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Post by MiaOne »

I finished The Half-Blood Prince and also tackled The Order of the Phoenix and now I'm just about done with The Wizard of Oz.

Anyone have any suggestions for a good book? I'm running low on those that I can just pick up at home.
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Post by Alunissage »

Try anything by Robin McKinley if you haven't already. Well, I didn't care so much for her last one, which was miles darker and more "adult" than her previous ones, but people who like vampires might like it. I still think it's structurally unsound independent of the material, though.

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Post by Sonic# »

Right now I'm reading The Red Badge of Courage, by Stephen Crane, and another book whose title eludes me... an intro to philosophy through literature. The first section used Araby, so... yay.

Um, recommendations... I'd recommend Philip Pullman, author of The Golden Compass. Also, Brian Jacques, author of the Redwall books... those would both be pretty good follow-ups to the books you read, though for different reasons. :D

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Post by MiaOne »

I finished Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and I also finished Dairy by Chuch P. (the author of Fight Club) his work is amazing, I recommend him highly and now...

I'm reading "Good Omens" by Neil Gaiman and this other lady, but Neil Gaiman is what counts. This book is hilarious...amazing...it reads like a Mel Brook's movie. HAHAHAHA. Highly recommended.
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Post by Rego »

Uh, I am currently readind The Wayfer redemption, then I am going to start Harry potter and The half blood prince, then I am going to read the Kushiels trilogy.

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Post by MiaOne »

FINISHED "Good Omens" I am now on to "Haunted" by Chuck Palahaniuk...Talk about vulgarity...This book is not for the week of stomach.
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Post by Vane Premier »

Finally finished "Survivor" by Chuck Palahniuk, I thought it was a good book but I had already a few of his other books before this one and sometimes I felt like I was reading the same book. I still think "Lullaby" was his best book but that's just me.
Going to start Bob Dylan Chronicles Vol.1 which I got for Christmas and still haven't read it.


Post by Guest »

Well i'm reading Moon Dance by S.P. somtow I must say his books are weird and demented. :twisted:

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Post by Skylark360 »

I have just finished re-reading Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind.

Nice series, but I kind of prefer something lighter. :P [/i]

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Post by Darknight »

Well lets see, right now I'm in the middle of the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov. I've already read all 7or 8 books in the past, but its been so long I'm reading them again, right now I'm on The Second Foundation. Its really an awesome series, especially considering the scope of it all as well as when it was written. I think the first book was written in the 40s. It really is amazing how well he predicted what would come out in some of the inventions and how well he knew how they would be able to work, considering it was all theoretical (and most of it still is).

The weirdest thing is even though the books can be a little slow to begin with, Asimov manages to create great interest, even though there is little to no action. Its really amazing, I haven't seen many other authors accomplish the same thing. Also he has a way of making all of his books more like a mystery rather than just plain Sci-fi. I have the entire Robot Series as well, but haven't gotten around to reading it yet. And I didn't realize until I came upon the robot series that the foundation and robot series are connected as well as there is an empire series in between the two but it is out of print so I will have to find used copies of it. But the books span many millienia. Its just so cool to see his take on a way that the human civilization could change, advance, and explore the galaxy. As well as all the social and political things he includes.

Maybe they have other people that do it just as well as he did now, but he was definately one of the first greats. Anyway thats my praise for him.

Anyone else read any of his stuff? Thoughts?

I've actually got another book by him I may read soon called "The Gods themselves" That looks interesting, but who knows.


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Post by Alunissage »

Asimov himself was surprised, when he reread the original Foundation trilogy twenty or so years later, at how little action there was. It was almost entirely dialogue. He didn't bring the series together with the robot series until after then, of course.

I should have more to say on him, but can't think of it right now. I do like almost everything of his I've read, but aside from the Foundation and Robot novels it's been almost entirely short stories. His mysteries were fun.

I'm reading Emma by Jane Austen right now. I'd been wanting to reread this for a month or two and then my mom showed up with a bunch of boxes from my old room at home which the current occupant of that room (my sister) wanted out, and among them was my copy of Emma. I was very happy.

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Post by Darknight »

So I assume that means that you read the foundation and robot series then? How did the two compare? Did you like robot over foundation, or anything? And have you read the empire series? Any information about these without spoiling these would be cool.

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Post by DeathBeforeDenial »

Common Sense by Thomas Paine

Walden by Henry David Thoreau

Following Christ in a Consumer Society by John Kavanaugh

Mere Christianity bs C.S. Lewis

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Post by Angelalex242 »

Has anyone ever read Fred Saberhagen's Sword books?

IE, Shieldbreaker, Woundhealer, Doomgiver, Coinspinner, etc.
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Post by Sonic# »

I just finished reading Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte for class. That Nelly, what a rogue. *siiiigh* I've also picked up The Angel's Command by Brian Jacques, and am due to start As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner for class. Oh, and I'm going to skim The Iliad (by Homer) for a paper in Western Civ. I know the basics of it, but I just need some stuff to support my argument.

Well lets see, right now I'm in the middle of the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov.

Hehe, I've also been reading Foundation and Earth. I picked up with the series at Second Foundation though. I had fallen to the backside with it for a long time, because the Foundation and Empire short stories bored me at the time. The lack of action might've done it. I've gotten used to it since then, and now enjoy it, though the novels have... yes, a bunch of dialogue. Rather like a Shakespearean play, where most things that happen are either describe, or lead directly into more talking. But that's fine. :D

I've liked all his works though. He was a very diverse writer of both fiction and nonfiction. I favor his Robot novels and short stories, but my favorite work of his is the short story, "The Ugly Little Boy." That one made me tear up, and he was (as Asimov himself put it) writing over his head.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Post by GhaleonOne »

Just started reading a new series. The first book is called The Vienna Prelude. It's set right before World War II in Nazi Germany, written in fiction based off of historical events/characters.

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Post by Mormon88 »

i just finished Eldest...

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Post by AlasdairPalemoon »

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone for the first time through. Yeah, a little late, I know ;)

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Post by Mormon88 »

the first time?!?! wow. just wow.

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Post by AlasdairPalemoon »

Mormon88 wrote:the first time?!?! wow. just wow.

Yes, we exist ;) In all fairness, I did read the first half a few years ago, but then saw the movie and didn't get around to finishing the book. I wanted to read the other books before watching the other movies, but ...I just never got around to it until now.

I have set of the first five books now and almost done with Sorcerer's Stone :)

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