Anyone Playing to see Spider-Man 3? (Possibly small spoiler)

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Anyone Playing to see Spider-Man 3? (Possibly small spoiler)

Post by Werefrog »

If you plan to see Spider-Man 3, don't. My friends and I went tonight. It was pretty bad. The movie lacked unity in the plot. The plot felt like it was an afterthought. I was afraid that this would happen when I heard there would be several villians. Another problem was that there were some horrible attempts at comic relief (imagine the Rain Drops Keep Falling montage X 1,000,000) I also didn't like some of the camera work (lacked any style).

(Next part is the possible spoiler)

On the plus side, Topher Grace made an amazing (not to mention surprising) Venom. Really, it's a shame that they didn't give the character the role of the main villian.

There was a lot of potential here. Too bad it was wasted. For those of you who have seen it, I'd like to know what you think.

Edit: Err... Planning to see is how the title should read. I think it was 2:00 am after I wrote that... so I have an excuse.
Last edited by Werefrog on Mon May 07, 2007 5:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Alex_Pwns_Hiro »

i dont know man, i thought it was cool. but i do agree that venom should have had a bigger role in the movie, other then that i thought it was great.

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Post by Angelalex242 »

I think Mr. Parker made many, MANY stupid decisions before he even put the black suit on. Much of his objectionable behavior came before he put the suit on.

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Post by Asmodean »

I'm in love with Eddie.

I caught a blooper when I saw it!

Mary Jane's Voicemail changes!

I liked it. I went in to see it, and I was happy with it.

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Post by DeathBeforeDenial »

It's a good movie, a far superior third movie to say, X-Men The Last Stand (Which I also enjoyed), grab some friends and check it out.

The big flaw was some predicatable moments in the middle and end (When you see it you will know what I'm talking about).

In the beginning there were some great moments that really surprise you, and I thought much of the story was handled very well, no glaring plotholes that I really noticed. There's a lot of tension between MJ and Peter which I know some people did not like, I thought it further humanized Peter's struggles with being a superhero, and was a great catalyst for certain decisions he later made a la symbiot.

If you go into it with an open mind and are prepared to enjoy a movie rather than preparing yourself to tear it down you will walk out of the theater satisfied. The worst thing you can do to this movie is walking in being an uber-critic expecting to tear it down before you even see it.
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Post by Werefrog »

Eh, I disagree with it being a good movie. Maybe I was being a little harsh on it before. But the best I can say was that it was decent. I just seemed like so much of the story was tacked on.

Also, I really did go into it with an open-mind. I was actually looking forward to it.

I'm still hoping that there is a Venom spin-off movie though. That'd be pretty cool

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Post by Bravo 29 »

Hmm, I'm planning to go see it next week when I'm on vacation in Pennsylvania, so I can take a friend down there along with me. At least I'm planning to, anyway. If not, I'll definitely see it when I come back home. I can hardly wait.

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Post by Werefrog »

I shouldn't be discouraging people honestly. At least try to see it at the matinee price.

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Post by Kizyr »

Well, it was ok...

I thought the Venom arc was done well enough, and given enough prominence in the film. What they could've done away with was the Sandman part; it would've left a lot more room in the movie to focus on other things without seemingly diverging from the main plot.

When Peter Parker went to emo, and then to jerk, that got almost painful to watch. I mean I even like a good amount of absurdity, but once he popped his collar and started dancing in front of the clothing store, I was thinking it had to end quick.

But, besides that, I still thought it was good. I enjoyed it even given those few down-sides. KF
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Post by Werefrog »

Kizyr wrote: When Peter Parker went to emo, and then to jerk, that got almost painful to watch. I mean I even like a good amount of absurdity, but once he popped his collar and started dancing in front of the clothing store, I was thinking it had to end quick.
Yeah, that's when the movie totally lost me. It was all right until that point. Then there was the piano scene after that. Blah. My expectations were just too high. If this had been the Fantastic Four 2, I would have enjoyed. But come on! This was Spider-Man 3!

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Post by Sonic# »

I mostly liked it, but preferred the first two.

My main criticism of the movie, and it may've been the theater, is that the volume was well too loud. So the music filled out too much of the movie for me, instead of being in the background. I ended up leaving with a good headache.

That and a few parts that were overly cheesy. Running in front of a huge, clearly placed American flag, for one. I don't mind symbolism like that, but I like it to, well, slap me in the face a little less.
What they could've done away with was the Sandman part; it would've left a lot more room in the movie to focus on other things without seemingly diverging from the main plot.

I was conflicted about Sandman. The movie was focused on revenge, both in Peter and others. He was forgiven by Spiderman for making his bad choices, showing how he had learned to let it go, a moment when he again is able to see villains as people.

But then again, that was happening all through that last part! He tries to save snooty photographer guy from Venom, he tries to work things out with Harry, he is able to forgive himself finally for hitting MJ. I like Sandman as a character, he was supplementary, but I can see where he's extraneous too.

It is a change, to have it for once where a villain doesn't die or reform and then die soon after. In that sense, he was good.

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Post by DeathBeforeDenial »

I enjoyed Sandman's place in the films, it was very important for Peter to come full circle with the man who killed his uncle, from finding out it was him, to thinking he had killed Sandman, to finally being able to forgive himself for not being there, and forgiving the man responsible, that was the most important arc of the film as far as I was concerned, Venom was really just fanservice in this one, I mean really Venom could have had his own movie in the 4th installment (As was my assumption prior to seeing the film).

The big plus for me was that Raimi put together a film that carried some emotion to it (Moreso than previous installments) it added more depth to the characters and allowed different dynamics for their interactions with one another. Really the only single scene I could have done without was the over-the-top Jazz Club scene. The suave/aggressive Parker montage I thought was great and allowed for something new, I mean why not show us what the Symbiote was doing to him, and give it to us in a way we can chuckle at.

The major thing I wish they could have reconsidered was the use of 3, count em 3 villains in one movie. That was just too much. Venom could have been totally ignored and saved for the next movie but they had to pidgeonhole him into an improbable and/or ridiculous rebirth for the next movie.
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Post by Brian »

I wasn't all that impressed with Spidey's latest flick. I was expecting more action and there was way too much romance; But I do understand that the romance between Peter & MJ is a vital part of the story. Its probably just me, but I also noticed that this didn't hardly stick to the comics either (I'll keep those sentiments quiet for the sake of people that haven't seen it)

Anyhoo, I just feel it could have been so much better.

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Post by Ozone »

Spider-man 3 was just plain bad. I saw it the first day it was out. The only saving graces of that movie were Topher Grace (no pun intended) who played Eddie Brock and the guy who played Sandman.

I liked what I saw visually, but the rest was insanely un-fulfilling.

PS - I'm still pissed that they didn't have Gwenn Stacy in the first flick and kill her off the way she was killed in the comics.
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Post by GhaleonOne »

Dude, Topher Grace is awesome. I about cracked up when he went "What the hell?", almost in similiar tone to Eric Forman's "What the hell?" He played the part well though.

I'm with most people. I liked the movie, but think the previous movies were probably better. Especially the second one. The second movie was very well done, and had you on the edge of your seat from emotion. And I'm not even a huge Spidey fan.

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Post by Werefrog »

GhaleonOne wrote:Dude, Topher Grace is awesome. I about cracked up when he went "What the hell?", almost in similiar tone to Eric Forman's "What the hell?"
I didn't notice that myself. However, when Black-Suit Spidey destroyed Eddie's camera, I had to whisper to a friend in my best Red Foreman voice, "Dumbass!" Yes, I know: it's rude to talk in movie theaters. But what can I say... I grew up on Mystery Science Theater 3000.

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