ghaleon
c'mon! it's simply a matter of different opinions. Adam Sessler and Morgan Fap disliking the music doesn't make me like Lunar music any less. I'd also like to add that the two of them have openly expressed that they don't really enjoy RPGs very much.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 2:35 pm
by Plantella
Its one thing to say "I dont like RPGS so I dont like this game" or to say "The lyrics are too cheesy for me" or maybe "I dont like the singers voice" Those are all personal opinions and Im fine with that. But I dont think Lunar is quite up there as jump off a cliff music. There plenty of annoying, repetitive game music out there they could have been talking about. It just seems to me that if its not sexy or hardcore G4 is gonna say something bad about it and Im just not that kinda gamer. I love all games!!

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:26 pm
by GhaleonOne
I remember that, and yes, thought it was absolutely ridiculous. It's one thing to dislike a game's music, but they made it out to be some of the worst video game music ever, and that's just not true.

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 8:36 pm
by Kizyr
I can give a few reasons why I don't like G1. KF

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 11:31 pm
by phyco126
Reason 1: He failed to bring Phyco to the dark side of the moon and instead chopped Phyco's right hand off. =O

*ahem* I just hate critics, period. They always try to pass their opinions off as fact. Which is a big pet peeve of mine. :(

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:41 am
by Boris Moskovitz
Okay, I'll admit that the lyrics can be rather cheesy at times, but come on! It's not even anywhere close to "bad"! And if they really wanted to show Lunar that bad, then they would have been better off playing the Disney-like Boat Song.

Personally, I kind of like it, but I can definitely see why anyone would want to bash on that tune.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 5:09 am
by phyco126
Boris Moskovitz wrote: Personally, I kind of like it, but I can definitely see why anyone would want to bash on that tune.
Care to elaborate? I for one see no definate reason anyone would bash it. Then again, this comes from the guy that likes Rhaposdy music, and other music as well. =O

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 5:22 am
by Werefrog
phyco126 wrote:
Boris Moskovitz wrote: Personally, I kind of like it, but I can definitely see why anyone would want to bash on that tune.
Care to elaborate? I for one see no definate reason anyone would bash it. Then again, this comes from the guy that likes Rhaposdy music, and other music as well. =O
Well... in my opinion the lyrics are a bit too sweet. However, this is after thinking about the song on and off for over 6 years (playing for the first time when I about 14). I loved it when I first played the game, and I still think it's pretty good and fits the game very well. I can see why someone who has never played the game or played it first as an adult would dislike it.

However... I don't think anyone can argue that it deserved that treatment. Message to G4: You are not Mystery Science Theater 3000 (they're not funny enough to be MST3k), and Wings (that's the name of the song, right?) is not Manos: Hands of Fate (horrible movie featured on MST3k). It's not even Star Wars Episode 3.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 6:16 am
by exigence
mega long rant about G4's evilness

i cant stand G4 this really dosent have much to do with it TechTV was great, very well balanced anime, computers, video games. Slowly G4 took over it became G4TechTV, and it wasnt that bad same old TechTV with more emphasis on games, then G4 completly took over and butcherd the schedule and cut some great shows within months half of the hosts from old techTV were droped. Finnaly they came up with a good show, attack of the show it nearly killed me when the cool kevin left, then sarah left the show that was it. there was nothing left for me since i had slowly lost faith in adam and morgans ability to rate games im not blaming them it probaly wasnt their fault, i could care less about this lunar thing, they lost my respect long ago. besides their not qualified to give opinions on music they can barely do it right for games anyone can give halo a 5/5 it dosent make you an expert.

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 2:37 pm
by Boris Moskovitz
phyco126 wrote:Care to elaborate? I for one see no definate reason anyone would bash it. Then again, this comes from the guy that likes Rhaposdy music, and other music as well. =O
Werefrog pretty much said what had to be said, but the key word in my previous post was "Disney-like". I'm sure you can easily work with it from there. :P

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2007 4:35 pm
by phyco126
Ah, well, you know, this 22 year old likes disney songs =O. So yeah, I still don't understand it, but I can at least figure it into my thoughts to put my mind at ease (Not like it works hard anytime :P)

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2007 11:46 pm
by Iga
Werefrog wrote:You are not Mystery Science Theater 3000 (they're not funny enough to be MST3k), and Wings (that's the name of the song, right?) is not Manos: Hands of Fate (horrible movie featured on MST3k).
I actually have a buddy who loves Manos: Hands of Fate. :lol:

Yeah, I used to kinda like X-Play, but then they just started becoming more and more like the people that I hate being around who call themselves "gamers," where "gaming" consists of Halo, God of War, and other such games that I find little to no interest in but that apparently the "gaming world" absolutely loves. And then I saw that clip of them bashing Lunar. I flew off the handle. Yeah, now I'm done with listening to anything Adam Sessler has to say anymore.

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2007 12:40 pm
by AlexofBurg
Iga wrote: Yeah, I used to kinda like X-Play, but then they just started becoming more and more like the people that I hate being around who call themselves "gamers," where "gaming" consists of Halo, God of War, and other such games that I find little to no interest in but that apparently the "gaming world" absolutely loves.

I am probably the only guy I know that hates Halo. Good to see that another gamer (guy or otherwise) isn't a huge fan either. That game is so overrated, it's no better than any other FPS out there. In fact, I'm not sure how it got so popular...

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:19 am
by phyco126
AlexofBurg wrote:
Iga wrote: Yeah, I used to kinda like X-Play, but then they just started becoming more and more like the people that I hate being around who call themselves "gamers," where "gaming" consists of Halo, God of War, and other such games that I find little to no interest in but that apparently the "gaming world" absolutely loves.

I am probably the only guy I know that hates Halo. Good to see that another gamer (guy or otherwise) isn't a huge fan either. That game is so overrated, it's no better than any other FPS out there. In fact, I'm not sure how it got so popular...
It's all a matter of opinion. To you, it's just another lame FPS. To some of us, it's a fun game. I love it myself. In retrospect, it's like people wondering why we Lunar fans are such fans of a 'Cliche lay RPG game with crappy lame graphics.'

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:43 am
by AlexofBurg
It's all a matter of opinion. To you, it's just another lame FPS. To some of us, it's a fun game. I love it myself. In retrospect, it's like people wondering why we Lunar fans are such fans of a 'Cliche lay RPG game with crappy lame graphics.'
:x Fine...I guess Lunar is a little cliche...Okay, it's really cliche.

Did you play the Halo 3 beta, phyco?
I actually like some of the new features, like the 'bubble shield'. Not enough to buy the game, but they were pretty cool.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:58 am
by GhaleonOne
phyco126 wrote:It's all a matter of opinion. To you, it's just another lame FPS. To some of us, it's a fun game. I love it myself. In retrospect, it's like people wondering why we Lunar fans are such fans of a 'Cliche lay RPG game with crappy lame graphics.'
Hey now, those graphics were good for when the came out. Well, on the Sega CD they were anyways. It's weird. Lunar went from being ahead of it's time graphically, to being "old school", in terms of it's visuals from the remakes on (well, barring the cutscenes, obviously).

For the record, I think Lunar 1 is far more cliche than Lunar 2. And that's not a knock on it. It was said a lot around the time SSS first came out that Lunar 1 did the whole "save the world and the princess" routine better than any other of it's kind. It's basically the perfect cliche storyline, but it works so well on so many levels.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:22 am
by AlexofBurg
What makes it great is not so much the content, just the way it was executed.

The characters seem kinda cookie-cutter at the beginning, but, unlike most games, they are actually fleshed out (Alex, not as much as I'd like, but still). And obviously, WD's great nuances in the dialog.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 3:22 pm
by Boris Moskovitz
Ehh, Alex may be somewhat of a silent hero and all, but the good that comes with his lack of personality (at least compared to the rest of the cast) is that you can easily take on his role and actually feel as though you were in his shoes instead of simply being a spectator who just constantly presses the A button.

Though they can be bland as bland can be, these types of main characters were never meant as separate entities, but rather the player's alter ego. And as a result, the payoff is an increase in immersion and emotional connection.

But hey, maybe it's just me and my personal bias against sassy video game protagonists.
phyco126 wrote:Ah, well, you know, this 22 year old likes disney songs =O. So yeah, I still don't understand it, but I can at least figure it into my thoughts to put my mind at ease (Not like it works hard anytime :P)
Ahh, well, I suppose I could say that some people can just find the Boat Song's lyrics to be kinda cheesy. Unfortunately, I don't really know how to further elaborate on something so subjective.

Posted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 4:46 pm
by AlexofBurg
Quiet heroes are perfectly fine with me, but SILENT ones (i.e. Crono) annoy me.

I get what you're saying, though.