Nice knowing you, America.

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Werefrog »

Ruby wrote: I'm fairly certain someone probably said the same thing to Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King Jr., and Ghandi at one point or another. Aren't you glad they didn't just move away?
Well, yes, but those people cared about the liberty of others. You said yourself you only care about your own liberty. I know Objectivists have deluded themselves into believing that being selfish is good, but it's not.

I'm not going to argue any of the other points because frankly it's not worth my time. You're set in your ways. I'm set in my ways. Nothing's going to be resolved, so why bother? If that means letting you have the "last word," so be it.

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Aaron »

Jenner wrote:Firstly, Liberals didn't start arming themselves and forming militias against Bush. We complained and pointed out how much rubbish everything he was doing was. We spoke out, we protested. We never showed up in DC with a gun and argued with secret service. This is completely different. This manner of behavior is way more hostile than even the most insane lefties dared to tread.

Another difference is that almost every media and news source in America repeated the lies and falsehoods that were spread and repeated by the Bush Administration even when evidence to the contrary was available and more solid than the party line they fed us. Almost every media source is going to great lengths now, to spread every lie and falsehood there is about everything the Obama administration is doing. Using every little thing that happens to take up a whole news day talking about that minor distraction instead of serious issues on days he does not make a mistake.

I love the freedoms America grants us, I love the ideal of what America is meant to be, I love the concept of liberty, equality and choice. I love the ability to, at least in some small way, have a say in who is in charge and what is and isn't legal.

But, if it's unpatriotic to save my ass when a bunch of misinformed, angry, gun-toting, unemployed and resentful folks just looking for anything to vent their frustrations finally get enough people together and enough fear and alcohol pumped into them to start rampaging across the country side. Well then, I guess I do, in fact, hate America.

It's more about knowing I can leave if everything turns to -Dragon Diamond- like it's looking like it will than being trapped here when it happens.
I'd rather be a refugee.

I have no illusions of America being some fragile little teapot that'll shatter the moment it's rattled a bit. I don't plan to bail just because there's a threat. But I do however, being a timid, privileged whiny little white -Borgan-, want to know I'm be able to get out if these militias actually do get worked up enough to go on a rampage and are actually affective.

I can't help but think that that's what the conservatives want to happen. They want to invoke massive rioting and try to start a second civil war under the Obama administration. Because the conservatives have lost all their support and painted themselves into a corner and that's all they got, is the wingnuts supporting them.

Sigh... I don't want it to happen. I am sure, in the past, it's gotten like this before and it's never happened. But this is RACIALLY CHARGED, it makes me nervous and I don't want to die.

Ahh Jenner Jenner Jenner...What do you and the man who crashed his plane into the IRS building have in common?

Please read his goodbye note: ... tack1.html

I would like to point out that it was probably a LIBERAL not a conservative who did this.

Also remember that school shooting a couple of weeks ago? It was a liberal female professor.

Remind me to be afraid of people like you. Cause, your kind just validates anyone who criticizes you.

I hope you actually learn something in "college".

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Werefrog »

Aaron wrote: I hope you actually learn something in "college".
Your mom goes to college.

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Old_School »

These militia groups you speak of are so small that they could pose no threat to the US government. If they tried to rise up, the military would quickly smack them down like flies. Also, their goals do not involve shooting random people in the first place.

Too many people try to be in complete uniform with their political affiliation. Since both sides are right and wrong on some things, that just doesn't work. For example, I'm concerned about the environment and hate seeing too much deforestation (liberal view), yet I also shake my head at the liberals who say America was founded on athiest principles and that all Christian references -- even something like the pledge of allegiance -- should be removed from anything with a government dollar in it (conservative view).

It's outright funny how both sides call each other "brain washed." All of us have views that have been instilled from somewhere, it's just a matter of where that is. Many conservatives gained their views from their family and religion. Many liberals gain their ideas from colleges with ultra-leftist professors and from different forms of media (television, movies, etc). My point, being that both sides indoctrinate.

Here's an amusing video about college students:

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Ruby »

Necrothread much, boys?

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Alunissage »


Oh, it's just you, Ruby. If a necrothread brings you out of hiding, that makes you a...ghoul?

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by Werefrog »

Ruby wrote:Necrothread much, boys?
I have no interest in reviving this thread. I'm no necromancer.

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Re: Nice knowing you, America.

Post by GhaleonOne »

Ruby wrote:Necrothread much, boys?
No joke. Why in the hell would you revive an 8-month old flamewar Aaron? I mean really, it was done and dusted. Topic locked.


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