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Post by RPGMan »

As I said, my point was that the Japanese make porn related things mor epoular, I did not say that the us did not have those types of shows, I saisd that the japanese shows them like we show wheel of fortune and jeporday. And I don't think a documentoral show would lie, the Japanese have a more stagnant pop due to their respect for old people and the traditions they have, and YES they do have sex quite less then we do. By a census at the rate they are going their population will steadily drop in the next century or so. And I dont mean a small drop. And I am not taking little facts and makling wild assumptions, I AM stating facts. You should read the whole thread and not read a few posts and post your opinion on them because they could be tied with something else.


If you dig around enough, you'll find equally ridiculous shows in the US. You have to consider what shows are popular here or in Japan, if you want to make any meaningful conclusions (even then there are some caveats). The stuff that you're referencing isn't necessarily popular in Japan, but it's stuff that folks in the US will pick up on as more reasons to say "OMG look at those weird Japanese people".

You pretty much restated my point. I was saying hentai and the kinky porn type stuff is more popular and socially accepted than it was here, and they do it more openly.

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Post by Sonic# »

I bet I can respond to this post, using what Kizyr said in response to your previous one.
RPGMan wrote:And I don't think a documentoral show would lie, the Japanese have a more stagnant pop due to their respect for old people and the traditions they have, and YES they do have sex quite less then we do.
Kizyr wrote:Japan is a lot more lenient society when it comes to things like abortion and contraception. The stagnant population is due to a lot of other factors, not because people have sex less often--which is really doubtful. You should probably not be taking little facts here and there and making wild assumptions based on them.
How do you know they have sex less often than we do? It seems like you're getting your ideas from some survey, which was in this documentary which has been called thus:
Kizyr wrote:Yeah I saw the same program. It was mostly crap. Japan is about as equally "promiscuous" as the US, I've found. KF
without any response by you.

Not every documentary tells the whole truth. And G4 hasn't inspired faith in me lately to believe them. Is there any other place I can go to read about this? Any other source?
RPGMan wrote:
Kizyr wrote:If you dig around enough, you'll find equally ridiculous shows in the US. You have to consider what shows are popular here or in Japan, if you want to make any meaningful conclusions (even then there are some caveats). The stuff that you're referencing isn't necessarily popular in Japan, but it's stuff that folks in the US will pick up on as more reasons to say "OMG look at those weird Japanese people".

You pretty much restated my point. I was saying hentai and the kinky porn type stuff is more popular and socially accepted than it was here, and they do it more openly.
I AM stating facts.
RPGMan wrote:You should read the whole thread and not read a few posts and post your opinion on them because they could be tied with something else.
Well, that worked well in responding to itself.

I honestly don't see the part where Kizyr restates your point. He says what you have to consider, the popularity of a show in that country, and says that what you have found is just what is highly visible in the US, and not there. (I don't have access to Japanese TV, newspapers, magazines.)

Where are you getting your facts from? It would be alright if these were well-known occurences, but they aren't. And while I agree that the Japanese population will drop drastically in the next 100 years, you haven't argued why with any kind of success, focusing only on the low sex that must be occuring, because there aren't other cultural or biological factors that ever affect a birth rate. (Oh, wait, there are.)

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Post by LuNaRtIc »

Wow, hate to interrupt the big conversation... ^^;

Just wanted to say I've been watching Nerima Daikon Brothers, and loving it. There's something really cute about it in a messed up sort of way! xD Hehe, it's from the director of Excel Saga. Really silly and fun!
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Post by Kizyr »

Ok, let me start out by saying where I'm coming from. I speak Japanese, I've spent some time in Japan (half a year during college, two months during high school), and I can spot G4's -Dung Beetle- pretty easily. Now then, most of your confusion is caused by misunderstanding what parts of your (baseless) claims I'm contradicting...
RPGMan wrote:As I said, my point was that the Japanese make porn related things mor epoular, I did not say that the us did not have those types of shows, I saisd that the japanese shows them like we show wheel of fortune and jeporday.
Spelling mistakes aside, you don't have any basis for saying that.

The most popular type of show on Japanese television are variety shows. They're usually hosted by some celebrity or panel of celebrities, a few hosts, etc. Most game shows involve trivia questions ('guess the song' is a popular kind) or competition games. (Side note, they're also the best for studying Japanese because they use everyday language.)

The next most popular type of show are J-dramas. That's another genre altogether that I'm not getting into here--but if you're really curious, just check out . J-dramas also tend to be instant conversation-starters if you follow the more popular ones.

Point is, the shows you're pointing out are not common, and they're not "shown like we show Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune". I watched a huge load of television while I was in Japan; and what I said is likewise supported by plenty of research I've done to write a few papers in my last year of college. Moreover, the meat of television programming hasn't changed drastically in the last three years. So, what's the basis for the claim you're making?
RPGFan wrote:And I don't think a documentoral show would lie
Actually, yes, they would. I've seen plenty of biased documentaries that are based on lies. There are plenty of textbooks that blatantly misrepresent facts, too. Just because something calls itself a 'documentary' doesn't mean everything in it is true (which is as silly as thinking that just because something is on TV, it has to be true).

Besides that, the "documentary" you're talking about is hardly a documentary. It was a program for talking about sexual fetishes, and it hardly approached the subject matter seriously. (This is G4 we're talking about, not the History Channel.)

Fun side note. One of my friend's senior thesis was on Japanese sexuality. ...he even included pictures.
RPGFan wrote:the Japanese have a more stagnant pop due to their respect for old people and the traditions they have, and YES they do have sex quite less then we do. By a census at the rate they are going their population will steadily drop in the next century or so. And I dont mean a small drop. And I am not taking little facts and makling wild assumptions, I AM stating facts.
You're doing two things here. One, you're making up things as you go along. Two, you didn't understand what I was directing the "wild assumptions" part at.

The 'little fact' you're taking is the stagnant population. The 'wild assumption' you're making is that the stagnant population is due to having less sex on average than, say, Americans. The next 'wild assumption' you make is the connection between having less sex (which isn't true, nor do you have any basis for that claim) and "respect for old people and traditions"--which is entirely unrelated to sex, even though it is arguably true.

First, the stagnant population is due to several factors, the main one being that raising children in Japan is expensive. The cost of living already is high, the cost of land is extremely high (meaning owning a large house is a luxury, and an extra room in the house is an enormous expense--this is why there are 90-year leases in Japan that can be transferred generationally). Now, that's unrelated to sexual practices because, as I said before, there isn't the same level of taboo on things like contraception and abortion. (I'm an economist, and I have had to research several issues related to the Japanese economy, and issues like this are significant enough to come up.)

Sexual practices, meanwhile, are still about as much as they are in the US. Also, the limited space isn't much of a deterrent. Most young people when they're "in the mood" take a few hours at a love hotel for just a few thousand yen. (Another side note... love hotels and 24-hour internet cafes can be a cheap way to find a room for the night if you're on vacation and aren't too picky.)
RPGFan wrote:You pretty much restated my point. I was saying hentai and the kinky porn type stuff is more popular and socially accepted than it was here, and they do it more openly.
That's true, but it's unrelated to the ridiculous arguments you were making before. That comment was also directed at what B_G was stating more so than you.

Anyway, if you're interested enough, I could probably give you a few citations and other resources behind what I said above (that is, if you think I'm lying about my own experiences and firsthand accounts). KF
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Post by phyco126 »

Kizyr wrote:
RPGFan wrote:And I don't think a documentoral show would lie
Actually, yes, they would. I've seen plenty of biased documentaries that are based on lies. There are plenty of textbooks that blatantly misrepresent facts, too. Just because something calls itself a 'documentary' doesn't mean everything in it is true (which is as silly as thinking that just because something is on TV, it has to be true). KF
Indeed. I guess since there are documentries out there that we never landed on the moon, Elvis didn't die, JFK was shot by me, and Aliens dance the night away in one big drunken orgy on Apollo 11, and that the US fired missles into it's own self on 9/11, must mean it's all true. Right?

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Post by RPGMan »

The reason why I said they have less sex then we do and went with that sounding like my basis was off of the g4 study is on some other networks like discovery channel etc they have talked about it also. Like how the japanese are much more business orientaded, so they dont have time for families, also tying in to your comment on the cost of raising kids. So I think I am still in a minute sense if any right on the fact that they have sex less. No I do not think you are lying on you accounts but will you post the links? It would eb a good read.

And yeah, that was a pretty stupid comment on me saying a documentary wouldn't lie.. But anyway, whenever I see programs talking about shows in japan and what not I get hentai a lot and the other excess in porn related things. And another note, I may have come off sounding like it, but I don't think the Japanese's low population is soely due to having less sex, I was saying it was a factor, and sorry if it was wrong. But I have seen it more than jut G4.

Hey cool on the thing about the report =p do you have a copy of it or anything?

-----Back on topic.-----

I was watching tv on that tv-links site and I was watching the anime Chobits, I read the first 2 graphic novels and really liked it. I would rate chobits one of my top favs. And Inuyasha, love that one too. :D

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Post by Patty Mac »

I love Bleach, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Gundam SEED:Destiny, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop and Hellsing. Those are just the first few that popped into my head.

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Post by kyle1992 »

favorite anime, well lets see.

Full Metal Alchemist
Love Hina
Galexy Angels
Fire Emblem OAV
Blood Plus
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Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

love hina rocks.

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Post by DezoPenguin »

Let's see...

Revolutionary Girl Utena: The TV series is great; the movie is even better.

Tenchi-Muyo! Ryo-Ohki: The original six episodes are classic (Best. Opening. Ever.), even though the franchise has settled in since then at a lower level.

El-Hazard: Again, the original seven episodes are classic. I mean, a harem-type comedy in which the guy picks a girl immediately, stays with her from that point on, and the other women after him are just beating their heads on an impenetrable stone wall? And Jinnai...I mean, Jinnai! And anyone will tell you I have a thing for android girls with sky-blue hair. :)

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex: Two TV series and a movie-length OVA thus far out of a sub-franchise which greatly exceeds the quality of the original manga and movies. Cyberpunk at its best, with plenty of plot and action, interesting characters, and enough philosophy and "what it means to be human" dialogue to be interesting and thought-provoking without boring the pants off me. And, of course, the Tachikomas are the best character concept in the history of anime (If there was any fan of the series who didn't react the exact same way the staff of Section 9 did at the end of 2nd Gig Ep. 1, well...I'd find it hard to believe).

Le Chevalier D'Eon: While I'm only halfway through so far, this occult-political-conspiracy thriller set in pre-Revolutionary France is definitely my cup of tea thus far.

Witch Hunter Robin: Speaking of occult political conspiracies...

Night Walker: Midnight Detective: Forever Knight meets Vampire Princess Miyu. The art quality is highly variable, though (even if you don't count the changed character designs between episodes 4 and 5).

Vampire Princess Miyu: The 4-episode OVA series is eerie and disquieting rather than horrific, with plenty of atmosphere and fine music. The TV series isn't bad, but too formulaic, and I felt that Reiha just got in the way while the end-of-series arc was badly set up, so I'd stick to the OVAs.

Bubblegum Crash: While I liked both the original Bubblegum Crisis (a phrase which really needs to enter the language at large) and the Tokyo: 2040 remake, I may be the only person in the free world who actually preferred Crash to Crisis (well, except for Priss's crappy replacement voice actress; she stank, but I've always been a Sylia fan anyway).

Jubei-chan and its sequel, J2: The Counterattack of Siberia Yagyu: An almost perfect blend of side-splitting comedy, surprisingly deep and emotionally affecting characters, and crazy-hind-end swordfights.

Gankutsuou: Dumas's The Count of Monte Cristo recast as futuristic space opera and from the point of view of Albert de Morcerf. Just fragging brilliant. There are insufficient superlatives. And I want to see my wife in Haidee's opera dress.

Laputa: The Castle in the Sky: Miyazaki's best work, IMHO; I've seen this one a half-dozen times or so. A boy and girl finding each other and the strength of their beliefs, air pirates, creepy spies, military goon squads, cool steampunk technology designs, a Lost Civilization waiting to be discovered...this one's the good stuff, folks.

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Post by Angelalex242 »

I've been fond of Inuyasha, lately...myself.

I'm also one of the rare few who came down on Kikyou's side over Kagome. Imagine that.
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Post by Guild_Premier_Ghaleon »

Hmm... I dug Inuyasha initially, but after a while it just got way too repetative for my tastes. And not sure if you have seen the ending, so I wont ruin it, but that was just aggravating...
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Post by Zaskar »

Guild_Premier_Ghaleon wrote:Hmm... I dug Inuyasha initially, but after a while it just got way too repetative for my tastes. And not sure if you have seen the ending, so I wont ruin it, but that was just aggravating...
Only seen what cartoon network has aired of that series, any idea if they have gotten to the end yet? Im pretty sure ive seen every one they have aired, and they play the show all the time. If it has endded then it musta been a pretty open end where I diddnt even realize it was the last episode :P

Also, has anyone seen the New Hellsing's yet? (the new OAV's that they made completely replacing/ignoring the series) They were supposed to be really excellent.

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Post by DezoPenguin »

I saw the first one. It was good enough, but not really all that different from the original version (especially since the point where the initial series diverges from the manga is farther into the series). If you like the manga or the original series' first volume, you'll be happy with the remake.

(Note: I don't even own an HDTV, so any questions about video or sound quality are way outside my realm of experience.)

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Post by Guild_Premier_Ghaleon »

I saw the first one as well, and so far it's just a flashy recap of the series. But yeah, its pretty cool. Can't wait to see what they do with Incognito.
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Post by DezoPenguin »

Odds are Incognito won't be in Hellsing Ultimate. He was created exclusively for the original anime series (he was never in the manga), and it's that "divergence from the original story" that the remake is designed to "correct." I could be wrong, but I strongly suspect that arc won't make the remake at all.

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Post by Enigma »

I'm gonna have to go with Bleach, Naruto, and Fullmetal Alchemist.

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Post by Guild_Premier_Ghaleon »

True, he may be exluded, but I still think that despite him being exclusive to the anime series he wasn't too bad a villain for the finale. If they do decide to stick with the manga plot however, Ill still be collecting. I'm definately a Hellsing manga fanboy.
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Post by Boris Moskovitz »

Vision of Escaflowne: Action, adventure, drama, romance, a little comedy, and huge robots; it's got just about everything you would want in an anime.

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Post by Guild_Premier_Ghaleon »

Dilandau: Cheek... cheek... cheek... cheek...

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