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Atelier Iris

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2005 6:12 am
by love a riddle
Anyone play this game yet?

And here I though 2D games were dead. Thank goodness we have pretty 2D stuff still coming out.

The only thing that bugs me so far is that no matter how much I think I'm power-leveling, it's doing almost no good. That's beginning to piss me off... thank goodness for sidequests.

Oh, and I love the NPC Veola.

Okay, the other thing that bugs me a little is that I don't think the relationship between Klein and Lita was developed or written very well. But since most RPGs are like that with love interests, I'll let it pass.

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2005 7:32 am
by PrettyGirlJean
I'm trying to find this game for my fiance.... it's sold out everywhere :(

I don't know what it's about though ^^; I'm assuming an awesome RPG since he wants it so bad.