Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing?

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Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing?

Post by PrettyGirlJean »

Hi everyone! Hope you're all doing well!

I always have a lot of Lunar Art projects floating around and one that I've been really wanting to revisit is my Lunar chibi group pic. I'm going to re-ink it (along with actually finishing the coloring :P ), but now that I'm a lot more proficient in PS, I'd like to add characters that are missing. I'm going to add the Magic School and Dragon Song characters, but I know that I'm missing some characters from TSS and EB. For instance, while I did include Nall, I didn't draw him in his human form. Likewise, for Luna, I drew her human form and kinda squished in a Dark Althena (which will be redrawn and visible! lol), but there isn't a Goddess Althena. I also have the Blue and Black Dragon, but not the "insane" Black Dragon.

Below is the drawing. If you don't mind, please help me create a list of characters to be included. Thanks so much and take care!

Last edited by PrettyGirlJean on Sat Mar 15, 2014 9:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing

Post by Sonic# »

Initial thoughts, and apologies if I miss anything - it's so intricate and awesome! I'm only going to mention people with character images.

Do you want to do both Ramuses? You have one.

What about Quark?
Miria Ausa, Lemina's mom.
Giban - the leader of the caravan.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing

Post by drumlord »

Tempest and Fresca.

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing

Post by Sonic# »

drumlord wrote:Tempest and Fresca.
Top middle. It took me a bit to find them though. I like that they look abashed by everyone else's goofiness - they were always comparatively serious.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing

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How about adding the new guys from dragon song or magic school? Also who is the person alex and hero are attacting? I love the pic it would be awes ome to have this fit my widescreen so I could make it my PC wallpaper.

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing

Post by Kizyr »

I have a character list that I put together for the Lunar-themed soccer simulator I was programming a while back (er, if you're wondering, the program is complete but I haven't had time to calibrate it lately -- it keeps coming up with lopsided scores like 30-to-2). I tried to include every single named character in the entire series.

For reference, SS is The Silver Star / Silver Star Story, EB is Eternal Blue / Eternal Blue Complete, MS is Magical School Lunar (and Walking School for some, technically), DS is Dragon Song, Manga is from one of the manga, and History means that the character doesn't appear in a game, but is referenced somewhere as a historical figure. KF

Code: Select all

Character               Game
----------------------  --------
Alex                    SS
Kyle                    SS
Jessica                 SS
Nash                    SS
Mia                     SS
Tempest                 SS
Fresca                  SS
Dyne                    SS
Mel                     SS
Ghaleon                 SS
Hiro                    EB
Lucia                   EB
Ronfar                  EB
Jean                    EB
Lemina                  EB
Leo                     EB
Mystere                 EB
Nall                    EB
Lunn                    EB
Borgan                  EB
Luna                    SS
Phacia                  SS
Royce                   SS
Xenobia                 SS
Star Dragon             EB
Zophar                  EB
Ellie                   MS
Lena                    MS
Senia                   MS
Wing                    MS
Blade                   MS
Azu                     MS
Iason                   MS
Memphis                 MS
Barua                   MS
Minotaurus              MS
Jian                    DS
Gabryel                 DS
Rufus                   DS
Zethos                  DS
Gideon                  DS
Ignatius                DS
Latona                  Manga
Althena                 Various
Dragonmaster Alicia     History
Dragonmaster Laticia    History
Dragonmaster Leon       History
Dragonmaster Loka       History
Dragonmaster Louie      History
Dragonmaster Natto      History
Ramus                   SS
Lemia                   SS
Myght                   SS
Taben                   SS
Quark                   SS
Amelia                  SS
Cyan                    SS
Rubeus                  SS
Dragon Angel One        SS
Dragon Angel Two        SS
Ruby                    EB
Gwyn                    EB
Giban                   EB
Mauri                   EB
Fake Althena            EB
Ant                     MS
Kule                    MS
Rick                    MS
D                       MS
Lucia Collins           DS
Flora                   DS
Peres                   DS
Jude                    DS
Leoncavallo             DS
Titus Loren             DS
Morris                  Manga
Rouj                    Manga
Tagak                   Manga
Zyne                    Manga
Guildmistress Nia       Manga
Damon                   SS
Shira                   SS
Glumm                   SS
Noah                    SS
Thalia                  SS
Lily                    SS
Brett                   SS
Dross                   SS
Zoc                     SS
Hispaniola Captain      SS
Thieves Guildmaster     SS
Ramus Jr.               EB
Ramus Sr.               EB
Miria                   EB
Balse                   EB
Porom                   EB
Jamil                   EB
Romeo                   EB
Julia                   EB
Silky                   EB
Glen                    MS
Steel                   MS
Alba                    MS
Brown                   MS
Brune                   MS
Court                   MS
Dadis                   MS
Eleonora                MS
Emma                    MS
Henner                  MS
Hyde                    MS
Layla                   MS
Ralph                   MS
Richter                 MS
Stella                  MS
Terena                  MS
Gad                     DS
Alice                   Manga
~Kizyr (they|them)

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing

Post by Alunissage »

Hi there! Good to see you. ^_^

I'm not very good with chibi-style drawings... I finally realized the "heed my commands" person was Taben, but am still unclear on who/what it is Alex and Hiro are pounding. Best I've got is chicken suit Nash...?

Drat. I started this reply last night and was interrupted by the arrival of a cat on my lap and didn't get back to it and have now forgotten what I was going to say.

Right. Zophar? Fake Althena? A red-robed version of Lucia? Karate Jean? Alex's parents? Though I suppose the only non-sprite art we have of them is one still of his mother hugging Luna in Lunar Legend.

Heh, now that I'm trying to post this I see that Kizyr's done what I was too lazy to do and posted a list of all of the characters. Oh well.

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing

Post by PrettyGirlJean »

It's good to be posting here again. I hope to be sharing at least a few Lunar fanart pieces this year :D

Thanks for the responses everyone, I knew I could count on you guys to help me out! Really great suggestions so far! Also, thanks for the list Kiz! :D

Since this was done on 8.5x11in cardstock there are some characters I had to squished in at the top (Tempest and Fresca)...and then Dark Althena with the Magic Emperor stating his heed my command from TSS haha - Zophar is who Alex and Hiro are beating on :D

I don't mind adding in side characters too. Anyone you guys feel is important to the games or stood out :)

I'm also open to Lunar ideas/requests in general, it's just that I don't work on art as much these days so there is usually a really long wait time between the request and when I finish...sometimes (cringe) years ^^;

Thanks again everyone! I'll be working on an updated sketch in the coming weeks and will be sure to share once I have some nice progress on it. I will try to make it available as a desktop image for anyone that may be interested ^_^b Until next time, take care everyone!

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing

Post by jay_are »

This is a really fun picture!!
At first it didnt seem like there were TOO many characters, but then you realize there are hidden ones, so that was fun!

Luna and Lucia look familiar... where have I seen that same pose before?

Also, really?? That is Zophar which Alex and Hiro are attacking?
Can I see what you used as a reference? I'm beyond puzzled as to how that can be Zophar.
It looks like you have drawn a blonde haired human in what seems to be a blue suit. I can't figure out what those two... large brown things are supposed to be, which Ruby is burning.

Zophar's skin is like in between grey and light blue :P
And his hair is dark blue. And his suit is ... a complex looking combination of things x)

I also can't figure out what it is in between Laike and Gwyn. A music tower thingy? Man I'm gonna feel dumb if this is more obvious... oh wait.................... that's not Althena's Fortress is it? wow XD Still finding hidden things.

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing

Post by PrettyGirlJean »

For Luna and Lucia, I suppose it's not a terribly original pose. I didn't use any reference, I just wanted them to have their arms around each other singing :)

For Zophar, I used reference from the artbooks and game screens. Here's one for example: ... UE_251.jpg What looks like blonde hair is actually his golden head piece. His blue hair is there, but there are a lot of things hard to make out in this because the coloring is incomplete. The brown things are wings which down the line would've been transparent as they are in Zophar's design. A lot of the colors are just base colors, some of which I think I may have "picked" from game screens and/or other artwork available online. It's still a WIP for sure.

Gwynn is pushing along the 3 heroes with his cane. And you are right, that is Althena's Fortress in the back. I regret that this is probably the most difficult part of the image to make out because it's so dark. When I update this, that will definitely be fixed. On some computers I imagine you can't even see the Magic Emperor's silhouette. :p

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing

Post by Alunissage »

I just realized that Jean is doing the Butterfly Dance. :) I love your details, Danni.

What about slipping in Dyne? Though then you'd have to decide between the TSS version (with facial hair) and the SSS version (clean-shaven). Oh, and I just remembered Damon. Though again the lack of a reference may be a problem.

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing

Post by PrettyGirlJean »

Thanks, Alun! I really wanted to have them doing something cute or funny, or at least somewhat in character :D I hope to do my best with the added characters when the time comes.

Once you mentioned Dyne, I immediately got an idea, so I think it's do-able to have both versions you mentioned included :D For Damon, I'll take some artistic liberties based off of his sprite. Maybe I can come up with a few character design concepts and I'll leave it up to a vote here :)

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing

Post by PrettyGirlJean »

Hello again Everyone,

So, I've been brainstorming the last couple of days over my drawing and I was wondering if instead of adding all of the characters missing, if I should just start from scratch and do a Good Guys vs. Bad Guys type of drawing where the characters will be moving towards the middle (each other) from either side of the drawing... what do you guys think? I suppose I could do both in the end. But I was still curious what you guys would think. I've set up a poll but feel free to also post your thoughts as well.

If I continue with what I have. It'll definitely be a chibi drawing. More than likely a new one would also be a chibi version of the characters, but I have been throwing around the idea of them looking "normal" size too.

In the meantime, I'll be adding characters to what I have. But again, I was curious what you guys think.

Thanks and take care!

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing

Post by Sonic# »

I like the idea of eventually doing both.

The good/evil pic poses one difficulty I would notice. What do you do about characters who are good and evil at different times (like Phacia, later Ghaleon, Mauri)? For that reason, I like the idea of an ensemble better, even though I could like both.

"Than seyde Merlion, "Whethir lyke ye bettir the swerde othir the scawberde?" "I lyke bettir the swerde," seyde Arthure. "Ye ar the more unwyse, for the scawberde ys worth ten of the swerde; for whyles ye have the scawberde uppon you, ye shall lose no blood, be ye never so sore wounded. Therefore kepe well the scawberde allweyes with you." --- Le Morte Darthur, Sir Thomas Malory

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing

Post by PrettyGirlJean »

You're right, some characters could be difficult. But for instance, with Ghaleon, I would likely put his Premiere and Magic Emperor versions on the "evil" side, while anything before or after that I would put on the side of "good". Even though he seems to start out as a villain in EB. I feel that his resurrected version should still be on the side of good. I think I could do the same with Phacia, showing her in the clothes at the Goddess Shrine to represent the good version and then the Vile Tribe for the bad. Then with Mauri, it would be a matter of trying to make her look cursed since she doesn't really change her clothes like the others.

Having said all of that though, I worked for a few hours on the ensemble version. So far, it now includes Karate Jean, Lucia (in Red), Memphis, Barua, D, and Zyne. It'll take me a bit to figure out what I want to do with the characters since some of them I need a refresher on their stories. I'm not quite as familiar with Magic/Walking School as the other games. It's been a lot of fun so far though, it's been a while since I've read through my Lunar Vheen manga.

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing

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How about human ruby from theart book or Alice from the childhood end manga?

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing?

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Did the new art ever get posted?

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Re: Redrawing Lunar Group pic - Which characters are missing?

Post by Maus »

I don't really have a lot to add to the discussion, but I wanted to tell you how awesome I think your drawing is. You are obviously incredibly talented and it's amazing to see those talents put to a good use :)

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