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Post by Shin Otaku III »

3D in the last few years has driven me absolutely crazy. Every single time I saw a movie preview and at the end it says “coming in 3D!” I’m that person who’s raging out loud at the theater about how much of a gimmick it is. The new Harry Potter movie is in 3D?? Like, wtf? Why?

Then, Nintendo announces its successor to the DS, the 3DS. A 3D handheld system? I nerd raged so hard that I saw red. Even the fact that no glasses were required, didn’t make up for what I perceived to be a pathetic attempt at following a fad. The world was going crazy: 3D enabled home TVs, Dish/Direct offering 3D channels, and Sony announcing 3D capable PS3 games (and the Move).

I completely didn’t understand. And believe me; I’ve seen 3D movies before. It was never really that big of a deal, and certainly not worth the $13-14 per ticket that it cost. So why then? Why is everyone going crazy for 3D?

I can tell you that the ranting continued until one thing happened: Nintendo announced that Ocarina of Time was being remade for the 3DS. I shut up immediately. I had to start looking at my bank account and figuring how badly Nintendo had just messed me up existentially (basically made my life a lie).

So I gave in. I got the stupid 3DS, and succumbed to the trend in shame. And guess what, my life got completely turned up.side.down.

I’ve posted a few things on here talking about game recommendations. Truthfully, it’s been really hard for me to get into anything aside from WoW the last 6-7 years or so. It was kind of depressing. I missed the old days of Lunar, Zelda, Smash Bros, and Pokemon. I’ve tried several of the newer games out there, but nothing was like it was in the old days. I assumed that maybe this was just because I was getting older and out growing video games. The 3DS showed me that I was dead wrong.

The first time I played the Face Time augmented reality game, I experienced a child-like joy that I thought was long gone. I felt the old rush of having fun and being a wide-eyed kid again. And this was a silly little shooter game. All you did was shoot at flying heads!! Somehow this added dimension to gaming took me by storm. This was no gimmick. It completely changed the gaming experience for me.

I can’t even begin to imagine what it’s going to be like adding this dimension to Ocarina of Time, which is close to being one of my favorite games of all time. And looking at the rest of the title line up, I squealed like a little fan girl:

Starfox 64
Mario Kart
Super Mario
Metal Gear Solid
Paper Mario

It’s like middle school all over again! Like, inb4 sh*tstorm of nostalgia! :D

For all of you that were like me, let me tell you again, this is no gimmick. The 3DS is well worth your time.

I’m counting down the days til Ocarina of Time comes out on the 19th. I’ll be sure to come back on here and let you guys know how it is! :)

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Re: 3DS

Post by AlexofBurg »

I'll definitely get one once Paper Mario, Super Mario, and Ocarina of Time come out.

My one outlandish wish is that the original Pokemon RBY and GSC come out for the 3ds virtual console with trading/battling capabilities. That would make me so ridiculously happy.

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Re: 3DS

Post by phyco126 »

I like 3D stuff. I don't think its a gimmick, though it is more of a nice little extra entertainment item to me. Not getting 3DS though, I don't think I could possibly hold it just perfectly to my face.

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Re: 3DS

Post by Kizyr »

It's about time someone recognized that the 3DO was the best system ever! It totally killed the competition in the 1990s hardware-wise -- if only they hadn't priced it at $700 at launch (which in today's dollars is equivalent to about $1050) then everyone would've recognized what a marvel of engineering it was. I mean, it was the first decent CD-based system ev--

--oh wait, 3DS. Never mind.

I'll hold out still, though. Everything 3D gives me a headache, so it'll have to wait 'til I can try it out for myself for a few hours, before I'd actually commit to getting the system. But still, this is about the best endorsement I've heard yet. KF
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Re: 3DS

Post by LuNaRtIc »

If they decide to bring Majora's Mask to the 3DS, then I'll cave and get one. :wink:
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Re: 3DS

Post by Imperial Knight »

Kizyr wrote: I mean, [3DO] was the first decent CD-based system ev--
But what about the TurboDuo? I mean, the Sega CD didn't even compare!!

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Re: 3DS

Post by Nobiyuki77 »

I have a 3DS. I enjoy Nintendogs and will pick up Zelda. Next year the 5th Layton game will come out in the states and make me a very happy person. ^_^ Saw a display of it in Japan last month, nearly picked up a Japanese 3DS just for that, I'm in love with the Professor Layton series. ^^

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Re: 3DS

Post by dairugger »

Kizyr wrote:It's about time someone recognized that the 3DO was the best system ever! It totally killed the competition in the 1990s hardware-wise -- if only they hadn't priced it at $700 at launch (which in today's dollars is equivalent to about $1050) then everyone would've recognized what a marvel of engineering it was. I mean, it was the first decent CD-based system ev--

--oh wait, 3DS. Never mind.

I'll hold out still, though. Everything 3D gives me a headache, so it'll have to wait 'til I can try it out for myself for a few hours, before I'd actually commit to getting the system. But still, this is about the best endorsement I've heard yet. KF
I know a couple 3ds owners who had little headaches when they first got it, none of them do anymore. I wonder if its like a muscle that hasnt been exercised, after using the 3d for awhile no more problems. then again theres the slider, when i first got mine i had the 3d slider almost off.
I love my 3ds, its like peering into my own personal world.

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Re: 3DS

Post by Shin Otaku III »

Kizyr wrote:I'll hold out still, though. Everything 3D gives me a headache, so it'll have to wait 'til I can try it out for myself for a few hours, before I'd actually commit to getting the system. But still, this is about the best endorsement I've heard yet. KF
Well I’m sure you’ve heard that there’s a scroll button on the 3DS that allows you to adjust the intensity of the 3D effect (or turn it completely off). If you turned the 3D off altogether, then I assume the only thing that may appeal to you would be the game titles they have lined up for the system.

I didn’t mean to endorse the 3DS as much as I did. It was more to show how the 3DS has changed my attitude towards 3D gaming and entertainment.
LuNaRtIc wrote:If they decide to bring Majora's Mask to the 3DS, then I'll cave and get one. :wink:
Haven’t heard if it’ll be on the 3DS, but they’re supposed to be releasing Majora’s Mask for the download store on the Wii. :)
Nobiyuki77 wrote: Next year the 5th Layton game will come out in the states and make me a very happy person. ^_^ Saw a display of it in Japan last month, nearly picked up a Japanese 3DS just for that, I'm in love with the Professor Layton series. ^^
Yes!! I love the Professor Layton games too! Also, even though I’m not familiar with the Ace Attorney series, did you see that they were releasing a combined game for the 3DS? I’m still pretty excited for that!! :D

Before I get into Ocarina of Time, I want to point out a couple of negatives to the 3DS: 1.) Does not have a slot for GBA games (was very sad about this) and 2.) 2-3 hours battery life if 3D is enabled.

Ocarina of Time:

This is the first 3D game that I’ve actually gotten for the 3DS. Let me begin by saying that I haven’t played Ocarina of Time in around 9-10 years. I got hit hard with some nostalgia lol.

What I like: First, the 3D. It really felt like I was in the game. My assumption about adding that dimension was accurate: it took the experience to a whole different level, and they did so much to make sure the 3D function wasn’t wasted! Second, is the controls, I loved how easy they were on the N64, and their translation to the 3DS was beautiful. Last, they stayed true to the original: there is some criticism out there that this was a straight remake, and that no content was added, but I would prefer to play the original. Plus, there’s an option to do the ‘master quest’ version from the gamecube remake.

What I didn’t like: I’d have to say my only complaint has been with the joystick first person and aim. I don’t mind using the gyro to move the 3DS and aim, however, sometimes I miss using the joystick, but it’s just too darn slow. Also, something I’m sort of neutral on is the angle issue that phyco brought up. Whenever I fight a boss or the game gets intense, I might not able to keep the 3DS at the right angle, and that will blur the screen a little. I’m neutral because this didn’t bother me as much as it might some people. And lowering the 3D effect to about half helped mitigate that issue.

Over all, I’d have to say that if Ocarina of Time had any value for you in your past, this is well worth your time and money. On the flipside, if you’re not a big fan of 3D, those issues I addressed would be too bothersome to you, or you just aren’t that big of a Zelda fan, then I suppose you could pass on this.

As for me, I’ve got thousands of hours I’m about to put into this game! :)


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Re: 3DS

Post by Alunissage »

I wasn't planning on getting the 3DS so soon, even for Ocarina (my favorite Zelda game save only the original) but the soundtrack offer expired last night at midnight, so I had to get it for that, which I did yesterday. The one game thing I collect with an intensity comparable to Lunar stuff is Zelda soundtracks, so...

Couldn't play it until this morning on my way to work, but did manage to get through the Deku Tree in that time. Below is largely copy/pasted from an email to my husband and sister about it. Should maybe note in passing that I have so much trouble with 3D that I'm still on my first playthrough of Majora's Mask, which I started in 2002. Fortunately, Ocarina doesn't seem to have the same problem for me, for some reason.

I'm really impressed with the port. Some issues with the 3D effect if my head got too far out of line, but mostly it was pretty easy to deal with, though aiming the slingshot at enemies on the ceiling (that were too far away to target) was sometimes difficult. I might get better at that; we'll see. Using the boomerang will probably be interesting.

Mainly I found that my left arm is now killing me from shoulder to elbow. I think I was pretty tense holding it, and future playing on BART (commuter train) should probably be with my bag on my lap or something else to provide support to my arm. Not clear on how to use some of the item slots but maybe it's just early, or else I'll need to check the manual. Sounds very good. Graphics are subtly improved, for the most part, with faces that were angular now being rounded -- though I liked Link's original resting expression better and don't feel the more "realistic" one quite fits as well. That's a strictly personal preference, though. It also seems that some of the prettier treatments of the items from the GC enhanced port haven't been kept; the heart container (I haven't seen any pieces yet) was not as well-shaped and sparkly, and the Kokiri Emerald is now smooth-surfaced, albeit still with octagonal edges, and a bit bluer. I wonder what the other two Spiritual Stones look like.

I like being able to go into "normal", floor-level view in the houses and shop; I think before it was always top-view.

I've had the 3D on about halfway, which has worked OK. I don't feel it being quite as immersive as Shin Otaku III found it to be, but possibly I would with the 3D being on all the way (but with the motion of BART I thought it'd be too hard to hold my head steadily in line with the screen). I did find it pretty immersive though; the textures of the trees as I went behind them were convincing rather than just, well, flat textures, and the vines to climb were definitely dimensional as well (even if Link wasn't grabbing onto them visibly). All in all, it seems a reasonable trade-off of smoother, more organic surfaces all around vs the original more blocky look with super-sparkly items of the GC port.

Dialogue seems about the same. I can think of only one change I actually noticed (besides the Know-It-All Brothers, which of course provide advice specific to the 3DS version): a sign saying House of the Twins instead of House of Twins. There are probably other minor changes like that, which I expect my sister will recognize faster than I will. I'm sure the guy who entreats you to sell him something "with C!" will say something slightly different as the item buttons are no longer C buttons, but come to think of it that would also have been the case in the GC version, and I don't remember what he says there.

I guess that's it for now. Oh, I do have a slight issue in that my thumb really wants Y to be the sword button instead of B. I'll get used to that though, I guess. I've saved just after returning to Kokiri Forest, so I haven't gotten the Ocarina yet.

ETA: Played a little bit more on a break and got the Ocarina. Nice that it doesn't need to take up an item slot now, as it has its own touchscreen button. The assigment of the buttons is kind of weird, though: L, R, X, Y, and A. That itself wouldn't be so odd except that that's the order of the pitches -- low to high, when the L and R buttons are the "top" buttons on the handheld and A is the lowest. I expect I'll get used to it, and it's definitely easier than the GC port was, but it's still a bit weird.

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Re: 3DS

Post by soup or man »

I bought one. I was gonna wait a while but I really wanted to play an updated version of Ocarina of Time; however, I bought the system 2 weeks ago, so I got Dead or Alive: Dimensions to hold me over, which is surprisingly good. I don't even use the 3D, though. I mean, I've checked it out and all but I prefer to just keep it off. It gives me a headache after a short while and it's not that impressive anyway.

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