Thread derailment

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Thread derailment

Post by TempestOne »

"You're creepy."

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Re: Eternal Blue strategy guide from a GamePro scans

Post by Temzin »

Alun, one day I will find someone who loves Sieg/Phantom and his wicked gunslinging as much as I do! Growing up, I thought he was the coolest character outside of Ghaleon. It's an odd appearance, but I like having the Star Dragon in the story earlier so that the Epilogue feels like a resolution to the mystery and doesn't feel like such a dungeon slog through a lonely world now barren of story events.
TempestOne wrote:"You're creepy."
Huh? Didn't I see you pledging in another thread to put an end to these socially awkward and/or antagonistic posts? You're in luck---it's New Year's resolution season.

Anyway, regarding this "research," I have little direct experience of the US game market, but the fear of things getting cut appears to be largely irrelevant and has been so by and large since at least a decade ago. This is a good thing.
aka Maou


Re: Eternal Blue strategy guide from a GamePro scans

Post by TempestOne »

Hi, have we met? I see you have interjected. Between me and you, I have no idea what you're talking about because that's a quote that summed up my feelings on the matter. It's from Arc the Lad II, a game I just finished playing. 8-)

(And let's stop here with the passive-aggressive quote-leaving and calling other posters creepy. ~ S#)


Re: Eternal Blue strategy guide from a GamePro scans

Post by TempestOne »

I loved everything about LUNAR Eternal Blue when I got to finally play it. Seeing those scans is great because if there was a way for me to get some really upscale type of almost factory-sealed SEGA-CD, I'd play LUNAR Eternal Blue over and over. No offense to the more computer-literate, technical people but I for some reason don't like emulators or the thought of not using the official console. Finally being able to experience old-school LUNAR really made my life, even.

I don't think anyone can truly understand how I'm feeling about it at this moment because of this dang tablet but to even be able to muse about it makes me want to breathe life into everything I can be able to imagine. I want to bring back my account I shut down because the gamers there hated my humor/guts for no reason at all. I just want to be the best gamer I can be.

It's always been a type of holy grail for me, not even knowing it, ever since I was young and it's an experience I will always treasure. If Alunissage and Sonic#, Shiva Indis and Alis want to hate on me still by all means do so but this has been a lifelong achievement and now that I honestly think about it, I think I can die laughing happy knowing that I finally managed to make reality of a dream I've had ever since I was a young boy/man. I have no flippin' idea why everywhere I go there's so much negativity when all I really want to do is have fun. Color me confused.

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Re: Eternal Blue strategy guide from a GamePro scans

Post by Sonic# »

If Alunissage and Sonic#, Shiva Indis and Alis want to hate on me still by all means do so but this has been a lifelong achievement and now that I honestly think about it, I think I can die laughing happy knowing that I finally managed to make reality of a dream I've had ever since I was a young boy/man.
I have seen no hate. I've only seen factual corrections in this thread. Alunissage uttered no insults. Nor did she call you creepy, something you did to her. When Temzin called you out on that, you pretended it wasn't his business. When I responded, I merely referred to what you said. Alunissage did not even respond to the accusation. You were the primary one disrupting the thread.

The same has been true in other threads. We discuss, clarify, and sometimes correct one another. In response, you call us out for "hate." You derail threads like this one. And when I've done my job as an admin to ensure a thread is not derailed, you have made accusations against me, making my job harder. You were even warned earlier in this thread. Don't derail threads with your social anxieties.

If your lifelong dream cannot take someone saying, "That fact you said is incorrect" from time to time, you are too sensitive for many ordinary conversations, including those we're having here. I hope you take some time to think about that before posting again. Meanwhile, I'm going to split the offending posts so this thread isn't marred by them and leave it up so people aren't confused about what happened. Anyone affected, feel free to repost the part of your response that wasn't a derailment.

TempestOne, because this has happened several times and you've been warned, I am issuing a short temporary ban. Don't derail another thread.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

"Just as you touch the energy of every life form you meet, so, too, will will their energy strengthen you. Fail to live up to your potential, and you will never win. " --- The Old Man at the End of Time


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