Back at making fan games..

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Back at making fan games..

Post by WD RPG WD »

I released Dreams of Saturn last week, a Shenmue game.

I had to find a way to plug Lunar. Max Dood streamed it and his chat had to tell him what it was..
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Re: Back at making fan games..

Post by Omegazero108 »

Congrats on the game WD!

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Re: Back at making fan games..

Post by Sonic# »

Oh wow, a Shenmue fangame sounds pretty intensive. Nice to see so many people recognized Lunar.

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Re: Back at making fan games..

Post by Alunissage »

I, uh, still need to play Shenmue. I think we even went to the trouble of getting a European version so we could import save data to Shenmue II? Does that sound right? Something about one of those two games being released on different consoles in NA so the save data thing didn't work here.

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Re: Back at making fan games..

Post by VidKid369 »

I am playing Yakuza 0 and thought of SEGA’s other game Shenmue. I researched and its available on PS4 I think. I have the Dreamcast version. I was always wondering if it was any good? Its only appeal to me is sleeping your whole lifes away?

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Re: Back at making fan games..

Post by WD RPG WD »

Shenmue is right there with Lunar and Monkey Island for me.

I made a simple fan game for 200 niche Shenmue fans. We just passed 20k in downloads.
It's been a big success. I think it's because of the amount of cameo's I have of other Sega games.
People have been searching for all the little nods I included.

I'm burned out from watching people play it and having anxiety of something going wrong.

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Re: Back at making fan games..

Post by Kizyr »

Haha awesome! Congrats on the game release and this is a fantastic plug, both for the game and getting in a little Lunar 2 reference.
~Kizyr (they|them)

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