First of all, if you are siding with anything that whack job Thompson says, I think you may need to re-evaluate yourself as a gamer. G1's thread atSpirit Icana wrote:Most video games are much more immersive than movies. I think I'll be sideing more with Jack Thompson if the Revolution succeeds at what it's trying to do, and game violence ensues without any barriers to protect young innocent minds.
Oh, and from the shows I've seen, G4 promotes violence. I wonder if have, or will soon be discussing the problems that concern violence in games. I think it's a much bigger problem than most seem or want to think.
pretty much lays it out that this dude needs to shut the hell up and go stick his head in an oven.
Secondly, most of us have already pretty much laid out the ground work that if parents take responsibility, and if the ESRB continues to do its job, that well oriented kids will not be going off to live real life GTA.
So I ask...what exactly are you saying?