So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

This board is for general discussion of Lunar. Especially things such as Lunar merchandise, general discussions about the story that span more than one game, etc.
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So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by LunarRaptor »

Yo, this place has been a bit slow lately. So, let's try to kick things off a bit with our stories of our discovery of this series. Yack it up.
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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Hirox »

Back in 5th grade I was over at my friends house and his brother just happend to be playing it and I was like what is this? He responded with Oh, Its a game called Lunar, its an rpg. I had never played and Rpg before and he was on disk 2 so he let me borrow the first disc. I became hooked and ended up buying my 1st copy from him.

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by DezoPenguin »

Nothing fancy here. I was in college and the proud owner of this shiny new SegaCD with very little to play on it, and when I walked into the game store, there it was (oooo, sparkly!), a new RPG on the shelf. So I bought it, and it was good. ^_^ Except for getting dead stuck in Iluk and having to start the whole game over because it never struck me (or, to be fair, the guy I was sharing an apartment with) that you were supposed to enter the balloon from the back. That part wasn't good.

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Nobiyuki77 »

Rented Lunar: The Silver Star from a place called "Video World" in California (it was the only place I could find that rented Sega CD games...) when I was a kid. I recognized the cover art from ads in magazines and thought "Why not?"

Best decision I've ever made. XD

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by phyco126 »

Best friend bought it, told me how awesome it was. Played the Boat Song over the phone, heard some in-game music as well. Even heard some of the magic casting voice overs. Then he brought it over one day when he was on leave and visiting family, and I feel in love. He let me borrow it and play it, and I feel more in love. Then he gave it to me. That's how.

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Katze »

My older brother bought SSSC back when it came out, and since he still lived with us then I saw him playing it. I thought it looked fun, so eventually I started my own game file and was hooked ever since. :)

Man, it's been awhile since I posted here.

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Guild_Premier_Ghaleon »

I rented it as well. Rented Silver Star Story Complete, and let's just say I had an outstanding rental fee. :P
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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by X-Calibar »

Hmm... Well Lunar SSSC was my first introduction to Lunar. I'm pretty sure I pre-ordered it. I know I got the big box with all the goodies lol But, I can't remember if I just saw it in the store, looked at it and said I HAVE TO GET THIS! Could have happened ... :P
Seems like a long time ago though...

I do know I never was spoiled beforehand about the storyline or about Ghaleon's true nature... I loved the humor of SSSC, and it was about the same time I was first learning about anime... Only took a couple days to beat it, but yep. Even after all this time it's still as classic as it was then!

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Alunissage »

A friend of mine, with whom I had played cards and boardgames (but not videogames) for a while, became my housemate and brought with him assorted game consoles, including a SegaCD. A friend of his had the endearing habit of buying a whole bunch of games, playing them once, and then passing them on to his friends, and my housemate got Lunar: The Silver Star that way. (Also Panzer Dragoon Saga, which I somehow ended up with.) I was unenthused at first after having seen him play some of Phantasy Star II (?) now and again and concluding that it was a very boring type of game -- somehow I only seemed to see him play it when he was doing boring levelling up or stuff like that -- but I watched it anyway and started developing an interest. I think it was the White Dragon Cave music that really made me notice that there were some really nice things about it, and I got to liking the characters as well.

I didn't learn about Eternal Blue until after SSSC came out, though. The thing with having games come to you rather than you going out and buying games and/or reading about them is that you only know about the ones that show up, and my housemate's friend had moved on to other systems by the time EB came out. It's weird for me to realize that I could have played EB right after TSS, since we played TSS around 1995, but oh well. We also got Vay from that friend, and those two were the only RPGs I played until 1999, because I didn't know there were other games like that out there.

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by CatsWithMatches »

I rented TSS back in 1995 three weekends in a row, and the rest is history. :)

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by exigence »

I saw the ad for sssc in a very old E3 issues of EMG that i got from my friend, I read and reread that ad wishing i could get that game but it was before i had ebay and to late after its release to find it in stores.

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by LunarRaptor »

Hey, thanks for the replies, everyone.

Well, my story is, unfortunately, much later than that. I only just discovered Lunar a few years ago via Lunar Legends. I found out more about it through the via and the wonderful world of eBay to buy old copies of the 'Compete' remakes (I have a PSX, so its all good). So, now I'm hooked.
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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Sonic# »

It started when I got my PS and played my first RPG by myself. Legend of Legaia. I'd gotten the taste for it. I may've played Brave Fencer Musashi around this time as well, but I'm not sure.

Then I saw it in magazine advertisements. Lunar: SSSC. The first time was before its release. Like I thought that Neon Genesis Evangelion was a video game, I thought that Lunar was an anime. But then I saw the second ad.

I didn't get video game magazines often. Even at that point, I could find out quite a bit online, and I didn't have much money to splurge anyhow, so I'd rather save it up for a $20 game.

I ended up seeing an ad in the Video Game Buyer's Guide for... 1999 or 2000. It was no longer going to be made after New Years. Gasp! What's Ebay? So I asked for it for Christmas and forgot. If I hadn't gotten it, I probably wouldn't have played it, or at best, would have played the Fan Art edition or Lunar Legends.

But I did get it. I played it. I was hooked. :D

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Dark_Fairy »

I'm not going to go into the long, complicated version since I don't have the time (since I'm at school). I was basically just looking for a new PSX game when my mom said, "why not this"?

It was Lunar 2 EBC. Brand new and everything. Since I loved anime and stuff, I had to get it. There was some stuff before I got EBC, but its kind of a long story. ^^'

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Alunissage »

Heh, Sonic, I got Legend of Legaia only because I'd heard that a PS version of Lunar was out and it wasn't in the store and I wanted SOMETHING to play. I loved it, and really want to play it again. I've probably listened to Legaia's soundtrack more than that of any other game.

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by kyle1992 »

one of my friends gave me SSSC because he couldn't run it on a PS1 so he got a PS2(fortunatly i got a PS2 and played it,then i got EBC) now we trade here and there.....
and thats about the short story side of it.
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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by MiaOne »

Good story. Third Grade (or Fourth, but I think it was Third) my brother was visiting home from college and I had a loose tooth. I had been begging him to let me play his snazzy new Sega CD but being a brother he wouldn't let me. So I bargained with him...he could pull the loose tooth right out of my mouth and I'd get the Sega CD with all his games for the summer. Lunar: The Silver Star was included in his collection and it called my name when I first saw it...I'm pretty sure.

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by Imperial Knight »

I believe the first time I ever heard of Lunar was around the time Eternal Blue came out on Sega CD. I saw some ads and a review for it in GamePlayers magazine. I was somewhat interested simply because I was (and am) a fan of the RPG genre, but I didn't really pay it too much heed since I didn't have a Sega CD (or even a Genesis for that matter).

It wasn't until quite a bit later that I actually tried the series. I had a friend who told me about the Playstation remakes and convinced me that I had to give it a shot.

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by さおり »

Lunar 2 Eternal Blue Complete was one of my first few batches of PS1 games. When I buy games, I tend to buy about 6 of them in one go. I think my first game was Wild Arms and from then on, I had a fondness in me for RPGs with good cover art xD;

When I saw Lunar 2, I just had to get it. After playing, I was really hooked on it because the voice overs and animation scenes were really cool. I only managed to play and complete Silver Star Story Complete a year ago but still-- The series is one of my favorites > u <

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Re: So, how did everyone discover Lunar?

Post by LuNaRtIc »

Back when I was 8 or 9, my older brother bought a Playstation and with it he purchased his first Playstation game; Lunar Silver Star Story Complete.

So I watched him play it and was blown away because we had never played a game before with anime cut scenes or voice acting. And as a kid, being exposed to a story line as magical and fairytale like as Lunar, I latched on to it pretty quick. I still have fond memories of my brother (who ironically is named Kyle :wink: ) calling me and my other siblings into the room to watch the opening cinematics. As we got older, Kyle was losing interest in video games as I was only getting more interested in them. One day I picked up Lunar and it has been love ever since. :D
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