Tsumiru-Enterprise-- Lunar: Fragments of the Past

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Re: Tsumiru-Enterprise-- Lunar: Fragments of the Past

Post by Sonic# »

I don't usually find it neccesary to capitilize my writing in posts. Oh and by the way, that's why spelling and grammer check were invented.
http://www.paulhensel.org/teachspell.html (an amusing little spellchecker poem)

I think they were invented to check the obvious mistakes, not to justify laziness in editing. I'm a grad student, and have started to see the horrors of some people in introductory English courses relying only on spelling and grammar checkers to revise their papers. There will be misused words, incorrect corrections, and unclear uses of language that are technically correct but otherwise unintelligible. I can't imagine what video games would be like if the scripts were only given that light dusting.

I don't care if you're perfectly correct (I'm not) in your use of language, but it does help if you capitalize properly. It's for clarity. Oh, and by the way, that's why spelling and grammar were invented. ;)

Anyway, sorry to interrupt Ciaron. I'm not sure how much time I would have to do any editing, and I'm not the best on the board for it, but I wouldn't mind doing it a little bit.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: Tsumiru-Enterprise-- Lunar: Fragments of the Past

Post by Semaj »

Sonic# wrote:
I don't usually find it neccesary to capitilize my writing in posts. Oh and by the way, that's why spelling and grammer check were invented.
http://www.paulhensel.org/teachspell.html (an amusing little spellchecker poem)

I think they were invented to check the obvious mistakes, not to justify laziness in editing. I'm a grad student, and have started to see the horrors of some people in introductory English courses relying only on spelling and grammar checkers to revise their papers. There will be misused words, incorrect corrections, and unclear uses of language that are technically correct but otherwise unintelligible. I can't imagine what video games would be like if the scripts were only given that light dusting.

I don't care if you're perfectly correct (I'm not) in your use of language, but it does help if you capitalize properly. It's for clarity. Oh, and by the way, that's why spelling and grammar were invented. ;)

Anyway, sorry to interrupt Ciaron. I'm not sure how much time I would have to do any editing, and I'm not the best on the board for it, but I wouldn't mind doing it a little bit.
Yes, I can see where your coming from with that. I didn't mean to sound like a jerk with that comment. What I was trying to get at was that you shouldn't judge someone's writing capabilities from posts, it's something that should be drawn from a piece of thier writing they're passionate about.
I'm sorry about that as well Ciaron. I wasn't trying to draw attetion away from your topic.
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Re: Tsumiru-Enterprise-- Lunar: Fragments of the Past

Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »

Sonic# is potentially on the productive side now. :D Has anyone else here offered their services? I can't recall. Either way. It's a step forward. I hope this turns out great.

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Re: Tsumiru-Enterprise-- Lunar: Fragments of the Past

Post by Alunissage »

Semaj wrote:
Sonic# wrote:
I don't usually find it neccesary to capitilize my writing in posts. Oh and by the way, that's why spelling and grammer check were invented.
I don't care if you're perfectly correct (I'm not) in your use of language, but it does help if you capitalize properly. It's for clarity. Oh, and by the way, that's why spelling and grammar were invented. ;)
Yes, I can see where your coming from with that. I didn't mean to sound like a jerk with that comment. What I was trying to get at was that you shouldn't judge someone's writing capabilities from posts, it's something that should be drawn from a piece of thier writing they're passionate about.
What you sounded like was "I don't usually find it necessary for people to understand what I'm writing. That's why I don't bother even to use spellcheck." If you can't be bothered to write well in your posts, why should we ever care about reading something you're "passionate about"? You needn't spend hours polishing each post, but if you care at all whether or not people read your posts (and whether or not they think you're an idiot) then you should show that by making your posts readable. You're not doing yourself any favors by being lazy -- first, of course, people have no incentive to read your writing or give your ideas any weight, and second, because bad habits are hard to break. That's what Sonic# was saying, in part, when remarking on the atrocities in college-level English assignments. And, of course, the poor impression potential employers and the like will form if your writing is bad.

On the other hand, when you get used to checking over your work and correcting it, it becomes equally habitual to write competently. At least as far as spelling and basic grammar are concerned... in my experience good habits in those regards have not entirely deterred problems in excessive phrase convolution. ;)

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Re: Tsumiru-Enterprise-- Lunar: Fragments of the Past

Post by Semaj »

Thank you for the advice. I'll keep that in mind from now on.
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Re: Tsumiru-Enterprise-- Lunar: Fragments of the Past

Post by ciaron23 »

No need to apologize. :)
At any rate, any help from you guys would definitely be a step forward. I've been trying to work on some bromides for the hell of it, but I'm beginning to think I need a damned tablet, scanning them and trying to fix them on photoshop with a mouse is more work than it has to be.

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Re: Tsumiru-Enterprise-- Lunar: Fragments of the Past

Post by Benevolent_Ghaleon »


Should they make any of these characters like characters in previous Lunar titles? In physical likeness and behavior. I've heard complaints about the Lunar 2 characters seeming too much like the original Lunar characters in this regard, but Those 2 Lunar's are the most successful and Lunar DS didn't do that and it was awful. I never got to play MS so I can't judge that.

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Re: Tsumiru-Enterprise-- Lunar: Fragments of the Past

Post by Kizyr »

Lunar MS was very good in terms of characterization, and the different battle system made it easier to have a more novel set of skills for each of the characters. There was still the healer (Lena), but each character still had their own set of magic and combination magic that worked better or worse, depending on the set of enemies.

I'd say you still need at the core a healer, and someone offensive (physical strength, magic, combination of the two). Everything else, I think you can be flexible. KF
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Re: Tsumiru-Enterprise-- Lunar: Fragments of the Past

Post by Alunissage »

By the way, where is this video to which B_G refers?

BTW, B_G, while I don't recall the bookshelves in Dragon Song being readable or not readable, every house I checked (mostly on Caldor) had one thing in it that you could "look" at and get a comment. Different things, so it wasn't predictable. I started taking notes when playing it in English, but haven't gotten back to it in, um, a while.

Also, pretty much every NPC in that game had a name. I suppose one could follow that precedent and find some set of names (like the Biblical and Italian names in DS for the humans and beastmen respectively) to draw from for this project.

I wouldn't prioritize drawing the bromides over, well, anything. They're the least important by far, and certainly shouldn't be taking the time of the main/only developer at a time when there's actual work to be done by that person, while drawing them could be done by other artists and/or would be better done after the characters are established. Note that nearly all of the Lunar bromides reflected the specific personalities of the characters they depicted; they weren't generic.

Regarding characters, I haven't paid attention to the intended storyline here in a while, so I don't remember the details. But I think the strong-fighter-male lead has been done to death. I don't have any objection to that being one of the character types, but I'm sick of that being the lead.

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